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Memorial Day Weekend (profitable yet surreal shit!)


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Honestly, this year has to be the one with best turnaround in all years this crap has been taking part here, I have peepz talking outside my window, I'm in freakin' Euclid yo...there's nothing out there, trust me...I'm four blocks from washington...yet, at around 10pm there was bumper to bumper traffic going on right outside, in 5 years living here is the first time I see someting like it, surreal shit...I saw hummers, escalades, lowriders and people on scooters...

I went for a beer with my brother and cousin, hit finnegan's on lincoln rd. saw some of the so-called "hip-hop-crowd" which are basically thugs from overtown screaming at each other from the top of their lungs, honestly, you don't see that kind of shit around here every day, not for nothing but what a cheap class of human beings, leave out the race bullshit because racist I'm not, there's rules of morality that some of these punks could never even begin to understand so to come down on them would be unfair, I just hope the city is making money (which I'm possitive it is) because the price to pay is elevated, our streets are now being swarmed by a bunch of hoes and thugs.

I'm very respectful of hip-hop as an art form but the thug bullshit has got to go, if hip-hop wants respect that is what they have to give first...some hip-hop enthusiasts came to south beach tonite to pound on cars, scream to the top of their lungs on our residencial areas and basically behave like punks, my block was never as busy as it was tonite in five years...literally, you had people walking out from behind bushes and out of the alleys, there were more than mere hip-hop enthusiasts here, I saw people walking through areas that had nothing to do with nothing, I didn't feel safe outside, no way...what is the point of partying like that, escapes me...


police enforcement is as heavy as I've ever seen it, just outside of david's café there must've been at least 30 cops on bicycles, park in the median 3 patrol cars, special unit vans are driving all over...it took me 45 minutes to drive over the causeway...I had heard 250,000 visitors were expected and what I saw outside tonite felt like that number could've been correct or surpased...I heard a guy scream out of the window of an escalade "we own the whole fucking town" and I thought to myself "he's absolutely right"...imagine what the french revolution must've felt like...the king organized a hip-hop convention and next thing he knew he lost his head.


I have to be honest, I fucking hate it but if it brings good business, I guess we can deal with it and cash on it...forget everything I wrote then, fuck it.

Nice seing Coach and mrs strolling down lincoln road, see ya tomorrow night at Blue... :beer:


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wherever there is violence of any kind day or night any place ,club,or city etc....rap or hip-hop is alway's from an event from people with gold teeth.i'm doing my part by staying the fuck away from south beach this weekend.how long does it take to learn how to yell"nigga,nigga" grab your crotch and drink a 40 0z? and i'm one of the nice one's lol

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todays hip hop is a disgusting joke. the blacks involved line thier pockets and simultaneously set the black race back hundreds of years. and jesus christ- the latin community had better beware because this equally despicable "reggaton" crap is destined to do the same...( i was watching spanish t.v. the other day and they had some reggaton guys on- just what we needed-latins that now imitate all the worst 'thug' behaviors as the black hip hoppers)

and..i might add that todays hip hop culture is responsible for the complete destruction of the english language amongst young people...can you feel me yo?

and the very fucking sad thing is that i literally saw hip hop start in N.Y. At 13 i wanted to be a hip hop dj.

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Honestly, this year has to be the one with best turnaround in all years this crap has been taking part here, I have peepz talking outside my window, I'm in freakin' Euclid yo...there's nothing out there, trust me...I'm four blocks from washington...yet, at around 10pm there was bumper to bumper traffic going on right outside, in 5 years living here is the first time I see someting like it, surreal shit...I saw hummers, escalades, lowriders and people on scooters...

I went for a beer with my brother and cousin, hit finnegan's on lincoln rd. saw some of the so-called "hip-hop-crowd" which are basically thugs from overtown screaming at each other from the top of their lungs, honestly, you don't see that kind of shit around here every day, not for nothing but what a cheap class of human beings, leave out the race bullshit because racist I'm not, there's rules of morality that some of these punks could never even begin to understand so to come down on them would be unfair, I just hope the city is making money (which I'm possitive it is) because the price to pay is elevated, our streets are now being swarmed by a bunch of hoes and thugs.

I'm very respectful of hip-hop as an art form but the thug bullshit has got to go, if hip-hop wants respect that is what they have to give first...some hip-hop enthusiasts came to south beach tonite to pound on cars, scream to the top of their lungs on our residencial areas and basically behave like punks, my block was never as busy as it was tonite in five years...literally, you had people walking out from behind bushes and out of the alleys, there were more than mere hip-hop enthusiasts here, I saw people walking through areas that had nothing to do with nothing, I didn't feel safe outside, no way...what is the point of partying like that, escapes me...


police enforcement is as heavy as I've ever seen it, just outside of david's café there must've been at least 30 cops on bicycles, park in the median 3 patrol cars, special unit vans are driving all over...it took me 45 minutes to drive over the causeway...I had heard 250,000 visitors were expected and what I saw outside tonite felt like that number could've been correct or surpased...I heard a guy scream out of the window of an escalade "we own the whole fucking town" and I thought to myself "he's absolutely right"...imagine what the french revolution must've felt like...the king organized a hip-hop convention and next thing he knew he lost his head.


