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Do Guys Really Fall for the "Good Girl" Routine???

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I'm sooo sick of the double standard when it comes to sex, and how soon to have it! Yet in order for a guy not to think that the girl he's hanging with is a slut (even though he's more likely to be one than she is), she has to "pretend" that she's not ready to F his brains out, until they've hung out for a certain amount of time. Meanwhile she could have gang banged 5 guys a week before she met her current fling, yet she will be perceived as a "good girl". But the girl who decides she wants her fling and takes him, will be perceived as a slut.

My point is, you guys make your judgements, and sometimes you really don't have all the facts with which to make certain judgements... And you may end up with a SLUT who's just playing the role! What's up with that???



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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I'll fall for ANY fawkin routine the two of you's are doin!!!!

I wouldn't mind playin the part of the 'pickle' in a proverbial uknjx and divalicous sandwich if ya's catch my fawkin drift.


****how was that Luigi, am I in??*****



[This message has been edited by luigl_scarpini (edited 12-07-2000).]

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Originally posted by divalicious:

I'm sooo sick of the double standard when it comes to sex, and how soon to have it! Yet in order for a guy not to think that the girl he's hanging with is a slut (even though he's more likely to be one than she is), she has to "pretend" that she's not ready to F his brains out, until they've hung out for a certain amount of time. Meanwhile she could have gang banged 5 guys a week before she met her current fling, yet she will be perceived as a "good girl". But the girl who decides she wants her fling and takes him, will be perceived as a slut.

My point is, you guys make your judgements, and sometimes you really don't have all the facts with which to make certain judgements... And you may end up with a SLUT who's just playing the role! What's up with that???

You couldn't have stated the double standard any better. The reason guys think their judgements are right when they finally make a judgement is because guys always think they're right...... frown.gif sorry male species. And guys are considered to be dogs who chase after pussycats until they catch them and then......on to the next pussycat!!



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me personally wouldnt think that of a girl, cause i know girls are just as horney as us men. so whats the big deal if you do it on the first date?!?!?

but i know a lot of my guy friends DONT think the way i do and will probably think the girl is a slut...go figure!! its just a fact of life.

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Originally posted by divalicious:

I'm sooo sick of the double standard when it comes to sex, and how soon to have it! Yet in order for a guy not to think that the girl he's hanging with is a slut (even though he's more likely to be one than she is), she has to "pretend" that she's not ready to F his brains out, until they've hung out for a certain amount of time. Meanwhile she could have gang banged 5 guys a week before she met her current fling, yet she will be perceived as a "good girl". But the girl who decides she wants her fling and takes him, will be perceived as a slut.

My point is, you guys make your judgements, and sometimes you really don't have all the facts with which to make certain judgements... And you may end up with a SLUT who's just playing the role! What's up with that???

You couldn't have stated the double standard any better. The reason guys think their judgements are right when they finally make a judgement is because guys always think they're right...... frown.gif sorry male species. And guys are considered to be dogs who chase after pussycats until they catch them and then......on to the next pussycat!!



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It's funny you should ask that question... Hmmmmmmmmm! Probably most guys do depending on the overall picture. If the good girl routine is: no, I'm not like that or No, it's to soon... then ???????????? If the good girl routine flows more naturally to the point where you feel guilty to be a dirty old man than...

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I must admit that when a girl is really sweet and extremely nice, it's a definite signal to me that she's a whack job in bed. Proven theory.


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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Originally posted by imaqtxoxo:

You couldn't have stated the double standard any better. The reason guys think their judgements are right when they finally make a judgement is because guys always think they're right...... frown.gif sorry male species. And guys are considered to be dogs who chase after pussycats until they catch them and then......on to the next pussycat!!

Let's say this... The past is the past, and both parties have to be mature enough to realize that past performance is not indicative of the future... live for what you have not what you had!


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if you really like someone and want to have a relationship, it's better to wait a while. this doesn't mean you're playing a good girl routine. you can tell the guy you're physically attracted to him and would love to have sex with him right away. but, you tell him, there are so many other ways to get to know somebody besides physically. there have been times when i've slept with someone too soon in the relationship and regretted it - there just wasn't enough emotion developed between us to keep things going. or, there's the case of getting to know somebody before sleeping with them and finding out you really don't like them that much and being really glad you never slept with them.

i've learned that it's almost always up to the woman to say no to sex. when do men ever say no? women are expected to be the ones to control how fast the relationship moves sexually. in my 20+ years of dating, i've had ONE guy tell me he wouldn't sleep with me because he wasn't in love with me. i never regretted not sleeping with him - and now, eight years later, we're best friends. this same best friend just met a woman and he was completely smitten - and after all these years he's still very careful about sleeping with a woman he's not in love with - she pressured him for sex on like the third date - he gave in - and it ruined everything. he's no longer smitten, the mystery is gone, and he is moving on. they still talk, but the awe, excitement and anticipation is just gone.

so, YES, it's a double standard. and YES, it sucks. but it's the way our society is and any change to this standard will come about slowly.

so before you sleep with someone, ask them "is this going to be a one-night stand?" communication is key to avoiding disappointment, misunderstandings and getting your feelings hurt.

