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Star Wars Ep. III....review?


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biggest waste of celluloid (errr digital reel now I guess)

I can now go back and truly try to forget that I-III even exists

1. should get an award for worst acting of a big budget film, this film produces maybe the cheasiest line in movie history ("You're so beatiful...") Daytime soaps won't even go that low

2. way toooo many locales! I lost count of CG worlds introduced, nice backdrop I guess if it's on my computer

3. Way to much CG period, if I wanna see a cartoon I'll just, nevermind I don't want to go see a cartoon in the first place. Is this what sci-fi has become??? I'll just go cry in a corner and rewatch the Alien saga

4. another incredible annoying all-CG character (Greivous), if you've seen the movie you'll know what I'm talking about

5. Yoda is now completely annoying and WON'T GO AWAY!! (Lucas figured Yoda is a fave so let's have him in way too many scenes, and speak more convoluted than ever)

6. The making of Vader: The Anti-climax....nice Frankenstein move, cheesy

7. Nice transition to the old-school set, Vader is born and the galaxy is immediately thrust into the 1970's. The ships go from having super-charged holographic controls to 15" tube CRTs.

I didn't expect much, but I do expect more when that kind of dough is spent producing a movie

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Remember how when Obi-Wan died he came back as a ghosty thing? Or talked to Luke in his head. That's what they were talking about. Qui-Gon managed to find a way to use the LIGHT side of the Force to beat death. Whereas Anakin the doofus spent half the movie trying to figure out how to use the Dark Side to do it, and actually ended up causing the death that he was trying to stop.

They should just make movies about Qui-Gon in his prime as a real Jedi. The only reason that he died in the first place is because they foisted that idiot Obi-Wan on him. The whole downfall of the Republic is Obi-Wan's fault.


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Natalie Portman was a hottie in Ep 2 and 3. Saw her pix from Cannes, looks like she is auditioning for GI JANE part 2. Scary.


Natalie Portman is hot with or without hair...I don't give a damn.....she could be as Sinead as she wants.....I'll take her.....

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Caught Episode III yesterday and it fucking rocked! The showdown between Obiwan and Anakin/Darth Vader was bad ass. By far it was much better than Episodes I and II. But Episode V:The Empire Strikes Back is still the best of the series.


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You bet wrong.....just into beautiful women.....


demi moore and sinead looked way hotter with that crew cut......natalie looked hot in closer...other than that...she's nothing to write home about and that mole/wart on her face always bugs the hell outa me....:yuck:....to me she's just another "plain jane" with a nice body....

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