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>Funny CLUB/PARTY Dance Observations:add your own

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or for guys, when in a group of girls and one of them grabs you and you both perform the "quick dance with me because this guy I used to date is over there and I want to make him jealous" dance

HAHAH i get this one all the time LOL :laugh:

i know they arent serious about dancing with me but its still alot of fun :laugh:

its started as a general thing at ONE club and then turned into a normal thing with 3

HAHA Im such a man whore

or female wingman

whatever :grin:

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the i'm gonna ask a girl a thousand times if she wants to dance with me, even after she says no 999 times" dance...

the "i think i own the place" and push people away as you walk across the floor...

the "i can handle my drugs dance"

the "i'm going to offer this girl a bump, and see if thats how i can get her to talk to me." dance

the "i may look pretty, but i can't hold an intelligent conversation for the life of me" dance

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i like the

"hey nice to see you , well i'm gonna tell you i'm going to get something to drink but really i'm just going to the other side of the dancefloor cause i don't really want to hang out with you"-dance.

or the "chase-you-across-the-floor"-dance where you are following or being followed by some other (cute) dancer....you notice hir and try to move away so you dance your way to the left side of the dance floor, 1 track later s/he's here again, dance your way all the way to the right ... 2 tracks later s/he's here again.... on and on for 1 hour.

I don't like the "why-the-fuck-are-you-doing-insane-dance-moves-when-the-club-is-so-crowded"-dance (there's a time and place for everything and starting your favorite hip-hop dance moves when the place is packed is not it).

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how about the

i been waiting for over 5 mins for this bartender dance

usualy means if you stand there long enough

you realize that the group to your left is feelin the same type of hostility

so you quickly become friends - intorduce - shake hands - meet their significant others

and when the bartender finaly asks "what-ell-ya have?"

You totaly forget and pass the drink order to someone else who was waiting

however the group to your RIGHT was his friends that he decided to wait on hand and foot

this happened to me at pvd last night.. made a friend at the bar comiserating over the bartender ignoring us.. waters were on me

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