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Why House Music shouldnt be commercialized

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Hip hop these days has no moral value at all. At one point in time it told a story of how things were for the artist, and what they went through to get where they are. Now it doesn't, most of it is pure ignorant noise. Not to play the racial card or anything but I will say that the increasing popularity of bullshit hip hop in my eyes just makes all black people look like shuckin & jiveing coons. It is not the image that was once portrayed by rap artist. If you notice, any intelligent portrayal of us in hip hop has been silenced, ie: Arrested Development, De La Soul, Common, Digable Planets and so forth. The only thing you hear all day long is ignorant shit like the wisper song, and songs like that, that make us look like fools, and people love that shit.

yep i so agree with this statement, and i believe that the hip hop that once lived back in the days is truly dead, in todays world Hip Hop or "rap" is nothing more then money,greed,cars, the gangzta hip hop influence on suburbia, "bitches shakin their asses" in music videos,... of course there are lyricists/hip hop artists i still listen to today but the majority is garbage, its as though they have completely rejected most of the hip hop elements such as the dancing and Bboyin'.... and it bothers me to see that people listen and buy into this fake idealistic image of what hip hop really is about. with that said i checked out a couple of those videos that was posted on another thread on here about House music which i thought was very interesting, although i listen to almost every genre of EDM, lookin back at those videos it reminded me of back in the days and how i used to listen and wonder what it was (they would also put some house tracks on video games)and how much i liked it at a very young age when some of my older siblings were listenin to some of it.

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look how much europe has commercialized house and trance.....and look how much they spend on big house/trance events like Climax, Q-base, Inner City, Defqon and even the Parades. These events draw close from 20k to 35k per event at like 50 bucks a head compared to the spending here. I only experienced the Parade in Germany in 01 and Qbase last year. And i couldnt believe how much money was spent on the shows, lights, system , decour ....millions.

if u commercialize the music, there is more to be made for both artists as well as expanding the nightlife experience by hosting such events that we cant do here in NYC or else. But for some resason i still cant imagine this happening here in US, i mean look what hip hop did........now u got talentless people who cant even speak right or prob didnt even finish 6th grade making records that should be burned the minute they get pressed....fucking sad

90% of people are like sheep who follow anything that tv or radio tells them too,

thats one of my views about this topic

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the house you know and love today actually grew from Techno...... Infact Derrick May sold his 909 to Frankie Knuckles when he couldnt afford his rent while living in Chicago........ before then they were using 808's and playing reel to reel tapes of personal edits.

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If House music becomes commercialized by the corporate big-wigs, then I say F' that shit! If it becomes mainstream by 'the people' from a result of quality music, then I'm all for it. Why?

If the people help it grow, then we will have more control of the direction it will go. If the corporations get their hands on it then we have no say. Just look at what happended to hip-hop and punk.

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If House music becomes commercialized by the corporate big-wigs, then I say F' that shit! If it becomes mainstream by 'the people' from a result of quality music, then I'm all for it. Why?

If the people help it grow, then we will have more control of the direction it will go. If the corporations get their hands on it then we have no say. Just look at what happended to hip-hop and punk.

a lot of house is already commercialized. look at the european market.

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