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Is anybody "OUT" there...

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Although I don't consider myself to be flaming, I am gay. Unlike your stereotyped gay male; I find women attractive, function well in straight places, and I don't have the "re-decorating" gene!

I understand and appreciate the straight atmosphere around here and would never try to stir up a gay crowd (we have our own places and I'm sure it's better that way).

My questions are:

1. Are there any other gay/bi members here male or female?

2. Has anyone (male or female) had any kind of homosexual thought under the influence of E? (of any kind..even holding hands, kissing or whatever else)...I for one even had thoughts of being with a girl. (FYI: Thoughts, especially under the influence, does NOT make one gay or leaning that way!)

3. Is anyone totally against this type of conversation? My intentions are not to offend or infiltrate.

Just "curious"



Rich Suede


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# 2.. Almost every time smile.gif E definitely works for me...And I don't find it bad smile.gif LOL


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by back2basics:

Not mocking, sorry if you though i was. It's just sarcasm.

Okay everything I seem to be saying on this post is being taken the wrong way. Do I have IM's up the butt now!?!?

Im not saying you were mocking me. I should have worded that a little clearer and I apologize. I was basically referring to those imposters that we're putting shit up like "Oh and I'm bi. tee-hee".

Sorry for the confusion guys...ntohing meant towards ANYONE.



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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I def play for both teams. cwm9.gif

this board is pretty cool about it.. w/ the occasional "yo dat shit is fawked up" type of response from some homophobic asshole here and there. I've been registered since '98 and haven't seen anybody go nuts attacking gay people....Nevertheless...when it comes to str8 clubs....As str8 as it is.. even Factory has some sugar in it's gastank.

not every gayguy

worships junior

worships labels

wears a&f

does runway


acts like a 65 year old jewish grandma trapped in a 22year old white boy body

likes broadway

wants to be on broadway

wants to play a woman on broadway

acts like his sister

wears his sisters clothes

wears his sisters makeup

wants to be his sister lol

normal guy here. shocked the shit out of many when i came out.


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Oh well, what the hell... here we go:

1. Are there any other gay/bi members here male or female?

I am currently attending an all-female college, and I'd estimate (conservatively) that 75% of the students on this campus are either lesbian or bisexual. Having set the scene... I have a boyfriend, but I do find myself attracted to other females (only soft butches and femmes, not stone butches... >O.O< ). If I were single, I'd definitely date another girl if the opportunity arose, and who knows where things could go from there... anyway, to make a very long story short, I consider myself bi... but it could just be the fact that I'm young and curious. Long-term relationship-wise, though, I can only see myself with a man...

2. Has anyone (male or female) had any kind of homosexual thought under the influence of E? (of any kind..even holding hands, kissing or whatever else)...I for one even had thoughts of being with a girl. (FYI: Thoughts, especially under the influence, does NOT make one gay or leaning that way!)

I think, whether under the influence of any kind of drug or not, almost everyone has bi tendancies to a certain extent. Unfortunately, our society tends to be ridiculously homophobic, so very few people will actually admit to this (my honey included).

3. Is anyone totally against this type of conversation? My intentions are not to offend or infiltrate.

Not here... hell, this is mild compared to some of the questions posed and articles written in our campus newspapers... (a little while ago, there was a very detailed article on "How To Fist"... and there are reviews of the latest types and models of vibrators every week)

Study break over. Back to work... cwm15.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Originally posted by misskittie:

Originally posted by back2basics:

Not mocking, sorry if you though i was. It's just sarcasm.

Okay everything I seem to be saying on this post is being taken the wrong way. Do I have IM's up the butt now!?!?

Im not saying you were mocking me. I should have worded that a little clearer and I apologize. I was basically referring to those imposters that we're putting shit up like "Oh and I'm bi. tee-hee".

Sorry for the confusion guys...ntohing meant towards ANYONE.

Thanks for clearing that up for everyone.





