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Gabo gets girls by putting furry rodents in his ass...


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He obviously has fucken issues. He can't post one thing without degrading a woman. Def a loser who has lost waaay too many mech warrior games.
LMMFAO, yeah he loses the games cause he is so fucking frustrated from not having sex, you know they do sell blowup dolls!!!!
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He obviously has fucken issues. He can't post one thing without degrading a woman. Def a loser who has lost waaay too many mech warrior games.

:laugh: :laugh:

Hell...even a fucken blow up doll would reject his barney watching smurf ass.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Go DV... it's yer birthday...


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Excuse me, you need to go back and rephrase your comment Dickwad......you don't fucking know me at all to be making assumptions!!!!

I guess you're a MORON, cause assumptions are the trait of a MORON!!!!

Just cause I am not afraid to post pics of myself and I am so open about Sex and my sexuality that makes me a slut/whore................i'm sorry if you're a dumbass who is so threatened by a strong women like myself that's probably cause you will never have one, so you decide to hate instead!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and next time you refer to a woman as a SLORE................why don't you call your mother right after :finger:, im sure she will appreciate you calling a woman that!!!!

Oh and next time don't be such a PUSSY and use your real sceen name!!!!

why do you even care that much about it? if you´d have just let that comment slip it would have been a a lot more powerful statement...

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Hola, chica.

Well... just a wedding. My step-sister's. Should be a good time... since she's about 8 or 9 years younger than me... and will have invited an assload or two of her friends. :biggrin:

Wedding hookups are awesome. ;)

What're YOU up to?

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Gotsta find an apartment this weekend, selling my house, working, packing. Not much besides the usual BS.

Well... it's ok to see you play it down... but moving, or even preparing to move, is NEVER "the usual BS".

Glad to see you're taking the right step, tho. As much of a pain in the ass it all is, when you know it's time, you just HAVE to go through with it. Kudos to you for not being one to sit on yer ass and drag out the relationship. You DEF are in the minority when it comes to women that find themselves in a similar situation.

Remember... if you haven't used it in more than 6 months... throw it out!

(* I guess I could be talking about yer belongings AND yer man on that one. ;) )

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lol....yeah this is for the better....I'm looking forward to the change even if he's getting most the furniture and shit we have. I have to start over with everything which sucks but oh well. I have a lot of friends now and a guy watching over me at the moment. ;)

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what is this guy babbling about? ^^^^^^

Sorry... only real men understand my type of language. Hence yer confusion.

Notice only you and yer little pack of can't-let-go-of-my-frat-days boys have a problem with me? Yeah...... that should tell you somethin'.

Btw... two words.... ignore list. Look into it. :finger:

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lol....yeah this is for the better....I'm looking forward to the change even if he's getting most the furniture and shit we have. I have to start over with everything which sucks but oh well. I have a lot of friends now and a guy watching over me at the moment. ;)

Very cool, chica. Sounds like you got as good a scenario as you can have in this situation. DEF use those friends and "guy" as yer rock. Before long... you'll be like... ex who? ;)

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