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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

No more talking heads durring the Ultra Music Festival

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Please sign the petition if you agree..

To: www.ultramusicfestival.us

For the past several years, there has been an issue with the Ultra Music Festival. Several personalities feel inclined to be on stage with the DJ screaming over the music. There are many of us who would prefer just to hear the music. We wouldn’t mind someone introducing the next DJ/producer between sets. But having the constant “Hip Hop†calls during a performance such as “What’s up Miami†and “Make some noise†is irritating at best.

Please respect the DJs and the music they play by allowing them their un-interrupted time while on stage.


The Undersigned


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If your talking about the guy that hosts on the main stage then hell no im not signing that petition. Hes one of the the classic things about ultra. I always look forward to hearing his crazy voice pump up the crowd and hes really never been intrusive at all.

That guy ruins PVD's set every year. I almost started to cry last time, I've never had so much hatred toward a person in my entire life.

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Ultra 1 ??? LOL like 6 years ago???? WTF

I have a different opinion. I think he adds something to the sets. Hes always talking positively and always trying to get the crowd into it. Hes the only mc/host Ive ever enjoyed. Im looking forward to hearing him again this year "Wheeeeeres the love miaaaaamiiii.. wheres the loooooove" :shades: haha

Yeah ultra is most def a circus and i love every minute of it..haha

So many sollid after parties sat night too .. gonna be a memorable day

admit it you are that guy

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markymarc u forgot ur sign :stupid:

you guys are geeks posting in a thread about something you wont even attend.. seriously

i got yours right here,,,turn it sideways along with your circus acts and stick it up your A$$....its an opiniated message board ...i'll post what i want, when i want, whereever i want...


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