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Assholes who squeeze into seats on the subway...assess the situation, dicknose...no one wants to sit on a train for 45 mins with your elbow resting on their tit...

well excuse me, shit i didnt know it bothered you that much... dicknose!

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Assholes who squeeze into seats on the subway...assess the situation, dicknose...no one wants to sit on a train for 45 mins with your elbow resting on their tit...

HMMMMMMMM inadvertant tit touching. Love it

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ppl who are sooo afraid to get fired that they put the blame on everyone else but themselves, and dont speak up. ugh, if something is wrong say it. dont be a fuckin chump and be afraid to correct the boss. everyone makes mistakes, thats why pencils have erasers you fuckin dicks...

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Regarding the city bus drivers - I have to stick up for them a little bit. They drive vehicles with no pick up what so ever and have to merge into 100 cars who don't want to let them in. So yeah they are forced to cut people off. And I will admit that I curse them left and right. But I also realize they have to do what they have to do. You have to be agressive in NY or you dont have a chance in hell.

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Regarding the city bus drivers - I have to stick up for them a little bit. They drive vehicles with no pick up what so ever and have to merge into 100 cars who don't want to let them in. So yeah they are forced to cut people off. And I will admit that I curse them left and right. But I also realize they have to do what they have to do. You have to be agressive in NY or you dont have a chance in hell.

same reason i dont get mad @ taxi drivers..its what they do..its their job to be dickheads....and i just cut them off @ the next light anyway

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same reason i dont get mad @ taxi drivers..its what they do..its their job to be dickheads....and i just cut them off @ the next light anyway

i know its their job, and i win the car vs bus battle nearly every day....but this one guy was vicious! can i just shoot him in the knees and leave the rest?

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People who let their children run loose on the train or a bus.

I am a very nervous person when it comes to kids. I hate seeing a little kid get hurt. And I don't need my heart jumping into my throat everytime the train or bus comes to a sudden stop and your kid goes flying foward falling all over the place and whaling his/her head on something. Do the world a favor mind your children.

People who get mad at you when you let them know something is going to happen to their kid.

(STORY) In McDonalds one day a while back there was a little kid. Maybe 4 years old. The mother was at the counter ordering. The little kid was climbing a highchair that was in the middle of the floor. I approached the lady and told her what the kid was doing. Mind you the child was not more than 10 feet from her. And she never turned once to see if he was ok. She told me he is fine. So now here I am watching this kid because I feel I must. Just because she is an asshole does not mean this kid needs to get hurt. Anyway I saw the highchair starting to tip a little and then back into place, then tip a little, then back into place. "So I was like excuse me, The highchair is going to tip."

She, without turning around was like "Let me raise my own children!!!" Needless to say the kid fell, started crying. Did not get seriously hurt. Finally the bitch turns around walks over to the kid and gives him a wack on the back of his head and said to him. "You Deserve it"

And to finalize this post.

Parents who buckle themselves up. Have their kids in the back seat sitting right in the middle without their seatbelt on...

(STORY) Pulled up next to a car at a toll booth. Noticed something like stated above. Sorry it really pisses me off so I had to say something sarcastic. Anyway... I rolled down my window and simply asked the couple sitting in the front seat. "How would you feel if you got into an accident, the two of you lived but the child was thrown through the windshield? Can you live with it?" Rolled up the window and continued driving.

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