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Vegas nightlife review, June 17-20


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Sorry it took me so long to get to this... after splitting Vegas after lunch on Tuesday, my buddy Andrew and I de-toxed (well, make that "other-toxed") in Bryce and Dinosaur before rolling back home.

And it was such an incredible weekend I figure it deserved a proper writeup, if only so I can remember it all down the line.

In summary: LV treats me better and better and better with every trip. Without question a mind-blower of a weekend, probably my best ever. Now if only I can figure out which names and digits match which night. :love:

Special thanks to:

Ben (and Bill) @ Mecca Entertainment

Tony, Benny and Tiffany @ LALate

Larson @ Teatro

DJ Masterweb @ OPM

the entire staff of Body English


first night in town, ready to sweat to some slammin house from Glaude

8pm: MIX

Cover: none

Crowd: Beautiful. I mean gorgeous. Good looking, 25-40 y/o folks dressed to the nines. Plenty of room to move around, no problems finding room to stand by windows, but far from being empty. Male/female and single/couple ratio both felt about 50-50.

Music: Kinda mellow, pseudo-progressive. just the right vibe.

Staff: Exceptional. Very professional and extremely social.

Drinks: Stiff. Average prices.

Greenie: "They really need to add a serious dance floor to this place."

Andrew: "What's the deal with the monochrome bathroom? Or am I just that stoned?"

10pm: Emeril's

Reservations? Don't believe the hype that says weekends require a week (or more). Maybe necessary if you want to eat at 7-9pm. We walked up at 10pm and they sat us right away.

Food: Excellent.

Service: Average. Waiter and support staff did not address the small things -- pouring additional glasses of wine, clearing & cleaning table between courses. At their prices, especially in this town, service should be nothing short of exceptional (see N9NE below).

Cost: Somewhat expensive, mostly worth it. Some menu items appeared overpriced but most seemed priced about right. If you know wine, there are some outstanding bottles that are priced much more reasonably than others. On average though, I think they're gouging a touch.

Calling bullshit on: Waiter trying to rush our dinner selection claiming the kitchen was ready to close, while right behind him the hostess sat new tables and told them the kitchen was still open for at least 20-30 minutes.

Greenie: "Andrew, I swear, If I hear one person shout BAM, you're paying."

Andrew: "If I never ate here I'd think Emeril was a hack, because the food from his cookbooks and TV shows sucks."

11:30pm: Centrifuge (MGM)

Cover: none

Crowd: Mixed, packed in, loud and partying hard. A lot of 'em running back and forth to their friends in line for 54. Ratio 40/60 M/F, ages 21-50.

Music: All over the place from rock to hip-hop to house, mostly mainstream, but loud and party-driven.

Staff: Fast service at the bar, extremely sociable. Might have something to do with their getting up and dancing on the bar and tables every now and again, especially when patrons dance and holler with them.

Drinks: Average mixes... but you can't beat free drinks at the bar (play very slow, cheap, video poker).

Greenie: "What the hell, even in Vegas they feel compelled to play "Started" instead of "Retarted?"

Andrew: "I just got three drinks in half an hour for the cost of tips and a dollar in video poker. I love this town."

Boise Girl #1 "What do you mean 54 sucks? Why should we go with you to ICE instead?"

Boise Girl #2 "Can you really get us into ICE for free?"

12:30am: ICE

Cover: none (napkinnights list)

Crowd: Just right for this place. Hip-hop lounge was packed, arena about a quarter full until shortly after 1, when Glaude came on. By the first time the smoke blasted, arena was about half full. Within a few minutes of the smoke clearing, arena was packed but still plenty of room to dance. Felt like lots of regular clubbers/househeads, knew Glaude and his tracks. Ratio 60-40 M/F in the arena, fur room was 30/70 M/F.

Music: Slammin' house in the arena, hip-hop in the lounge. Glaude worked the crowd hard and it responded well. Arena VIP tables were packed.

Staff: Average.

Drinks: Stiff. Limited selection. Average booze, expensive water.

Greenie: "Saturday and Sunday we focus on women. Tonight it's about throwing it on the floor. Fuckin' Glaude, man!"