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

if you really like someone and want to have a relationship, it's better to wait a while. this doesn't mean you're playing a good girl routine. you can tell the guy you're physically attracted to him and would love to have sex with him right away. but, you tell him, there are so many other ways to get to know somebody besides physically. there have been times when i've slept with someone too soon in the relationship and regretted it - there just wasn't enough emotion developed between us to keep things going. or, there's the case of getting to know somebody before sleeping with them and finding out you really don't like them that much and being really glad you never slept with them.

i've learned that it's almost always up to the woman to say no to sex. when do men ever say no? women are expected to be the ones to control how fast the relationship moves sexually. in my 20+ years of dating, i've had ONE guy tell me he wouldn't sleep with me because he wasn't in love with me. i never regretted not sleeping with him - and now, eight years later, we're best friends. this same best friend just met a woman and he was completely smitten - and after all these years he's still very careful about sleeping with a woman he's not in love with - she pressured him for sex on like the third date - he gave in - and it ruined everything. he's no longer smitten, the mystery is gone, and he is moving on. they still talk, but the awe, excitement and anticipation is just gone.

so, YES, it's a double standard. and YES, it sucks. but it's the way our society is and any change to this standard will come about slowly.

so before you sleep with someone, ask them "is this going to be a one-night stand?" communication is key to avoiding disappointment, misunderstandings and getting your feelings hurt.

this all makes sense and yes, it sucks, but what if you're not looking for a relationship?? it's never been ok for a girl to go out one night, meet a hot guy, bring him home, f*** his brains out, kick him out when she's had enough.....why not??? why can't we do this?? b/c if we do we are perceived as sluts but the more a guy does it, the higher up on a pedestal he is placed among his peers. in college i knew a group of guys who put and x on the wall for every girl one of them banged...it was a huge competition. have you ever seen such a thing in a girl's house?? it's so damn ridiculous....it's not fair that i have to walk around horny b/c if i act on it i'll be a "slut"!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

this all makes sense and yes, it sucks, but what if you're not looking for a relationship?? it's never been ok for a girl to go out one night, meet a hot guy, bring him home, f*** his brains out, kick him out when she's had enough.....why not??? why can't we do this?? b/c if we do we are perceived as sluts but the more a guy does it, the higher up on a pedestal he is placed among his peers. in college i knew a group of guys who put and x on the wall for every girl one of them banged...it was a huge competition. have you ever seen such a thing in a girl's house?? it's so damn ridiculous....it's not fair that i have to walk around horny b/c if i act on it i'll be a "slut"!

Look here uknjx, it is OK for you's to act on those impulses. I suggest starting right now. I suggest going Twilo this friday and goin home and bangin the first guy ys's see who's wearin a pair of 'binocs' around his neck. That would probably help alot.


p.s. to Luigl: uknjx is off limits baby, I been cultivatin this one for quite some time.


g O a T e E d C a L z O n E . . .

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if a girl lets me bang her rigth away , most like i will only be calling her back to bang again ... when i'm going on like a date or hangin out with a girl i think i am interested in i wont expect or try to get sex .. if she goes a head and gives it up rigth away (specially if i am not trying) i lose interest ... but if i see her when i'm feelin drunk .. i'm sure conversation will be on =) heheeheee



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Originally posted by foxyroxy20:

so before you sleep with someone, ask them "is this going to be a one-night stand?" communication is key to avoiding disappointment, misunderstandings and getting your feelings hurt.

Yeah like a guy is gonna say NO, its not just a one night stand. Hes gonna say anyting to get sex, Most guys would say anthing to get into ur pants, IMO


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TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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You should what you want to do--whatever feels right.

I personally have just started dating a guy...its been a little over a month, and I still have not had sex with yet. I feel that I would rather get to know him mentally before I know him physically.

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I say go with what you feel like doing. If a guy thinks you're a slut for it and he isn't, well that's his own damn problem. I think there is nothing wrong with gettin' it on right from the start. Just be ready for a not so positive reaction after the fact. It really depends on the people. If there's chemistry, let it happen... cwm30.gif



a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

this all makes sense and yes, it sucks, but what if you're not looking for a relationship?? it's never been ok for a girl to go out one night, meet a hot guy, bring him home, f*** his brains out, kick him out when she's had enough.....why not??? why can't we do this?? b/c if we do we are perceived as sluts but the more a guy does it, the higher up on a pedestal he is placed among his peers. in college i knew a group of guys who put and x on the wall for every girl one of them banged...it was a huge competition. have you ever seen such a thing in a girl's house?? it's so damn ridiculous....it's not fair that i have to walk around horny b/c if i act on it i'll be a "slut"!

This is too much...LMFAO..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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For anyone interested....

Very interesting book on this very subject. Its called "Promiscuities" by Naomi Wolf. It explores this double standard very very well.

Me, I'm just sick of all the games. ;-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

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