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Originally posted by suedenyc:

Although I don't consider myself to be flaming, I am gay. Unlike your stereotyped gay male; I find women attractive, function well in straight places, and I don't have the "re-decorating" gene!

I understand and appreciate the straight atmosphere around here and would never try to stir up a gay crowd (we have our own places and I'm sure it's better that way).

My questions are:

1. Are there any other gay/bi members here male or female?

2. Has anyone (male or female) had any kind of homosexual thought under the influence of E? (of any kind..even holding hands, kissing or whatever else)...I for one even had thoughts of being with a girl. (FYI: Thoughts, especially under the influence, does NOT make one gay or leaning that way!)

3. Is anyone totally against this type of conversation? My intentions are not to offend or infiltrate.

Just "curious"

I think a lot of people on this board are bi-sexual or gay....I think this b/c there was a thread a long time ago about people's sexuality. I've had thoughts about girls (not even when I'm on E) but I don't think that makes me bisexual. "They" say everyone has at least one sexual experience with a member of the same sex in a lifetime...i'm still waiting for mine!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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this might sound to you all like the most retarded , rediculous , most uneducated thing i have ever said but ...:

i think that an over abondance of e has something to do with turning people gay ( or bi rather) .... and i have my reasons .. from back in the day when e was for ravers and club kids did coke and drank ... i found that soem of my friends that were straighter than an arrow . i mean no way these people were gay .... after starting to roll all the time u began to notice a change ... and eventually noticed them kissing other guys .,.. now maybe it was something deep inside of them ( maybe its in everyone) that these things are so far buried in you that if u are straight ( like myself ) they will never surface ... but when e is taken or over taken these homosexual feelings and inhibitions come out ... it was strange to me at first .. liek what teh fuck ? he cant be kissing other guys .,. hes so not gay ! ... but whatever ... i think u can notice it more now that teh drug has become ramant .. even with they way people dress , tight clothing they never would hav ewore .. and with females i thinkits even more common ... prob because they are more open about sexuallity and their "love" for each other , plus not to mention that bi and les women are way more excepted than gay men ... but u definutly seee a lot more bi / les chicks today then u used too ... anyways there my theroy on e making people gay ... and i stand by it .. =)



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Originally posted by misskittie:

I have no problem answering what you may ask..even though someone on the board seems to find humor in mocking me and my sexuality. But if thats youre only question, you have your answer.

xoxo cwm38.gif

Nobody mocks you *rolleyeswiththesamepatienceasifspeakingtoadown'ssyndromevictim*

It's just that there are certain things that you announce every two seconds. It has nothing to do with the subject matter, it's the redundancy.

Shit, I know more about you than I do my grandfather.



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Thanks for replying everyone! It's definately interesting to see everyone's perspective.

The only thing that sucks (which I was hoping to get around) is:

I asked very specific questions and a lot of people got side-tracked with what MissKittie does with her kittie.

So here they are again:

My questions are:

1. Are there any other gay/bi members here male or female? (Please only refer to yourself)

2. Has anyone (male or female) had any kind of homosexual thought under the influence of E? (of any kind..even holding hands, kissing or whatever else)...I for one even had thoughts of being with a girl. (FYI: Thoughts, especially under the influence, does NOT make one gay or leaning that way!)

3. Is anyone totally against this type of conversation? My intentions are not to offend or infiltrate.




Rich Suede


[This message has been edited by suedenyc (edited 12-06-2000).]

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I know for sure there are a lot of gay/bi ppl on this board...Hey Rich, if not maybe I will take you out one night to hit up a bunch of gay bars to meet some lovely lookin dudes! Shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone...I know of a couple of places! cwm32.gif



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Ooooops forgot to answer the questions (got side-tracked cwm3.gif )

Originally posted by suedenyc:

My questions are:

1. Are there any other gay/bi members here male or female? (Please only refer to yourself)

I am not gay, but I am guessing bi tendencies? cwm13.gif

2. Has anyone (male or female) had any kind of homosexual thought under the influence of E? (of any kind..even holding hands, kissing or whatever else)...I for one even had thoughts of being with a girl. (FYI: Thoughts, especially under the influence, does NOT make one gay or leaning that way!)

