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Is anyone awake to give a review of Tiesto @ CROBAR??

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Let Me Just Say That Last Night Was The Tiestos Best Ever Performance In Nyc. It Was Amazing. Even The Sound System Was On Point. The Vibe Was Great. After The Let Down In Miami This Yr I Kinda Wrote Him Off Until Last Night. A Complete Redemption On His Part. He Truly Is Amazing. And To All You Haters, Find Another Hobby Cuz U Dont Know What The Hell Your Talking About.

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i think Tiesto was good last night. not spectacular but good. system was great also. in my opinion, i think the DVD release party was better. the crowd was much better too. this time, it seemed to be more of a sausage fest than last. Serge on the other hand is a GREAT dj. i believe he was the opener for Tiesto last time but didnt really pay attention to him. this time i thought he was really good. overall, it was a good night. i'd rate it a 7.5

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Let Me Just Say That Last Night Was The Tiestos Best Ever Performance In Nyc. It Was Amazing. Even The Sound System Was On Point. The Vibe Was Great. After The Let Down In Miami This Yr I Kinda Wrote Him Off Until Last Night. A Complete Redemption On His Part. He Truly Is Amazing. And To All You Haters, Find Another Hobby Cuz U Dont Know What The Hell Your Talking About.

I didnt go last night, but my best time seeing him is when he spun last summer in Central Park... He was great from begining to end.... Great set!!! The best part was that it was outside and a great night!!!!

They should bring him back in Central Park... :bounce::bounce:

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I didnt go last night, but my best time seeing him is when he spun last summer in Central Park... He was great from begining to end.... Great set!!! The best part was that it was outside and a great night!!!!

They should bring him back in Central Park... :bounce::bounce:

i heard that was great...i had to work the next day or else i would have gone...rollin in the park would have been phat...

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I thought the DVD party and central park were okay, tame, short, not progressive, never dark, too expensive, too crowded, too average.

I missed this set, but if it was like the other 2, I'm glad I missed it.

Tiesto is capable of so much more, but for some reason he never does it in nyc.

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Victor Soto

got there like 1230... kidna drunk by 1:15.. he went on at 12:40 and finished around 4:30 then the encore went til about 4:40.. serge was amazing... after tiesto's set he opened with "we'll go dreaming".. ahhhh such a nice trance song... i was defintiely feeling serge but it was 5 and i had to be in work by noon with some shit to do beforehand so i bounced...

tiesto was the best i've seen him live... nothing compared to any of his more memorable sets but still a good night musically... im out of the loop with trance song sbut he played a bunch of hot tracks i heard down at the conference... if we had a tracklisting that'd be hot... he played the new version of 643.. def had the crowd going... traffic had the crowd going as well as a bunch of others... mixing was flawless as usual.. for his encore he started out with universal nation but then switched it to adagio for strings and fiished with some song im not sure of the name of..

there had to have been atleast 2000 peeps in there.. the place was kinda packed to the brim and didnt really clear out til 4:40.. no room to dance, felt like a metallica concert only everyone was wearing tiesto shirts... i dunno i think i might pass on tiesto next time he's in town.. his track selection and technical skills were there but unfortunately so was half of the city...

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Keeping in mind that this is my opinion, I think a lot of the key points above are spot on.

First, after seeing his piss poor performances at Crobar and Avalon the past two times, I nearly passed on him this time. But chose to go seeing that even a bad Tiesto is still better than 99% of the rest.

With that said...

Crowd - was relatively empty until 1:15am or so (Tiesto came on at like 12:45am) and upstairs was almost completely empty until that time, filled up pretty quick but still plenty of room to rock out. While it was filled, it was no where near as packed as last time he played at Crobar.

Music – First off, Serge Devant (the same guy in the red shirt who opened/closed last time) absolutely KILLED it…AGAIN!!! He opened nice and built a good vibe that got progressively harder towards the end of his set and the opening of Tiesto’s. Tiesto opened with a nice montage (audio & video) from ISOS4, and then just brought it HARD and NASTY for about 4+ hours. He went off at like 4:45am and seemed to be into his set, having much more fun than his last few shows (CP excluded). From what I recall, he stayed away from “Just Be†with the exception of Traffic in the set and then Adagio for his encore (along with Universal Nation from Push – which he played last time for his encore). He hit some old school songs (off ISOS 1 & 2 and Magik 6-7 too, if I recall correctly) and dropped some AVB (Shivers), Max Graham and Markus Schultz.

I think the takeaway is two fold.

1) Serge Devant was on FIRE and should be headlining his own shows!!!!

2) Tiesto was much improved as I think it was his best NYC performance since Central Park. It might have been a better set track wise than CP, although not a better all around experience.

That is just my $0.02

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there had to have been atleast 2000 peeps in there.. the place was kinda packed to the brim and didnt really clear out til 4:40.. no room to dance, felt like a metallica concert only everyone was wearing tiesto shirts... i dunno i think i might pass on tiesto next time he's in town.. his track selection and technical skills were there but unfortunately so was half of the city...

Agreed!!! Hopefully he plays Central Park again. I thought Serge was better but that's just me.

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I couldnt agree more. Way too packed for me and I wasnt even at Crobar the last time. It's not worth it to me to be bumped into every 30 seconds and not be able to dance. I dont mind paying that much mone to hear quality like both Serge and Tiesto produced but Im 31 and I guess Im kind of too old to be bumped into that much. I ended up leaving at 2 or so.