I have to be honest, I fucking hate it but if it brings good business, I guess we can deal with it and cash on it...forget everything I wrote then, fuck it.

Nice seing Coach and mrs strolling down lincoln road, see ya tomorrow night at Blue... :beer:


profitable for the restaurants, but ask any food server and you'll hear plenty of horror stories.....

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Honestly, this year has to be the one with best turnaround in all years this crap has been taking part here, I have peepz talking outside my window, I'm in freakin' Euclid yo...there's nothing out there, trust me...I'm four blocks from washington...yet, at around 10pm there was bumper to bumper traffic going on right outside, in 5 years living here is the first time I see someting like it, surreal shit...I saw hummers, escalades, lowriders and people on scooters...

I went for a beer with my brother and cousin, hit finnegan's on lincoln rd. saw some of the so-called "hip-hop-crowd" which are basically thugs from overtown screaming at each other from the top of their lungs, honestly, you don't see that kind of shit around here every day, not for nothing but what a cheap class of human beings, leave out the race bullshit because racist I'm not, there's rules of morality that some of these punks could never even begin to understand so to come down on them would be unfair, I just hope the city is making money (which I'm possitive it is) because the price to pay is elevated, our streets are now being swarmed by a bunch of hoes and thugs.

I'm very respectful of hip-hop as an art form but the thug bullshit has got to go, if hip-hop wants respect that is what they have to give first...some hip-hop enthusiasts came to south beach tonite to pound on cars, scream to the top of their lungs on our residencial areas and basically behave like punks, my block was never as busy as it was tonite in five years...literally, you had people walking out from behind bushes and out of the alleys, there were more than mere hip-hop enthusiasts here, I saw people walking through areas that had nothing to do with nothing, I didn't feel safe outside, no way...what is the point of partying like that, escapes me...


police enforcement is as heavy as I've ever seen it, just outside of david's café there must've been at least 30 cops on bicycles, park in the median 3 patrol cars, special unit vans are driving all over...it took me 45 minutes to drive over the causeway...I had heard 250,000 visitors were expected and what I saw outside tonite felt like that number could've been correct or surpased...I heard a guy scream out of the window of an escalade "we own the whole fucking town" and I thought to myself "he's absolutely right"...imagine what the french revolution must've felt like...the king organized a hip-hop convention and next thing he knew he lost his head.


I have to be honest, I fucking hate it but if it brings good business, I guess we can deal with it and cash on it...forget everything I wrote then, fuck it.

Nice seing Coach and mrs strolling down lincoln road, see ya tomorrow night at Blue... :beer:


I agree with you 100%. I also live in South Beach and the mess this hip-hop festival brings is unreal. The local politicians can't say or do much about it or else they'll be branded racist. As far as making money goes: while the hotels are doing well selling rooms to out of towners many of the people coming to this thing are driving in from the mainland. How else do you explain all the tricked and pimped out cars with Florida tags? The thugs driving in from Liberty City and Broward County are not spending money on hotels and food. Many just spend all night driving around yelling at bitches all night. So it doesn't benefit anyone. When I see this behavior I feel like an anthropologist in the jungle observing primitive behavior.

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I never thought I'd be the one saying this, but not all Hip Hop is bad. There are a few that are trying to make a positive impact. But the media has trained these poor wanabees to believe the only way they can be heard and get attention is to be loud and obnoxious.

Hey, here's a thought. Instead, try to make good original music.. hmmmmm..


By the way, most of what you experience on SOBE that weekend is not the hip hop industry, just fans and wanabees IMO.

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Lincoln Rd wasn't as bad as washington, still...the whole stunt shows a side of society that's absolutely bitter about the system and is out only to cause mayhem and behave like animals...food wrappings, bottles of beer and wine all over the beach, garbage on the streets...it's plain to see how uncivilized this fuckers are, if they don't respect each other it's impossible to ask respect from them for anything else...Jadakiss basically threw a million flyers all over south beach's streets...fucking thug!


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July 14-17 ... their Summer Music Conference hits us.

One thing I know for sure ... after this weekend I can afford my own gold teeth. :D :D :D


i was this close to wearing a shirt saying fuck hip hop.. but then i was like uhhhhhhhhhhh no lol

wore my househead shirt lol

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:bounce: :working:I'm very respectful of hip-hop as an art form but the thug bullshit has got to go, if hip-hop wants respect that is what they have to give first...


police enforcement is as heavy as I've ever seen it, just outside of david's café there must've been at least 30 cops on bicycles, park in the median 3 patrol cars, special unit vans are driving all over...it took me 45 minutes to drive over the causeway...I had heard 250,000 visitors were expected and what I saw outside tonite felt like that number could've been correct or surpased...I heard a guy scream out of the window of an escalade "we own the whole fucking town" and I thought to myself "he's absolutely right"...imagine what the french revolution must've felt like...the king organized a hip-hop convention and next thing he knew he lost his head.


I have to be honest, I fucking hate it but if it brings good business, I guess we can deal with it and cash on it...forget everything I wrote then, fuck it.