Sorry, I don't take candy (bad for the teeth) cwm4.gif

3. Is anyone totally against this type of conversation? My intentions are not to offend or infiltrate.

No worries



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

[This message has been edited by jammy (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Originally posted by georgiahomeboy:

Nobody mocks you *rolleyeswiththesamepatienceasifspeakingtoadown'ssyndromevictim*

It's just that there are certain things that you announce every two seconds. It has nothing to do with the subject matter, it's the redundancy.

Shit, I know more about you than I do my grandfather.

First I must apologize to Suede for somewhat going off track but I just wanted to clear something up here.

Georgia, I do not need to explain my actions to you nor do I really care what you happen to think about me. You are obviously someone who knows me yet feels the need to try and crap on me so to speak. I do NOT actually announce all the time that Im bi. I hardly talk about it as a matter of fact but if it does happen to come up in conversation, then I sure will be one to add a comment. The only time it was in fact appearing constantly was when there was the "missskittie" impersonator.

I am who I am. I have been this way for many years now and am EXTREMELY proud of it. Maybe if you knew me, THE REAL ME, you would understand a little bit better. But grow up already with the childish remarks which make noone look bad, but yourself.

Have a Good Day!

Kathy =) cwm17.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Originally posted by suedenyc:

My questions are:

1. Are there any other gay/bi members here male or female?

I'm not gay but a lot of people have thought that I am.

2. Has anyone (male or female) had any kind of homosexual thought under the influence of E? (of any kind..even holding hands, kissing or whatever else)...I for one even had thoughts of being with a girl. (FYI: Thoughts, especially under the influence, does NOT make one gay or leaning that way!)

Actually last Saturday was probably the first time I rolled and hung out in a "let's sit down and hold each others hands and rub each others back " type of setting with you and Sinem and the others which was very different and cool. I'm almost always in Twilo or somewhere else just dancing and not really thinking about it. But no homosexual thoughts yet. As most people know, MDMA was once given to patients to tell there true emotions without any inhibitions (or less than they would usually have) so if anyone is experiencing any homosexual feelings, perhaps they're gay and don't know yet?

3. Is anyone totally against this type of conversation? My intentions are not to offend or infiltrate.

It takes a lot to offend me, so no way. I have a bunch of gay friends and they really are the most fun to hang out with. You may encounter some negativity from people on the board, but it's generally people who just look to start drama with ANYONE, so don't take offense.




Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Do what thou wilt.

Aleister Crowley

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams- Willy Wonka

AIM: crackorn71

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JupiterStarPower.gif .... the only thing I will ever ask of you is to promise not to stop when I say when ....

[This message has been edited by klitika (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Originally posted by misskittie:

First I must apologize to Suede for somewhat going off track but I just wanted to clear something up here.

Georgia, I do not need to explain my actions to you nor do I really care what you happen to think about me.

Oh but you are going to, aren't you.

You are obviously someone who knows me yet feels the need to try and crap on me so to speak.

No I don't know you, but with all the personal posts I have read, I can repeat your height, weight, and underwear habits.

I do NOT actually announce all the time that Im bi. I hardly talk about it as a matter of fact but if it does happen to come up in conversation, then I sure will be one to add a comment.

I have read it at least 3000 times, and you made out with glowgirl

The only time it was in fact appearing constantly was when there was the "missskittie" impersonator.

I thought that was you.

I am who I am. I have been this way for many years now and am EXTREMELY proud of it. Maybe if you knew me, THE REAL ME, you would understand a little bit better. But grow up already with the childish remarks which make noone look bad, but yourself.

Have a Good Day!




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Ok..here we go again. For those of you who stayed on topic and answered truthfully, I thank you. It's not often that a guy like me gets to candidly ask the masses what they think.

