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***PVD Vs DJ Scribble. Who In Your Opinion Is Better?***

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i usually equate being on mtv and being mainstream crap.

i've never seen skribble live so i can't judge, but i have seen pvd live quite a few times and i do know that the large cult surrounding him is quite devoted to say the least.

and how many cd's or original material does skribble have?

speaking of which, i'm listening to "vorsprung dyk technic" right now 3 cds' of pvd remixes. if you see it i suggest getting it


twilo is my drug

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once again mr. bastardino, you have posted one of your outlandish comments just to get a rise out of this board. ALL YOU DO is post about comparisons of DJ's, and clubs, and parties, and who is a cuter DJ. BASICALLY, I think you are a closet fag who WISHES he had the recognition of the people he posts about. Stop living vicariously through the DJ's, and promoters, and club owners. GET A LIFE!!!! Please do us all a favor and stay on the DRAMA board. None of your posts have any substance, and no one really cares what you have to say because we all know YOU ARE A LOSER!

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Originally posted by back2basics:

He, he... thought that would stir things up a little.... Scibbles crap, as you say there are 100 people who are better at what he does. Has scribble even entered the Technics mixing comp? Carn't ever remember him doing it.

But then again.. wink.gif

yea he has he won it a few years back, that compitition is for ammatures notice how flex or big kap or any of those guys arent in it


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by back2basics:

He, he... thought that would stir things up a little.... Scibbles crap, as you say there are 100 people who are better at what he does. Has scribble even entered the Technics mixing comp? Carn't ever remember him doing it.

But then again.. wink.gif

neither can i



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau


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Scribble is the most versatile dj out there. You guys got to understand that KTU and MTV pay him good money to spin the way they want them to. I head him a couple of times and he was awsome he got into some deep proggrassive house, unless you guys heard him spin recently at clubs you shouldn't bash him. Last year I thought he sucked when he tried to spin house but he has improved alot and quickly, who knows how good he will be in another year, also take in consideration that he does not concentrate in just one type of music like all these other djs. And I also heard him spin rap one time he lit it up, put on a show throwing records behind his back doing all sorts of crazy shit alot better than that bumb funk master flex. You guys should check his sets out on KTU at 11pm on saturdays they been real good lately.

[This message has been edited by tempkid (edited 11-27-2000).]

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This is only my opinion...

I prefer PVD over Scribbles anyday. Like many people have already stated, PVD not only mixes up masterpieces that makes you "feel" the music, he also creates his own. If you look at his new CD Out There and Back, all the track are by PVD. I didn't really comprehend his brilliance until I saw him spin at Twilo a couple of weeks ago. Oh my God - The way he moves the crowd... the awesome vibe and happiness he creates... awesome!!!

While i haven't seen DJ Scribbles spin live, his CD's and music lack "emotion and spirit." He does have a variety music genres that he plays, but personally it doesn't impress me (sorry Scribbles fans, to each their own). He reminds me too much of a high school DJ partying it up at a prom. Maybe he will spin at a club in nyc sometime soon so I can check out what you guys/gals have said about his live sets. Who knows, maybe I will be impressed.

The main difference for me is that PVD (and others like Oakie, Carl Cox and sometimes S&D) really lets me feel the music... be a part of it.

That's my 2 cents... cwm30.gif

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Listen hear cum junky - you are nothing but a pathetic loser, who can't get a date, wishes he had a DJ's dick to suck and ass to plow, and who has barely finished puberty you college prick!! As for seeing me at Twilo - you must have been looking at your sister blowing your brother Dastardino - everyone saw it but you were too busy licking his ass to notice. And BTW - I DON'T DO TWILO!!! I hear insest is rule of thumb in your family. Your brother blabbed all over the board that you are a prickless, ball-less, hairless little boy who can't get it up because all you do is jerk-off to images of Junior Vasquez, Danny Tenaglia, Scribbles, and the rest of the DJ's you WISH you could have plowing you from behind while biting on your pillow!!!. You wanna get raw honey - keep it coming. YOU WILL GO DOWN GHETTO STYLE. I will rip you so hard, your brother, and sister will feel it for weeks on end. Get a life you pathetic loser. And - do yourself a favor- stop posting your pathetic nonsense because NO ONE CARES ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY BECAUSE THERE IS NEVER, EVER ANY SUBSTANCE BEHIND IT!!! You have childish banter spewing from what people call a mouth - but on you YOU TALK OUT YOUR ASS!! ZIP IT you beasty little troll! Oh and BTW - have a nice day!