Andrew: "Hard to hook up when everyone faces the same direction. I'll be in that pink bubble room."

Boise Girl #1: "Wow, that smoke machine is incredible!"

Boise Girl #2: "Um... where can we go to get high?"

Glaude: "Make some fuckin noise, yeah!"

4:00am (thereabouts): Drai's

Cover: I think $20. Not sure. Swung $80 or $100 at the door to get me and Boise #2 in fast.

Crowd: Typical diverse, across-the-board, mostly young group. Beyond that can't recall much about the ratio. Wasn't paying attention to too many other people, to be honest.

Music: House. Some unique drops and progressions from the DJ.

Staff: Exceptional service, friendly servers.

Drinks: In the past, very stiff. I was um... sticking with water. Boise drank something, said it was "scrumptious." I swear that's what she said as I suddenly had this image of Dorothy in Oz. (Kansas, Idaho, whatever)

Boise Girl #2: (upon entering) "Holy shit this place is packed."

Greenie: "bbbbbbzzbzmmmmzbzbmmmmzzzzzz"

Friday, sometime after dawn: Zuri (MGM)

Crowd: Holy crap, this lounge was bumping. Ratio about 50-50. Young. Lots of people looking for the late night hookups... and most people seemingly well on their way. Boise Girl started dancing on a table and faux-stripteasing for me and it didn't seem out of place in the least.

Music: Mostly rock. I think. I vaguely recall the entire lounge screaming along to AC/DC at some point.

Can't remember anything else to say, just that Boise and I were at Zuri for a good amount of time, met a lot of people, really good time.


we really thought this would be our low-key night in between ICE-Friday and BE-Sunday

6pm: Shadow

Cover: none

Crowd: About half full, some couples but mostly singles, ages about 30-55, ratio 50-50. As usual, quiet group focused on the shadow dancers.

Music: Mellow/ballady crap. Even a twangy country tear-in-by-beer tune. Ugh. I didn't recall the music here being this bad.

Staff: Average. One bartender was damn good with his juggling (or "flair" or whatever), but the other two were clumsy and dropped a lot of shit. Yes, that means I wasn't watching the dancers 100% of the time.

Drinks: VERY Stiff. Below average prices.

Andrew: "Wow. She is perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect."

Greenie: "Just wait until Rehab."

7:00pm: Casa Fuente Cigar Lounge (Forum Shops)

Description: They are the only lounge and/or store in the world to which Fuente has attached their name, and as such they offer a number of cigars that cannot be purchased anywhere else. Better still is that they have set up a wonderful bar with comfortable leather stools (as well as a patio area) in which to enjoy a fine smoke, with an excellent selection of single malts to choose from. It is also extremely well ventilated, thus making it easy for a non-cigar smoker to easily relax with a stogie-loving friend. If you can't tell, I really, really, really enjoyed this place... and I'm not a real cigar fiend (that's Andrew's department).

Cover: none

Crowd: Non-existent other than one middle-aged couple at the bar.

Music: None. Zilch.

Staff: Absolutely exceptional. All knowledgeable of their product and extremely social. All of them attend the annual Big Smoke and are passionate about good tobacco.

Drinks: Healthy pours of quality single-malt for surprisingly low prices.

Andrew: "I wish Hamilton's in NYNY was still around, but the selection here blows them away. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find the cigar you're smoking? That's perfection, baby. Ask anyone who knows, there are only a few Cubans that are any better than this. It really doesn't get much better. We have to come back tomorrow. And Monday."

Greenie: "Just wait until Rehab."

9:00pm: Planet Hollywood (Forum Shops)

Reservations? Surely you must be kidding. (yet we heard a lot of people asking about them)

Food: Can't expect much from a chain-theme restaurant in the midst of chain-theme shopping. Food was as good as would be expected, and in large amounts.

Drinks: The real reason we ate here. They have an incredible happy hour from 9-10pm, with very stiff well drinks going for $2.

Service: Very fast and quite attentive, and our waitress made sure to bring us fresh cocktails without our having to ask. She clearly knew the program.

Cost: Reasonable for food, exceptional for drinks. At least during happy hour.

Calling bullshit on: All that crap on the walls and constant reminders of how much PH crap you can buy and take home.

