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Lamont goez to Buck 15


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Lamont walks in da place and its clea hez da only brotha in da place. It full of nerdy cracka kids dressin to try and be all dat. And da muzic was a mess. Even Lamont can play bad 80's music wit mo pizzazzzzzz.

Lamont also notied the absence of hot women. Lamont noticed a few cutiez but nothin deservin of da special Lamont-O-Liciouis magnectic treametn.

But Lamont did notice one lady that he could help. She was a peach dream cum true. Lamont aprecizeted her peach ribbon dress. She looked like she was giftwraped just for lamont to open her ribbons. She was as beaudiful as a weddin cake dats ready for Lamont to eat. den Lamont noticed da lady neez help wit two things. accessoriez and men. wit her peach dress she had silva shoes and a black bag. Now Lamont loves black but the sista had no budiness usin dat bag. And Lamont wonders what she was doin wit a mr. clean skin head wanna be.

Give Lamont a week wit dat party and then it woud be phat!

And Lamont could not find one Clup Planet cracka in da house. Lamont intorduced himself and peple neva heard of me. Why you lame fuck not come out to meet Lamont. I tolz you I would be there. You owe Lamont on da flip side.

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Lamont walks in da place and its clea hez da only brotha in da place. It full of nerdy cracka kids dressin to try and be all dat. And da muzic was a mess. Even Lamont can play bad 80's music wit mo pizzazzzzzz.

Lamont also notied the absence of hot women. Lamont noticed a few cutiez but nothin deservin of da special Lamont-O-Liciouis magnectic treametn.

But Lamont did notice one lady that he could help. She was a peach dream cum true. Lamont aprecizeted her peach ribbon dress. She looked like she was giftwraped just for lamont to open her ribbons. She was as beaudiful as a weddin cake dats ready for Lamont to eat. den Lamont noticed da lady neez help wit two things. accessoriez and men. wit her peach dress she had silva shoes and a black bag. Now Lamont loves black but the sista had no budiness usin dat bag. And Lamont wonders what she was doin wit a mr. clean skin head wanna be.

Give Lamont a week wit dat party and then it woud be phat!

And Lamont could not find one Clup Planet cracka in da house. Lamont intorduced himself and peple neva heard of me. Why you lame fuck not come out to meet Lamont. I tolz you I would be there. You owe Lamont on da flip side.

Thanks for comin' out Lamont! You should've introduced yourself, I woulda bought you a glass of Grand Marnier and we coulda chilled and talked about what a better DJ you are than any of us. Next time you come out, we'll put up a sign on the front door that says "Lamont iz in thiz muddafuggin' hizouze - ladiez, pleeze leave your pantiez and phone numberz".

Also, the girl in the peach is definitely my g/f, Amy. You have NO chance, but thanks for the appreciation, she is HOT, and I'm a lucky man!

And, if you really think you can do better spinnin', then maybe we'll just have to put you to the challenge and see what you can do. Step up or step out. :)

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Also, the girl in the peach is definitely my g/f, Amy. You have NO chance, but thanks for the appreciation, she is HOT, and I'm a lucky man!

And, if you really think you can do better spinnin', then maybe we'll just have to put you to the challenge and see what you can do. Step up or step out. :)

Lamont must start out by sain dat if Amy is my peach ribboned queen and you da neo skin headed mista clean Lamont has more then a chance. And if you crazy enougf to let Lamont spin by the end of da set she'll have sircumb to da full power of da Lamont-O-Licoius momentum.

Lets bring it on and Lamont will bring his own speical buttons for his fans to wear. Lamonts buttons say - LAMONT-O-LICIOUS!

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Lamont must start out by sain dat if Amy is my peach ribboned queen and you da neo skin headed mista clean Lamont has more then a chance. And if you crazy enougf to let Lamont spin by the end of da set she'll have sircumb to da full power of da Lamont-O-Licoius momentum.

Lets bring it on and Lamont will bring his own speical buttons for his fans to wear. Lamonts buttons say - LAMONT-O-LICIOUS!

*cracks knuckles* *sharpens battle axe* LOL

OK, I'm willing to give you a chance to show-n-prove. We'll set up a date soon.

"da full power of da Lamont-O-Licoius momentum" LMAO

Bro, if she even talks to you for more than one minute (and I'll be timing with a stop watch), then I'll give you much respect. Good luck!!!

We'll get buttons made, bumper stickers, hats, jimmy hats, can openers, coasters, and t-shirts that say "I taught Barry White all that he knew".

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*cracks knuckles* *sharpens battle axe* LOL

OK, I'm willing to give you a chance to show-n-prove. We'll set up a date soon.

"da full power of da Lamont-O-Licoius momentum" LMAO

Bro, if she even talks to you for more than one minute (and I'll be timing with a stop watch), then I'll give you much respect. Good luck!!!

We'll get buttons made, bumper stickers, hats, jimmy hats, can openers, coasters, and t-shirts that say "I taught Barry White all that he knew".

Lamont iz goin back to claim his poseshons next weekend. And after Lamont liberates dem he'll be back and ready to go just tell me where be da show. :)

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So Lamont..a brotha from anotha motha is curious.

What kind of wickity wax would ya spin if given tha chance?? :confused:

Lamont can spin any style anywhere anytime anyplace and take da time to double tie my shoelace. But in dis situation Lamont belives we be talkin about those bad 80s tunes. I can even wax dis cat with all that and drink a lime while I swig oone back. :pint:

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