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People I hate


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i love that question...

"i try to take on too much at one tiime, to the point where I will take on the responsibilities of others, which may alienate some members of the team"

lol thats the textbook answer to that question... did you read that or did you make that up~!?

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LoL let the list begin... I may as well say I hate the world. But I will make it enjoyable reading.

People who pull into traffic, cut you off, and then drive 15mph slower than you.

People who get to the right of you at a red light. Then they floor it to pass you and then drive slow as shit.

People who drive 55 in the left lane.

People who flash the brights 100 times for you too move over. Now I drive a steady 75 - 85 (not super fast not slow by any means) on the highway. If I am in the left and someone is coming up on me I always move over. But sometimes there is traffic to the right... The person behind flashes over and over and over and over as if I have any fucking place to go. I don't mind a quick flash. I will get over when I can. But if pissed off. I bring the speed down a bit to be even with the car to my right and stay that way for miles.

Repeat stated above - People who cannot thank you for holding a door. Or letting them merge in front of you... Fucking rude pieces of shit.

People who feel the need to honk over and over and over again when sitting in city traffic. The horn is doing nothing but pissing 100's of others off and making traffic that much more unbearable.

People who live off of bumming cigarettes.

People who look at me like I am crazy when they ask me for an extra cigarette and I ask them for an extra dollar. Hey one hand washes the other. I don't need the buck. But I am sure not going to work to support their sorry ass.

Mind you I am a smoker - But, people who smoke without a care of people around them. You know the ones who blow smoke in others faces. Or when in a public place they will get right next to a non smoker and light up without a care in the world. I mean be a little more respectful.

People who do not get up off their lazy asses for the elderly.

People who think that everything is a race issue. You know those who play the race card with everything. Equal rights, equal opertunity we all wanted it we all got it.

People talking on their cell phones at the gym.

Worse - People using cell phones at the gym sitting on a piece of equipment they are not using.

Mean drunks...

Spoiled little rich kids/adolesence(SP)/teens/and so on... You know those who had everything handed to them and act as if they did... " Oh I crashed my car, daddy will take care of it "

I am bored at work. I can go on and on. But I will read what people have written and probably agree with all of them.

Oh I must not forget those on wellfare with those benefit cards... Meanwhile they just got out of their LEXUS, have a LV pocket book, designer clothing, etc... etc...

As the bumper sticker reads...


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the gotti boys

all the kids from my general area who think it is cool to cut the springs in their 92 accords or civics and then have to drive 3 miles an hour while dodging every single bump in the road like they are doing downhill slolems (sp)

Having your car an inch from the ground is not cool in this area of the country. My streets look like osama washiding out here ad the us used it to

The guy at the gym at was using elastic bands to do shoulders but was standing in the only working cable machine so nobody could use it.

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