Greenie: "I can't believe there's going to be an entire resort full of this shit."

10:30pm: OPM

Cover: none (thank you, DJ Masterweb)

Crowd: Good looking crowd, felt like it was about 50-50 M/F but felt like it was 70% ladies... the rumors you may have heard are true, the early crowd at OPM is full of guys that either have no game or simply aren't liquored up to talk to the ladies, who are definitely looking for attention and some early dancing before the place gets packed. VERY friendly ladies here!

Music: Straight up hip-hop, the best mix and true styles we heard all weekend. Not one crap track, not one questionable transition, mixed perfectly to build the vibe with the crowd. Kudos to Masterweb and company.

Staff: Door staff: outstanding! Serivce staff, average.

Drinks: Average strength and average price.

Calling bullshit on: Having to walk to the front of Caesar's to get a taxi after leaving (and then wait 20 minutes in line). Tried both of the taxi stops at the Forum Shops and in both locations, valets told us we had to hoof it to the front because they "couldn't guarantee a taxi would stop here." This was despite our offering $5 to have them figure out a way to get us a taxi pronto.

Greenie: "OPM seems to have a much better vibe now that Pure is in full swing."

Andrew: (within 5 minutes' of conversation to every gal he saw) "We have a table at Teatro, wanna join us?"

Most Ladies: "What's Teatro?" or "Where is Teatro" or "What music do they play?"

Local Ladies: "if the crowd gets too much here, we'll definitely stop by."

1:00am: Teatro

Cover: no cover, I think... we did a bottle (thanks to LALate for scoring us the best table location)

Crowd: About half-full when we arrived, never got more crowded than that. Seemed to be about 40-60 M/F. Great group of club kids in the far corner throwing it down, and the dance/floor area always seemed to have nothing but ladies (most guys in the place hovered around the stage, like lions focused on a lone gazelle). We hung mostly at our table, especially as sometime between 2:30 and 3:00 a trio of ladies from OPM joined us.

Music: Mostly house, but a little hip-hop and rock mashed in. Great beats that had both the crowd and the stage dancers moving at a solid pace.

Staff: Larson, a VIP host for Teatro, gave us some of the best treatment I've ever received when buying bottles. Wasn't above clearing out the odd crumpled napkin or empty glass from our table, either. Nice touches. Our waitress was professional, although a bit aloof and unfriendly. Not what you expect for gal making an easy, sizeable tip.

Drinks: Stiff, of course! (LOL) Bottle prices should have been lower, given that Teatro isn't yet the most in-demand club around. ($300 for a bottle of Sapphire)

Calling bullshit on: Having to pay for bottles of water after dropping for a bottle along with a generous tip. C'mon!

Greenie: "I love every inch of this place."

Andrew: "We're kicking Vegas' ass tonight."

Benny (LALate): "This always reminds me of the Gravitron ride."

OPM Gal #1: "This is so much better than Tabu!"

OPM Gal #2: "I'm surprised they're not packed, it's incredible in here."

OPM Gal #3: "How much do you think I need to tip the dancer to have her to join us for a drink?"

Greenie: "I'm gonna pop up to the suite for a minute. Anyone else? The elevator is right outside the door."

4:00am (thereabouts): Centrifuge

Comments: See above for other comments, but note that Centrifuge was going OFF at this time. Packed to the gills with party people, crowded enough that many folks hung on the outside of the bar.

Andrew: "The great thing about video poker is you can't lose your shirt by playing it wasted."

OPM Gal #2: "Lets do shots."

OPM Gal #3: "No, let's do jagerbombs!"

Greenie: "You guys need to hook up with my man Bill at Body English some night."

ummmm 5am? 6am?: Drai's

Comments: I assume another great finish at Drai's... I'll be honest, there's this little gap here where I don't remember a damn thing. Neither does Andrew or our two friends from OPM (no idea what happened to the third)... but we've got a few bar receipts.

