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fears and phobias, anyone have any?

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

Me too.. I see fucked up things in the dark....I dunno but it scares the hell out of me.. Especially in the middle of the night when I come downstairs for a glass of water or to pee and I hear the house settling.. I don't like that very much at all.... It's spooky

Yeah me too i hate the dark so much, i am alwasy thinking someone is gonna pop out at anytime like a ghost or something, it freaks me out, I always hated the dark since i was young, whats worse is walking from the house to the back yard in the dark, that freaks me out,


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Originally posted by back2basics:

Yeh i have a fear of heights, confronted it doing a bungie jump... didn't work. I am going to try and do a charity parachute jump at some point, see if that works smile.gif

Hehe... Same here... I tried both, bungee and a tandem jump from 13000 feet. Didn't help much. I still can't relax on my balcony. Though I did enjoy the free fall.


Don't forget to fly...

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Originally posted by vampienyc10:

Me too.. I see fucked up things in the dark....I dunno but it scares the hell out of me.. Especially in the middle of the night when I come downstairs for a glass of water or to pee and I hear the house settling.. I don't like that very much at all.... It's spooky

So I gues you 2 are lights on kind of girls eh? lol sorry...


Hehehehe . . . I have all these cute lil' night lights that I turn on all around the house!! When Mitchell first stayed over . . . he was vastly amused watching me go around and turning them on at night.

Oh well!!



“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” angel.gif

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when i was a little kid i used to be really afraid i was gonna get beat up by the school bully, Mandy Monk....she was so mean to me, used to call me MG for Mummy's girl...how mean can you get?? I'd love to see her face-to-face now!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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i'm afraid of heights, that's why i'm not attracted to women taller than me . . .

i'll speak on behalf of my cuz g-money who is deathly afraid of germs . . .

you know, he always uses a tissue to open up the bathroom door and carries around anti-bacterial hand wash in his back pocket . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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i'm afraid of heights, that's why i'm not attracted to women taller than me . . .

i'll speak on behalf of my cuz g-money who is deathly afraid of germs . . .

you know, he always uses a tissue to open up the bathroom door and carries around anti-bacterial hand wash in his back pocket . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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i'm scared of 2 things::

1> complete darkness (even in my own house! i feel like such a dork! but only when i'm alone in the dark, then i get afraid)

2> Xtreme confinement... i dunno, once i had this mountain sleepin bag and it had a hood so i decided to pretend to be a glow worm and wrap myself in it so only my eyes would show.. scared the shit out of me....

that's all folks! peace! --daniela


"Ooh baby, I feel like the music sounds better with you..." luna.gif

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

Originally posted by divalicious:

I have a fear that I'm going to die if I don't get some soon, and it's making me crochety!


hey, i may as well be dead at this point if that's the case. i don't think anyone's died from being too horny (yet)!!!

Well that's not exactly true, i had a freind who's dog was overtly horny.. it was killed by a german shepard frown.gif

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Originally posted by back2basics:

Well that's not exactly true, i had a freind who's dog was overtly horny.. it was killed by a german shepard frown.gif

also read in the enquirer years ago that a monkey got so horny she banged her head against the cage till she died...

Personally have an old horny woman phobia...LOL...


What da.....

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I have lots of fears actually. Im particularly afraid of those grates I guess you'd call them in the city. The ones where you walk over them and can see down and they just happen to be everywhere!!! I always walk around them and when people hang out with me for the first time, they think Im nuts. Im also petrified of elevators and heights. I use to be claustrophobic but it seems as though that has faded away. But bridges....goodness I cant take them yet either! cwm14.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I have this fear of the dark. I don't know why but I hate being in a complete dark room . . it scares me. cwm31.gif


Me too.. I see fucked up things in the dark....I dunno but it scares the hell out of me.. Especially in the middle of the night when I come downstairs for a glass of water or to pee and I hear the house settling.. I don't like that very much at all.... It's spooky


AIM vampie

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Horseback riding...got thrown off one once when I was little..freaked me out...

Now im the photographer if people want to ride horses... smile.gif


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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threee things:

bees - i run like bitch when one comes close. i make forset gump look slow. yeah, i'm a bitch...

walking on grates - kittie - i got the same shit, ever since i was a kid. i get laughed at all the time

styrofoam - AAAARRRGGHHH - i hate the sound of it. i FREAK out around it. i can't open packages with it in it. anything new i get, someone else has to take it out. the sound of styrofoam makes my hair on my neck stand.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

Me too.. I see fucked up things in the dark....I dunno but it scares the hell out of me.. Especially in the middle of the night when I come downstairs for a glass of water or to pee and I hear the house settling.. I don't like that very much at all.... It's spooky

So I gues you 2 are lights on kind of girls eh? lol sorry...




"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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I've seen too many horror movies. That definitely helped me develop two fears:

1 - darkness - HATE being at home alone when it's dark, I'm really scared to go to the other room when nobody's in the house smile.gif

2 - snakes! when I go to a pet shop and see snakes in aquariums, they give me the chills down my spine.. same for rats/mice though..

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