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People I hate


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My upstairs neighbors are illegally subletting one of the bedrooms to this seriously flaky fucking drama queen who insists on ripping it sick in the middle of the night whenever she has the place to herself. Now, I like the people who are on the lease for the most part, and don't want to see them get screwed, so I've been a "nice guy" up until today. The dumb bitch and some two pump chump came in at 2am ( I was on call for work at 5am BTW, and had finished my previous nights shift at midnite) and started screwing around and yelling at each other as soon as they walked thru the door. I went upstairs and told them to shut the fuck up, which got me 10 minutes of quiet before starting up again. So, since I'm the building manager I decided to start playing games myself. I went to the basement and shut off their power. Then, when I came home from work for lunch today, I shut off their water. I've "bumped into" the dumb bitch twice today and she hasn't even looked at me, let alone said anything about no water or electric, and it's quiet up there. The people on the lease get home Monday night from their trip so I'm planning on restoring utilities Sunday afternoon. If this stupid bitch had any idea how fucking bad I want to punch her in the face she'd start packing her shit up now. I'm gonna have a chat with her room mates and let them know if it happens again they're all gonna be looking for a new fucking apt. I am by no means done fucking with this chick. She has no idea who she just pissed off.

plz keep us up to date on your actions...this is fun

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plz keep us up to date on your actions...this is fun

It'll be a downright shame if their heat "somehow" gets stuck on full blast on a hot,muggy August day and a squirrel or some other varmit "somehow" gets into their heating duct and dies. I know I'll be sure to "get right on it". If they're even still here by that time. Heat, water, electric, air conditioning and parking.................I control it all. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

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The guy in my gym that goes to the power rack and strips the bar that has 3 plates per side, first he removes two plates from one side and then takes off the last plate from the same side........................KaaaaaaaaBOOM and the entire bar with the 3 plates on the opposite side goes flying and crashes to the floor. He is the most dangerous guy ever and has done this more than once. :jerkoff:

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people who feel the need to leave some type of love song, hip hop song or any song for that matter as their voice mail where it goes on for a good minute if not more...

fuck you asshole, I'm not listening to that crap everytime I try and call you so you're not getting a message

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people who feel the need to leave some type of love song, hip hop song or any song for that matter as their voice mail where it goes on for a good minute if not more...

fuck you asshole, I'm not listening to that crap everytime I try and call you so you're not getting a message

I truly HATE that...

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the worst... its up with there with away msgs that say exactly what youre doing for the next eight hours, or telling me to call the cell... wow i wouldve never of thought to actually call you if i needed to speak with you... brilliant!

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- all the jerkoffs on the nyc subway system..who upon entering the train car proceed to hover over that one open seat like vultures in the desert.

- bums in general - no asshole im not gonna give you any money - get a fucking job

- starbucks employees - after charging me $4.00 for a coffee and then not tipping you for doing your job - dont reply with a "Thank you" and a fake smile... i didnt give you a tip and no i dont feel guilty for not doing so

- people that shove fliers in your face. while i sympathsize for having one of the worst jobs ever - dont throw your chinese takeout menu in my face when i get out of the subway. every chinese restaurant has the same menu, and i rarely eat it. get that shit out of my face before i rip it front of yours.

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leather caps are the WORST :laugh:

people really still wear leather hats? I remember them growing up

yes, somehow people still do. and i cant help but stare cuz i am so fckin dumbfounded at how wrong they look...

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  • 3 months later...

Im starting to hate on tollbooth clerks ... i have to pay a pussy ass 75 cent toll each way and some of these people look like they would rather spit on me than take my money. I swear, 80% of these people cant even crack a smile let alone mumble some type of greeting.

i understand that if they had to be cheerie to all the people coming through they would probably kill themselves ... but, lady, please attampt to not talk on the phone about your baby daddy while counting my change ... and this other dood, puffs cigars, in the booth .. chillin, like it aint no thing .. can toll booth clerks really smokei on duty!?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy shit....

I can not fucking stand people who drive 55 mph in the left lane. What can these possibly be thinking? Don't they see everyone going around them and then staring at them, wanting to give them the finger and tell them to "move the fuck over"

and this fucking sales rep for life insurance who came to our office one day to speak with someone who now feels the need to call me EVERY single day trying to get in touch with my boss. I come into the office today and she is here and is like, "oh you're Mike who doesn't return my calls"....Yes I am so get the fucking hint


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  • 2 months later...

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