8am: Rainbow Bar & Gril

Comments: When trying to remember the finish to the evening, I don't remember leaving Centrifuge, nor do I remember arriving at Rainbow (and all things in between), but apparently we headed over here at the suggestion of a few folks at Drai's. This place really rocks for an after-after-party. See the comments below, as we remember our second night (morning) here a lot better. Andrew and one of the gals never made it, he says he has a fuzzy recollection of his gal thinking we were trying to take them to the strip club next door.


originally intended as the focal party point of our weekend

2pm: Rehab

Cover: none (we checked into the HR on Sun)

Crowd: Much better than my last two Rehab trips (late summer 2004). Mind-bogglingly beautiful bodies, both men and women. Half the crowd oughtta be acting, modeling or dancing. What am I saying? Words cannot do this party justice... and no matter how many photos you see, it simply has to be experienced. Different: some pudgy dude running around in a full Mr. Incredible costume. Entertaining: not-so-subtle dry-humping along the pool ledge. Unfortuante But Still Entertaining: A good number of bombed individuals -- old and young, male and female -- being ejected before 3pm. Well done, morons.

Music: Full range of hip-hop, rock and pop early, mostly house later.

Staff: Very slow, horribly forgetful and clumsy (we saw one waitress spill drinks on 3 different guests). But extremely beautiful and quite friendly. Ah, the sacrifices we are willing to make.

Drinks: Horribly overpriced and under-boozed no matter what you buy. Smart planning gets you around this hurdle surprisingly easy. Besides, no matter how good a party, getting hammered in the afternoon sun won't leave you much for BE that night.

Calling bullshit on: Overweight people with no shame. Seriously. Do these folks feel somehow liberated or empowered by dressing in the same outfits (and worse, dancing in them) as their hardbodied poolmates? I'm no Adonis and believe that everyone should be welcome at Rehab... but in the words of Tim Meadows' Ladies Man, "yeah, well, that's disgusting."

Andrew: "Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Dude. Um. Um. Dude. Dude. Um. Wow."

Greenie: "Just wait until Body English."

10:05pm: Mr. Lucky's (HR)

Food: Surprisingly tasty. First time I've ever eaten at a casino's 24-hour restaurant and didn't feel sick.

Service: We sat at the counter and received excellent service from our waiter. Some grumpy, 50+ old fart plops down two stools over and spreads out some work paperwork. His service from the same waiter... not so good... LOL!

Cost: Surprisingly reasonable compared to its peers around town.

Calling bullshit on: Pink Taco for having its last seating at 10:00pm sharp (yes, we begged and promised to order immediately, no dice). On a Sunday night with the line for Body English already going strong. I think Nobu was still seating, but sushi doesn't quite soak things up, if you know what I mean.

Greenie: "Killer onion rings."

Andrew: "I'll have a bloody mary, a steak sandwich, and a steak sandwich."

[i[Waiter: "Extra primo good sir. I will put that on the Underhill's check."

11:30pm: Body English

Cover: $30 for mortals. (thank you Ben @ Mecca for the VIP)

Crowd: My 5th BE Sunday this year and in my opinion, the best crowd yet. Around midnight I swear the place was 30-70 M/F, and right up until closing whenever we were on the dance floor it was just a ocean of hot, sexy, sweaty women. I had my dancing game on like never before, stayed primarily near the stage. Couldn't even count how many women I danced with... at one point one of the ones on the stage swung her legs through the railing and wrapped them around my head... I shit you not... aside from quick trips to the bar for jagerbombs (and one trip back to the room), never really left the dance floor. Left me with both images and feelings that I can't get out of my head -- and hope I never do.

Music: Mash-up leaning more towards hip-hop. I'm always amazed by how well DJ AM knows his crowds and gets them worked into such a frenzy, especially considering the DJ booth is so isolated from the dance floor. I could live without hearing Livin' On A Prayer, but going by the response of the women throughout the club it's no surprise he plays it. Awesome drops, transitions and layers.

Staff: Exceptional, outstanding, brilliant, fast, professional and friendly. From door to host to bar, in my opinion the best overall nightclub staff in the city. Best restroom attendant, too. Keeps his realm spotless, doesn't crowd you, remembers your name and carries my favorite cologne (D&G Masculine, if anyone gives a shit).

Drinks: The two S&Ts we had to start off were nice and stiff, and our jagerbombs were tall and well priced ($9).

Calling bullshit on: Closing even when the place is still SLAMMING!

