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So did yall Miss Me???


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It's interetsting how you came out of no where and seem to be the new sex board slut so to speak. Ehhh...whatever. But to answer your already discussed a bunch of times topic.....I do whatever the guy wants me to. I aim to please.....so yes I'll swallow if he wants me to but I don't always prefer to.


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......i'm glad vamp joined cp.... she's a healthy addition to the sex board.... i like her demeanor....variety is the spice of life.... ;)

Yeah... have to agree big time, here. The board has kinda been sleepwalkin' for a little while... and can ALWAYS use some new blood to stir the pot, get the juices flowin', or tickle yer taint. ;)

Haters... bite yer tongue. Or take a pic of it. SOMETHIN'!! At least Vamp is cool as fuck, nice by default, and a full-on mongoose when she needs to be. ::rowr!:: So, chill out and keep open those welcoming arms. She's a keeper... and she fits in CP like my cock in a peanut butter jar.

Ok... I don't know where that last part came from. :laugh:

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Yeah Koky WE ALL OWE U 1 :bowdown:

Now be sure to intoduce us before I leave town... :hat:

If she can keep it up she's already on her way to being a Mod. (its about time we had a Sex mod from the south... (no dis to you G & NB;)... )


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Well anywho....Thank you guys for all the nice posts and PMs. I truly love the Sex Board and plan on trying my best to keep it interesting for your guys.


Oh and by the way, if you're a Hater, then don't try adding me to your Messenger services.....whats the point???

And if I did allow you to add me and I have just recently found out you're a Hypocrite, consider yourself BLOCKED and DELETED!!!!

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Well anywho....Thank you guys for all the nice posts and PMs. I truly love the Sex Board and plan on trying to my best to keep it interesting for your guys.


Oh and by the way, if you're a Hater, then don't try adding me to your Messenger services.....whats the point???

And if I did allow you to add me and I have just recently found out you're a Hypocrite, consider yourself BLOCKED and DELETED!!!!

I still luv ya :)

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