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People I hate


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People you drive 3 miles behind the car infront yet slam on their brakes the whole fucking time..die

People who dont hold the fucking door for you when you are right behind them...gonna start slaming heads through doors, then I will say thank you..

Fuckos who when I hold the door for them cant mumble outta their fat lips the words thank you....they deserve their head through the door also

Ass-hammers (stymie) who clang the 30 lb dumbells together loud enough so I can hear them over my headphones...they deserve a firm smack.


wow, lay off the sauce kid...

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People that are so fucking slow using the ATM....First they try to take out money, but they dont have enough, then they need to check their balance, then they finally take out the money...........i always ask them if they are opening up a fucking mortgage on the ATM.


People who use the fucking white headphones on the IPOD. Yes, we know you have an IPOD, I do too, but you can use other headphones with it, the white ones look gay and are shitty quality.


Anyone with a bazooka tube

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I hate:


people who chew with their mouth open

people who smoke

people who slurp their soup, cereal, drinks

yuckie people

"I hate Asians" Thats a pretty ignorant statement generalizing the whole race like that. Whats your beef with Asians, and I'm not talking about the fresh off the boat ones who can't drive or speak clearly for the life of them, Bla bla bla everyone already knows about the stereotypical FOB's, I'm talking about the normal ones who are from here.

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"I hate Asians" Thats a pretty ignorant statement generalizing the whole race like that. Whats your beef with Asians, and I'm not talking about the fresh off the boat ones who can't drive or speak clearly for the life of them, Bla bla bla everyone already knows about the stereotypical FOB's, I'm talking about the normal ones who are from here.

...I thought if you hate Asians you hate everyone from Asia...I mean that would cover a lot more....a better blanket of hatred if you will.....maybe she should specify chinese, japanese, koreans, etc....

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stupid people

lazy co-workers

people with bad tempers

rich people who waste their money

[well, i don't hate the following people 'cause i love them, but i hate these things they do:]

people who can't say, "i love you"

people who need to be intoxicated in order to show affection

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for me its:

ppl with out any manners... ppl who eat with their mouth open or chew gum like cows... ppl who cough with out covering theyre mouth... ppl who sneeze and or yawn and make excessively loud and unneccessary noises... ppl who eat in my car and or abuse it (by slamming doors and trunk, flicking vents, adjusting the sound levels etc.), ppl who pick their noses in front of you and act as if nothing is happening and carry on a conversation with you WHILE theyre diggin' for green gold... braggarts, "tough guys", thugs, wanna-be playahs/pimps, white kids who think theyre from some hip hop oriented ghetto meanwhile they live in the suburbs and theyre parents are making well over six-figures... pPl WhO TyPe LyK Dis AnD Uz 2 mUch InTeRnEt SlAnG aNd AbReViAtIoNs... ppl who start drama for no reason only because theyre lives are so boring that nothing is going on, or need to be involved in anything. people who use "ppl" on the internet instead of just typing ppl... assholes with over thirty-thousand posts on club messageboards who think they know it all or think theyre cool when in reality theyre just bitter herbs...

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