Andrew: "You weren't kidding about this place."

Greenie: "Oh. It is SO on."

Unknown Gal #1: "You are the sexiest dancer in here."

Unknown Gal #2: "Are you guys locals?"

Unknown Gal #3: "Are you going to the Rainbow afterwards?"

Unknown Gal #4: "How about a jagerbomb?"

Unknown Gal #5: "Do you have a room here?"

Unknown Gals #6-10: "Come have a drink with us at our table."

I swear, it's all true... I've never had a night quite like this... makes me want to move out for good... and the above is only what I remember...

After: Circle Bar

Comments: Once again it seems I have a gap in my memory of the night (might be time to cut back on the jagerbombs and other party favors and save a few brain cells), as I don't really recall things coming to an end at BE nor do I recall spending any time at the Circle Bar. Which is an extreme shame because (it turns out) I met a few local gals and got their numbers. Anyway, According to Andrew:

Crowd: Insane. Packed. Women everywhere. People still dancing.

Drinks: Strong and flying.

After-After: Rainbow Bar & Grill

Comments: Just like the night before, the curtain of darkness lifted from my memory here. Maybe I ate something and came to, I dunno. Don't remember coming here, the first memory I have from Rainbow is Andrew and I sitting in a booth with 4 gals, two of whom we had danced with inside BE and the other two had just come from their waitress gig at another club.

Crowd: Awesome range of people, all sorts of ages/characters/clothes/attitudes but everyone in a serious party mood. Ratio about 50-50 and the place was busy but not packed. The gals introduced me to a boatload of people, all locals. Everyone else I talked to were pretty much locals or from LA. The one non-LV/LA person I met (make that "remember") was somehow related to someone who works at Nobu.

Music: Rock.

Staff: Excellent. No surprise I suppose, locals serving locals.

Drinks: Can't recall the drink strength, but I do recall being shocked at the incredibly low prices. One of the gals I was with told me they always run drink specials from about 4-8am

Greenie: "Hey, you know, we have some really fantastic bottles of wine back in our room."

All: "Right on, let's go."


our mellow recovery night before hitting the road Tuesday

7:00pm: Viva Las Vegas Lounge

Crowd: Mellow and older. A few gals that looked like pros, otherwise had the vibe of a bunch of people that are in town for business instead of partying. Such is the hotel crowd Mon-Thu at HR, I suppose.

Music: Rock and hip-hop.

Staff: Excellent, talkative, friendly.

Drinks: Newcastles while (minimally) playing video poker

Andrew: "Time for steak."

Greenie: "Mmmm. Cow."

8:30pm: Casa Fuentue

See above. This time we didn't smoke here -- saved 'em for later -- just had a cocktail.

10:00pm: N9NE

Reservations? Not needed late on a Monday night. Most tables were filled but we walked right in with no wait.

Crowd: Dudes, dudes, and more dudes. Businessmen and poker players.

Food: Out-fucking-standing.

Drinks : One of the best wine lists I've ever seen, with some exceptional bottles priced very well. And they made a damn, damn fine martini.

Service: Could not possibly be any better. Attention to every detail, prompt, knowledgeable and professional. Very knowledgeable sommelier who enjoyed conversing with us before and after our selection.

Cost: Extremely expensive but without question worth every penny.

Greenie: "No dessert for me, thanks. I'll just die happy right now."

Andrew: "Vegas, dude."

Midnight: Ghostbar

Cover: $10 but no charge for us thanks to the staff of N9NE

Crowd: Very well-dressed and a bit mellowed out, ratio just about 50-50, ages from 30-55. Lots of older men with local pros. At midnight, barely more than half-full. By 1am only about a third to a quarter full.

Music: Hip-hop with very occasional rock mash. Not sure who was on the decks but I really dug his selection and mixing... lots of semi-old school (late 80s, early 90s) urban hip-hop tracks that are very rarely heard these days... non-hit tracks from Black Sheep, Pharcyde, Brand Nubian, Casual. Sweet.

Staff: Excellent, friendly. Slow night so they were happy to talk with me about the new Palms expansion tower (growing faster than you'd believe) as well as a number of non-touristy topics. Best of all, one of the bartenders was able to tell us the only place on the Strip that would still have live jazz at 2am.