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Crowd - was relatively empty until 1:15am or so (Tiesto came on at like 12:45am) and upstairs was almost completely empty until that time, filled up pretty quick but still plenty of room to rock out. While it was filled, it was no where near as packed as last time he played at Crobar.

i don't kno man, i was there at 11:00 where they had people waiting in the normally hip hop room till 11:30 before letting people into the main room and once they did, the place pretty much filled up by 12:30 all awaiting for Tiesto to come on. true it wasn't as packed as last time but it was definately filled way before 1:15. i was able to dance a little unlike last time where i got stuck on the second floor for like 3hours cause i saw how packed it was on the main and just didnt bother attempting to go down there. i thought he was actually better on the DVD release party as far as track selection and lighting goes. the songs were a bit more on the Epic side rather than this time which was a little bit harder.

overall, i don't think he's been giving NYC much respect anymore in terms of his track selection (just look at the days he's been playing NY), atleast not like those old Exit nights where they packed in 8000 people. and to think during the first Tiesto in concert he wore a "I love NY" T shirt. that seemed like a straight out diss

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Maybe I give him too much credit but I had such an awesome time. I couldn't ask for better energy from the crowd. At one point, every single person was jumping up and down with their hands in the air. You just don't see EVERYONE getting invovled that much anymore when you go to a club. When Tiesto got off around 4:30am, I really like how he ended it. He shook everyone's hands in the front stage and signed a few shirts and what not. I haven't seen many DJ's actually take the time out to shake hands and sign shirts. Maybe, I'm giving him too much credit but I think he did an excellent job and it was well worth my $40 bucks.

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I couldnt agree more. Way too packed for me and I wasnt even at Crobar the last time. It's not worth it to me to be bumped into every 30 seconds and not be able to dance. I dont mind paying that much mone to hear quality like both Serge and Tiesto produced but Im 31 and I guess Im kind of too old to be bumped into that much. I ended up leaving at 2 or so.

LOL I got 1 year on you but stayed till 3 and went to work a 8am. I was disappointed. It seemed like one long track to me. But yeah it was bump a cars in there and I agree it does get annoying after a while. 32 or 22 I would still be annoyed. What's with the 80yrl Asian Grandma's in the house? Holyshit they came out of the woodwork Sunday.

ATB on the other hand was sick at WH. $0.02

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heres my 2 cents for what its worth...prolly not much but o well...i saw tiesto @ crobar and it was totally packed. Mixing, he was fine-he basically went from one song to the next seamlessly as if he was only spinning 2 cds the whole night... i dont know how much of the crowd was too wasted to care what they heard as long as he was bangin... i think they mostly just wanted to party hard to a beat totally oblivious to any kind of technique.

i think that he could have done better as far as creative mixing-especially for him. it seems to me that his studio and production skills are better than what i observed at crobar, (which is almost always true for oakenfold (chokenfold?).... one great thing about tiesto (maybe helps him in his ranking as "#1 dj") is that he has the ability to make the crowd just go insane. bananas. crazy! i mean part of being a "superstar" dj is not only knowing how to press the mixer's buttons but also the crowd's buttons and he did that so well that night especially since there were 3 video cameras constantly on him. if i only saw him from the neck up and heard no audio at all, i would have sworn he was jamming out on an electric guitar or something from his on-stage presence...so i have to say on straight mixing a 7.5/10 (compared to what he's capable of), on "showmanship" and crowd control a 9.5 & on energy a 10 (this is what the guy looked like on stage --> :bounce: )

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heres my 2 cents for what its worth...prolly not much but o well...i saw tiesto @ crobar and it was totally packed. Mixing, he was fine-he basically went from one song to the next seamlessly as if he was only spinning 2 cds the whole night... i dont know how much of the crowd was too wasted to care what they heard as long as he was bangin... i think they mostly just wanted to party hard to a beat totally oblivious to any kind of technique.

i think that he could have done better as far as creative mixing-especially for him. it seems to me that his studio and production skills are better than what i observed at crobar, (which is almost always true for oakenfold (chokenfold?).... one great thing about tiesto (maybe helps him in his ranking as "#1 dj") is that he has the ability to make the crowd just go insane. bananas. crazy! i mean part of being a "superstar" dj is not only knowing how to press the mixer's buttons but also the crowd's buttons and he did that so well that night especially since there were 3 video cameras constantly on him. if i only saw him from the neck up and heard no audio at all, i would have sworn he was jamming out on an electric guitar or something from his on-stage presence...so i have to say on straight mixing a 7.5/10 (compared to what he's capable of), on "showmanship" and crowd control a 9.5 & on energy a 10 (this is what the guy looked like on stage --> :bounce: )

good review.. he puts on a great show and makes his fans go home happy... and at the end of the day that's all that matters... his mixing was impeccable... i didnt hear one unmatched beat and i wasnt under the influence of any drugs, just a few amstel lights... the way he ended the last song was hot and the way he was playing around with a track like dropping the bass and different shit like that was kinda hot... not hard to do but it definitely adds character to a set.. he was also throwing in those really fast back cues that i always used to hear dj's do but nobody does anymore.. but again thats not hard to do but it adds a nice effect to the mix.. all in all a good night..

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Dude I was seriously going to mention the Asian issue but I just decided to leave it alone for some reason. Half the people who bumped into me were the lost Asian crowd. Does anybody know these people...seriously they seem to just walk back and forth like they are lost. A lot of them do seem older, but I see other people who are older and I have no problem with them, in fact I think its awesome when I see an older person enjoying the same music as me and dancing. But this Asian thing has got to be adressed. If you do know these people please talk to them or set up a meeting with them. I dont even know what I would say to them other than to ask them nicely not to go out to clubs anymore, or at least the clubs Im going to that night. I really am sorry to all the Asian people out there who this does not relate to because it seems like Im singling out a group but I dont want it to be that way. It is more of a sub-group of Asians not all. But if you do know them maybe I could do some fundraising and just pay them to stay home.

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