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I hate being petite !!!!


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Says who? YOU? Who the fuck are you to tell me what to say???

You go girl!!! wink.gif



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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looks like another case of insecurity.. we all have some i guess but this is a major one, since it seems to affect many things u do... i think it's really about attitude.. but u need self confidence to exude that attitude, so u gotta work thru those problems in urself.. on a side note, (i'm generalizing) Most girls are around ur height range (5'2"-5'6") and most of us wear platforms, so it's not like u're alone on this one smile.gif i'm almost 5'5"! cwm35.gif



[This message has been edited by mareluna (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Originally posted by g-money:

Sorry, but we agreed that the term "you go girl" is no longer acceptable in society


Says who? YOU? Who the fuck are you to tell me what to say???

Did I miss something, cause I don't think I said anything hostile, nor did I tell you what you could or couldn't say. But based on a previous post ("Forbidden Expressions"), "You go girl" is a forbidden expression (for at least some of us). If you want to use it, feel free, I'm not gonna stop ya! wink.gif



"Everything is sweetened by Risk."


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I'm happy with myself, any way I look at it... If you are happy with yourself on the inside, then it'll shine through..regardless of how you look... I would see some girls at the gym who look AMAZING..People I looked to for motivation..but yet were so insecure with themselves that they were never happy with themselves and just put themselves down.....Just be happy with the person you are, the person only you know.. Once that's set everything else will fall into place.....I worked out religiously when I was younger and not only did I love the way I looked but most of all the way I felt.. I was happy with myself...I was confident..


Repeat after me.....



Feel free to PM if you need to chat..

love ya, marcella


AIM vampie

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Mysteriousss, why all the hostility? I just happen to agree with happykittn and gravity and others that "you go girl" is played out. Just my opinion, and if you happen to use that, then I'm not gonna tell you to shut the fuck up nor will I think badly of you.

Blueangel, I thought you had my back or is that only on PVD nights? wink.gif



"Everything is sweetened by Risk."


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Originally posted by g-money:

Mysteriousss, why all the hostility? I just happen to agree with happykittn and gravity and others that "you go girl" is played out. Just my opinion, and if you happen to use that, then I'm not gonna tell you to shut the fuck up nor will I think badly of you.

Blueangel, I thought you had my back or is that only on PVD nights? wink.gif


Dude..don't worry about it they're pulling your dick..PMSing probably..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by g-money:

Mysteriousss, why all the hostility? I just happen to agree with happykittn and gravity and others that "you go girl" is played out. Just my opinion, and if you happen to use that, then I'm not gonna tell you to shut the fuck up nor will I think badly of you.

Blueangel, I thought you had my back or is that only on PVD nights? wink.gif


Sweetie, saying that certain expression is played is just as bad as how some people come on this board and say that glow sticking is played out or drugs is played or certain type of music is played out . . . blah, blah, blah.

It might be played out for you and some other people but certain expression such as "you go girl" might not be. It's obviously not to Zoya and the phrase "been there done that" well I use that one ALL the time and yes, I will continue to use it in 2001.

It's a freedom of speech . . . let us be. deg.gif



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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! Ever since then I'm over come by these insecurities and beating myself up - trying to figure out what is so wrong about me. One day I will confront him ask him " What was so wrong with me ?"

First off who said anything is wrong with you. He is the one something is wrong with. He hit you, enough said. And if you ever get your chance to ask him, I personally would not put much weight in what he says.

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Originally posted by bungee:

Dude..don't worry about it they're pulling your dick..PMSing probably..

HEY!! I resent that!! So what if I'm PMSing!! The unbalance of my hormones has nothing to do with me getting upset or snapping at people!!!

Okay . .. maybe a lil' bit!




“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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OK, I HAVE to put my 2 pennies in this one, couldn't resist...First of all since when does height equals to attitude...Regardless of what height someone is, a nice person is a nice person, and an asshole will always be an asshole. Secondly, I don't hate being as tall as I am but at times it is frustrating...Even though I am able to reach many high things...LOL

For those who have met me b4, you guys already know, I am a 6 ft tall woman...In this city I "even" feel dwarfed sometimes. Its also hard for me to meet guys b/c for some reason they feel somewhat "threatened" or intimidated by me...

I have noticed some of the responses from the guys and have made an observation? What is the fixation of petite girls? What is it that attracts you "mainly" to petite girls? Is it the height/size difference? The fact you can whirl them around like puppets? I am not bashing anyone, but a lot of my friends are 5'4 and under so I hear all the comments from guys on the street. So basically from what I am hearing for the guys who responded, that I "have" to be more vertically challenged in order to be more attractive or be considered to be a hottie...

Don't worry, I am making extremes about this situation but a1234... whatever your height maybe, as long as you carry yourself with confidence, grace, and IMHO intelligence, you can knock anyone over regardless of size...I know plenty of petite girls that can make a juicehead cry so don't worry your pretty "Little" head...LOL

~*Jam*~ aka "jollyblackgiant" smile.gif

BTW - Clothes aren't easy to buy for me too ya know!


Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Originally posted by a12345:

Originally posted by uknjx2:

um, i'm saying this in the most caring of ways so don't take offense to it ok? you sound as though you're very insecure and i'm not basing that on this thread only. judging from a lot of the threads you've posted you sound like you need more self-confidence. you've dated a guy who only wanted you for one thing (i'm guessing this is the guy who you spent a lot of money on??)

WOW - Thank you ! I'm surprise you actually pay attention to my psots. YOu are very correct !! And thanks for caring !

I did like myself somewhat - UNTIL- that guy broke my heart ! Ever since then I'm over come by these insecurities and beating myself up - trying to figure out what is so wrong about me. One day I will confront him ask him " What was so wrong with me ?"

I thought about getting a gun for self- protection and such.

I don't feel safe sometimes - I don't need a big scary boy friend ! I should just get a gun.

Shit- that sounds fucked up ! lol

OK< listen to me.....there is nothing wrong with you. I think at one time or another everyone has had their heart crushed to pieces. This guy does not deserve you!!! You need to go out, have fun and realize that there is more to life than him. This is the guy that has a girlfriend, right?? It's probably the best thing for you that he doesn't want you and you will eventually realize this when you're over him. You need to come to one of the meetups and see for yourself that there's a whole world of people out there for you to make friends with, have fun with and get you over this peckerhead. Once you're over him you will start to rebuild some self-esteem and as that happens you'll regain some self-confidence and the fact that you're feeling good about yourself will reflect in your actions. This guy has brought you so far down and I can tell by the things you've said previously that he's hurt you really bad. There's a whole world of single guys out there just waiting for a girl like you, but they're not going to want you if you're wimpering on about an asshole who didn't deserve you in the first place. I know it's easy for me to say but I'm telling you it's true!!! My roommate is forever whining about how miserable she is and how this one hurt her and that one doesn't want her. I tell her she needs to find something in her life that makes her happy and concentrate on that. Maybe then her happiness will be a magnet to others. Right now she just brings others down!!! Seriously, pm me if you want to talk more but you need to get over this bozo and concentrate on yourself for a while. And the next time some big bozo bothers you just give me a call and all 90 lbs of me will deck him for ya, hee hee!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by jammy:

OK, I HAVE to put my 2 pennies in this one, couldn't resist...First of all since when does height equals to attitude...Regardless of what height someone is, a nice person is a nice person, and an asshole will always be an asshole. Secondly, I don't hate being as tall as I am but at times it is frustrating...Even though I am able to reach many high things...LOL

For those who have met me b4, you guys already know, I am a 6 ft tall woman...In this city I "even" feel dwarfed sometimes. Its also hard for me to meet guys b/c for some reason they feel somewhat "threatened" or intimidated by me...

I have noticed some of the responses from the guys and have made an observation? What is the fixation of petite girls? What is it that attracts you "mainly" to petite girls? Is it the height/size difference? The fact you can whirl them around like puppets? I am not bashing anyone, but a lot of my friends are 5'4 and under so I hear all the comments from guys on the street. So basically from what I am hearing for the guys who responded, that I "have" to be more vertically challenged in order to be more attractive or be considered to be a hottie...

Don't worry, I am making extremes about this situation but a1234... whatever your height maybe, as long as you carry yourself with confidence, grace, and IMHO intelligence, you can knock anyone over regardless of size...I know plenty of petite girls that can make a juicehead cry so don't worry your pretty "Little" head...LOL

~*Jam*~ aka "jollyblackgiant" smile.gif

BTW - Clothes aren't easy to buy for me too ya know!


Well said. I have dated all types... I really believe it's the person not neccessarily the physical characteristics (although sometimes that can REALLY help biggrin.gif )

I actually tend to go for tall women (the tallest I dated was 5'11"), but I have also dated shorter women (5'1"). I'm one of the fortunate guys that's not intimidated by height, or intelligence in a woman. I have seen women who were tall who were complete wimps and "petite" women who were total fireball.

a1234, Jammy is dead on about that. If you are really concerned about your physical safety, take a self defense course or martial-arts (I know it's already been suggested). And if that guy bothers you again, bring him around our way, I'm sure there are several of us that would like to show him how it feels... cwm23.gif

Damn I got stuck in a spontaneous meeting and forgot what else I was going to say... Oh well it will come back to me maybe....




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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I'm 5'2", 105lbs...I like my height and weight....

Like UKNJX2 said it sucks shopping and you can't reach the top shelf......

And when you go to buy clothes small is NEVER small enough.........

+ side to it guys LOVE little girls!

I was out one night and I saw this guy he was like a huge giant and I asked him " hunnie what are they feeding you?" he replied to me "little girls like you" I was like OK



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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