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Pop Crap Sell Out vs. Trance Music Pioneer

What will we be comparing next?

Vanilla Ice to BDP

Kenny G to John Coletrane

Third Eye Blind to AC/DC

Give me a break....Skribble is a flash in the pan, POP CRAP DJ, who is making money because of his conection, looks and a couple of cool scratches. Anthony Acid TELLS HIM WHAT HOUSE TO PLAY.....since he is clueless about Dance Music. His 15 minutes of fame has run it's course, just look at the Cindy Margolis show....need I say more.

PVD on the other hand is a music genius. He is a Trance Pioneer and his original productions are BRILLIANT. He spins sets that take you on a journey, through a bunch of quality tracks that have TASTE and STYLE.

It is not even a matter of insulting Paul Van Dyk by comparing him to Skribble......it is embarassing to the person who started this thread...as it shows how LITTLE HE KNOWS ABOUT MUSIC.

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Is that the best you can do - witty style?? And gathering up all my friends?? Oh dear - that really hurts. As for being like me - NEVER!!! You really should start working on developing your own self. That to me is the biggest problem you have. (IMOO of course) You can't identify with yourself so all you can do is try to talk about others - compare things that have absolutely no comparison - and start threads that you know will get many responses because they are bullshit. And you do this because you have nothing of value to contribute to anything that goes on this board. In case you aren't aware, people who do post here actually describe experiences that really happen to them, things that make them feel many different things, share in a crisis or profound discovery, some make cries for help, and some use this board as a useful tool to see what is going on in our dimented club world that we use to escape the real one. But you see - you do NONE of that. You couldn't possibly understand because you have none of these qualities. All you use this board for is to talk shit, to insult people on their opinions, and degrade someone who goes against the unpopular. And you do this because you identify with them. Those with less recognition, less notarity, less appreciation. I hope you find your own identity soon, and then maybe you could contribute something of value to us. Until then, this is the last time I will read or post on any of your threads because frankly, YOU ARE NOT WORTH ANY MORE OF MY TIME! Good luck on your quest into adulthood. Tata! cwm27.gif

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YOu also have to take into consideration that DJ Skribble is much more....comercialized?? than PVD. Not many people have heard Skribble live. They've listened to his cheese CD's like MDMA 1, 2, and 3. Or listened to him on Global Groove on MTV, or KTU Sat. nights. I think if Skribble took over Twilo one night he'd probably be pretty decent.

I'm not one to judge since I've never heard him live but I think PVD is off the hook. Skribble doesn't really make much of his own stuff (if any at all) and PVD does.


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Originally posted by bastardino:

HEy WTF I SHared my experiences on this board too! What about that time I wrote how I like having sex with sheeps and goats? Or that time I went to Twilo? Or that time I stuck a tampon soaked in vodka up my ass to get drunk? AHH, those were the days.

damn man..i heard of plugging but this is extreme....how did it all come out? cwm37.gif

i think you got my vote for DJ SCriple and da whole MTV crew ....

PS did i run into you in time sq eek.gif screeeming with all the teenie bopers - i was the one in pink - tee hee


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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Originally posted by msoprano13:

Originally posted by back2basics-:

Put it this way could Scribble do what PvD does (given the same records)? - YES

Could PvD do the turntablist stuff Scribble does - NO.


well put, like i said i swa scribbles perform and he was off the meter, a lot of hard and trancy music, and he puts on a show while he spins instead of just standing there, hes full of energy and is always bouncing around in the booth

As much as I love PVD, I have to agree...


AIM vampie

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