Drinks: Average strength... but a bit on the expensive side.

Andrew: (sitting on a coach on the deck, smoking cigar, gazing at the Strip) "You mind if we stay here for quite a while?

Greenie: "No problem. You mind if I stay on my feet and go meet some ladies?"

2:00am: Some lounge at Bellagio (next to Baccarat table room)

Crowd: Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money. Tuxedos, gowns, fine suits and cocktail dresses. About 70-30 M/F, and the four of us were the only ones under 45 (maybe 50).

Music: Classic, urban jazz. The sole reason we came here. Live band for about 45 minutes, then played over the soundsystem. Band was solid with a very, very tight piano player.

Staff: Quiet but professional. Although we were dressed up in our fines, our age and lack of ties made us quite separate from the rest of the crowd... but the staff didn't treat us any differently.

Drinks: Stiff but very expensive.

Comments: A very nice, relaxing lounge. Bartender said that the live jazz band was a rare special, usually they just have a solo guy on a grand piano, but they had some VIPs that made a special arrangement. Nevertheless, nice feel to the place, definitely the classiest 24-hour bar/lounge that I've come across in LV. We came with a pair of 30-ish women we met at Ghostbar and it was a great place for quiet after-hours cocktails and conversation. We did walk by Caramel first and it looked dead, dead, dead.

Can't wait for the next trip... looking at July 9th... rock on!

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I would like to take out my highlighter and mark two things lol

a) I think day 1's girl was found at where? .... ummmmm centrifugeeeeeeee lol and 2's girl was yanked in based upon what ..... TEATRO lol HE-LLOOOOOOO do I not know my sh-ttttt. hahahaha

B) And for every person that has always on cpbump hated on my "things said in the club last weekend" (god, if only i posted what went down last night in LA jesus :devil:) - this is an example, you go the right places with the right hookups you have the fcking time of your life!!!!!!!!!! 'nough said.

Great review!! Very entertaining! Glad you had a good time.. next time we have to meet!!

You know what girl? You can see him with MEEEEEE LOL cuz Im booking the weekend of the 8th to party with this cool mofo right fckn now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Im not friggen kiddin. lol

and jroo - fly ur ass out dawg!

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You know what girl? You can see him with MEEEEEE LOL cuz Im booking the weekend of the 8th to party with this cool mofo right fckn now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Im not friggen kiddin. lol

and jroo - fly ur ass out dawg!

Okay... better not leave me out of your trip!!! Let me in on the plans!!!

Better keep up!! LOL

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masterweb -- will definitely give a shout next time in town. Honestly I can't imagine going for a weekend without at least one stop at OPM on Friday/Saturday. :bowdown:

lalate -- don't try to make me out into a legend here... just a lucky bastard that knows how to take advantage of a good time! :rock:

As for my stating "things said in the club" well, nobody knows my boy Andrew (and nobody here likely ever will, this trip was kind of like a dying man's last meal) and I did protect the names of the other innocents (not that I can remember all of their names anyway)... only reason I remember so many of the statements is b/c Andrew and I kept repeating them all week out in the desert, half in disbelief half to make sure we'd never forget.

I really don't care if people wanna give me shit for making claims or boasting or whatever. It was a mind-blowing weekend for myself and much of it would not have been possible if not for keeping in mind similar reviews/comments/stories from others on the board.

And believe me, there was certainly a lot more shit said at the clubs that didn't make it anywhere near my review. :devil:

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Since we're talking reviews I'd like to post a little sumpin of my own, I would like to give big up's to Ms.kattie @Drai's for making the last weekend in vegas off the fkng hook. Super awsome people at the door, very cool and attentive service ( we had table/bottle service),not to mention cool people and good music,Drai's is definitively on my to do list from now on when in vegas. ICE has always been on my list, sweet ass peeps in that joint always. :bowdown::bounce::beer:

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Drai's is definitively on my to do list from now on when in vegas. ICE has always been on my list, sweet ass peeps in that joint always. :bowdown::bounce::beer:

See, now there ya go. No surprise that Drai's fit your "activity" just fine. :hat:

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