Hey! Good seeing you, too man! Hollah sometime, we are Euclid peepz, too!

I agree on the respect thing. I used to love Rap/hip-hop, now it is just stupid.

As far as the police thing, you observed what REALLY pisses me off. I mean, you saw like 30 police in front of David's Cafe, but where were any of those fuckers on OUR street! I saw all sorts of conglomerations of cops here and there, but no real effort to cover the areas in an efficient way.

As far as owning the town, fuck that. Those fuckers don't know shit about MY south beach. I spent all weekend on south beach surrounded by beautiful people listening to great music. And totally missed the hip hop shit, unless we ventured out there intentionally. They might take over Washington, Collins, and Ocean Dr, but Lincoln, Espanola, and Alton are mainly free of the frenzy.

In terms of making money, I'm not really sure who is. Maybe the big nightclubs, but I don't have any specific intel on that. Annette works for a hotel, and I can tell you that they don't make much. Sure, they all run at 100%, but fuck, this is Miami Beach, they mostly do that, anyway. Yeah, they jack the prices up, but that is offset by the costs of cleanup, which is worse this weekend than any other.

Most of the retailers don't make much money, either. We have talked to a number of people we know who work in the retail biz, and they say this is one of their worst weekends of the year, whereas for the rest of the country it is a good one.

But, really my main complaint about the hip hop weekend is that they bring so many butt ugly girls down! I don't mean to sound shallow, and I am certainly no racist, but DAYUM! What the fuck is up with that. Them are some of the skankiest hoes I have ever seen. Sure there are a *few* nice looking girls that come down for it, but the vast majority are just plain ugly. And they dress like sluts, which normally I heartily approve of, but NOT if you have to buy it in an XXL!

Anyway, all that being said, it is STILL a free-ish country (despite Bush's best efforts to the contrary) and people can congegrate where they want to. I know I moved to a tourist destination, and so tourists are going to show up. Other than the ugly factor, it is really no worse than WMC, the boat show, or any other big holiday weekends. And it is still more than worth it to live in paradise. It is not surprising that everyone wants to come down and enjoy it, as well. So, you take the bad with the good.

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Isn't it well known to get out of town on Memorial Day weekend because of this crap? I hear Vegas is a hoot on Memorial Day.

duh...that's not the point at all, it's obvious that one way to avoid the mayhem is to leave town...genius! what we are discussin' here is how we dislike the event happening in our town, to me it doesn't make any sense at all to keep our streets safe or at least try to and then not oonly open the doors but invite all these thugs and hoes to walk their stinky asses all over our shit, disrespecting everyone, vandalizing private property, creating public disorder...aweee...fuck it!!!

I would say it's over, but it's not...every time we have one of these events, we then have to deal with bums left over for weeks, keep an eye out and you'll see what I mean.

Fuck Hip Hop! :gang:

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I agree fuck hip hop and this event. With all the increased crime I am surprised the city doesn't do something about it. Voice your opinion to those who can do something about it...write a letter to the mayor or someone in public office. ??

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I agree fuck hip hop and this event. With all the increased crime I am surprised the city doesn't do something about it. Voice your opinion to those who can do something about it...write a letter to the mayor or someone in public office. ??

I don't believe in writing letters, they usually never make it to the right person...and when they do, they're usually ignored or become the laughing stock of their office...business comes first, citizen's safety and comfort, always last.

I can't even say...was it that bad? maybe I'm overreacting because I did see what was going on out there, I don't want to be unfair either, maybe I'm just bitchin' because I hated it and it caused me discomfort and yes, a bit of fear to walk the streets...it was worse than ov ertown out there, I missed the Ying Yang Twins though...did anyone see the Ying Yang Twins? :vomit2:

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duh...that's not the point at all, it's obvious that one way to avoid the mayhem is to leave town...genius! what we are discussin' here is how we dislike the event happening in our town, to me it doesn't make any sense at all to keep our streets safe or at least try to and then not oonly open the doors but invite all these thugs and hoes to walk their stinky asses all over our shit, disrespecting everyone, vandalizing private property, creating public disorder...aweee...fuck it!!!

I would say it's over, but it's not...every time we have one of these events, we then have to deal with bums left over for weeks, keep an eye out and you'll see what I mean.

Fuck Hip Hop! :gang:

Well put. And to reiterate your point. Hey I wish I could have gone away for the weekend too but some of us had to work on Saturday and money sometimes is a little short. If not I would have hightailed it to Vegas, the Bahamas or anywhere else possible. With the Memorial Day Weekend thug convention and the Source Awards it gets to be too much. I know there are other thug gatherings throughout the year but I can't think of their names right now.

As far as contacting our local politicians I don't think it's such a bad idea. If they get bombarded with e-mails and letters maybe they'll wake up. The thugs that invade South Beach do not vote here but residents like us do. Hopefully by the next election a city council candidate will have the balls to step up and listen to the people that actually live here.

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what do you want the police to do? arrest everyone who looks like a thug without doing anything wrong?

and hello police?!?!?! can u see the difference between wmc and mdw? how many arrests were made during wmc and how many during mdw?


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