So from what I see so far here are some interesting stats (as of 12/6@7:00pm):

Total respondants: 11 (5 Male & 6 Female)

Of 6 Females- 5 feel some sort of attraction to the same sex with or without E.

Of 5 Males - 2 feel some sort of attraction to the same sex with or without E.

So I guess it's true what they say; only a woman knows exactly what a woman wants smile.gif

Thanks for all of the input.



Rich Suede


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mean its not

Originally posted by georgiahomeboy:


Originally posted by misskittie:

First I must apologize to Suede for somewhat going off track but I just wanted to clear something up here.

Georgia, I do not need to explain my actions to you nor do I really care what you happen to think about me.

Oh but you are going to, aren't you.

You are obviously someone who knows me yet feels the need to try and crap on me so to speak.

No I don't know you, but with all the personal posts I have read, I can repeat your height, weight, and underwear habits.

I do NOT actually announce all the time that Im bi. I hardly talk about it as a matter of fact but if it does happen to come up in conversation, then I sure will be one to add a comment.

I have read it at least 3000 times, and you made out with glowgirl

The only time it was in fact appearing constantly was when there was the "missskittie" impersonator.

I thought that was you.

I am who I am. I have been this way for many years now and am EXTREMELY proud of it. Maybe if you knew me, THE REAL ME, you would understand a little bit better. But grow up already with the childish remarks which make noone look bad, but yourself.

Have a Good Day!


To your post...."Blah blah blah...it's getting old...damn my eyes are drooping with boredom." cwm37.gif

But can someone answer me this......"When the hell did I make out with Glowgirl?????" cwm24.gif

I know I sure wasnt there for that one! Shit I feel cheated now. Hey Deb...do u remember this? Maybe you can refresh my memory cuz I sure dont and have a STRONG feeling you dont either!!

lol this board gets more and more amusing everyday I open it up.....


My apologies again Suede. This is getting a little old and boring these stupid little bikerfests that occur but I find it amusing anyway. cwm17.gif

But since I seem to have left out an answer to the questions here goes ral fast and easy...

I do not require nor have I ever required Ecstacy or any other drug for that matter to make me more attracted to the same or opposite sex. To be honest, under Ecstacy, I dont really have any turn ons to either sex. I just think about the music and the time Im having as well as being with friends.

There ya have it!



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE cwm11.gif

[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 12-06-2000).]

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my dearest friend richard!

I don't get down like that (but I do however hear Charlies Angels get down like that! smile.gif

(i had the song in my head and I was just being "snoppy!"

I forgot what you asked..???

GAY? no I'm not Gay..... I have thought abou t it but its not on my "TO DO". Just as much as I think how it would feel to throw ones self in front of a train... but yeah it has come to mind!

Love ya, Sinemineminemineminem!

*Eminem FOREVER!*




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Hey all...

Well, I'm a female and I am bisexual. I've had sex with a girl only once,(and I must say that I enjoyed it very much). But I've also messed around with other girls. Right now I have a boyfriend and he doesn't care if I mess around with a girl.

About your second E question, I haven't really noticed it since I do like girls. But....my boyfriend has had new views about guys since he started doin E. When I first started goin out w/ him (which was almost a year and a 1/2 ago), he was straighter than straight, I mean, he would not even admit it if a guy was good looking!! But then when me and him started goin to clubs and doin E, I noticed (and he noticed) that he was changing alittle. One time a few months ago we were at kurfew and he was on e, and this other kid thought that he was really hot, so my b/f was talking to him and then all of a sudden I see them hookin up. I was like oh my god!! because I had always told him that it was such a turn on for me to see 2 hot guys together!! So then the next day I asked him about it and he didn't really care. He even admitted to me that the kid was hot too(which he was!!) I wouldn't really say that my b/f is actually bisexual, but he's open alot more about it now than he was b4, which is good.

I really don't believe that there's anyone out there who is 100% 'male' and 100% 'female'.Everyone has

at least a tiny bit of the opposite sex in them, even if that person doesn't admit it. Thats just my opinion though.







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