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Trophy girlfriends

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Most rich guys have these"trophy girlfriends" - kinda like a fancy car you show off to your guy friends except it's a woman.

Are trophy GF relationships = true love ?

I would never date anyone just becasue they look good and they can make me look good.

Isn't it using someone if you just keep them around so that you can look good in front of others for dating such a hottie ??


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Do you seriously have to ask this question?? cwm25.gif


YES ! I MUST ! Because I don't know the answer.

Because men love beautiful women the same way they love expwensive cars ... I don't know how men think and ...I just don't know...

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My Auntie went out with one of the richest men in England for 24 years. After 12 years she found out he was married! Anyway he divorsed and they continued seeing each other. My Auntie is stunning and she was a trophy, after a while she was hooked into the lifestyle.

But this guy knew what he was doing, he never lived with her for 6 months stright, so when she hit 32 she didn't have a leg to stand on, she couln't claim she was his common law husband because he had been smart.

The rich end of the deal always wins and the trophy always looses. Because when things start falling out or gravity starts taking it's effect you will be traded in for a younger model.

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Guest crystalmethodny

Whatever happened to true caring, love, and compassion?

Its still there... all over.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."


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Originally posted by a12345:

YES ! I MUST ! Because I don't know the answer.

Because men love beautiful women the same way they love expwensive cars ... I don't know how men think and ...I just don't know...

Any woman that believe a man loves her like he loves expensive cars are either an idiot, has a severe insecurity problem, or both.

It's not even about asking men whether that type of love is real . . .it's asking women if they WANT that type of love. And if they do . . . then they deserve what they get at the end, which will be abolutely nothing.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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If the relationship is defined as a trophy relationship from the start (by the richer end, in their minds), I believe there is little chance that true love can come out of it. The same goes for the other way around (if the poorer end stays just cuz of the lifestyle and money). The true test comes when: 1) you imagine yourselves totally without money and living with bare essentials...do you still want to be around that person; and 2) imagine yourself apart from the other person, and forget their physical appearances for a moment - do you miss the other person's presence (in terms of their character, and general "thereness")?

If the answer is no to these questions then its a trophy relationship with no true feelings.

Thats why I posed my earlier question regarding men paying for women....ONE of the reasons I prefer not to do this is so I know the woman sticks around cuz she likes me and not just cuz I'm some poor moron who's currently supporting her life-style.

WHy do you ask?


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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this cracks me up everytime i think about it:

a few years ago there was a high profile divorce court case up here in new england. a really rich guy was trying to convince the courts that his new bride was a gold digger and she wanted to divorce him so soon after marraige only to take his money. the story was a popular drama for a while cause the guy was a rich guy and a yachtsman who owns an americas cup racing boat (anyobody know who i am talking about-- i forget). anyway, the funniest thing was, when he got the divorce and the courts made their final decision that he did *not* have to pay his ex-wife a dime, the headline of the boston herald (a paper just like the post) read:


too funny. smile.gif


i love music!

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It's obviously important to be with someone you're truly into, but then again -- it's always a lot more difficult to let go of a hottie.


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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i was in a relationship like this once . . . the guy and i would only go out socially so he cold say he had a girlfriend . . . next thing you know, he's a CK model in FLorida, telling everyone he's *bi* and that don't they remember Brandie, his last gf? Noooooo way, there was no love there whatsoever.

LOL - oh well . . .

But seriously, I feel that guys who get girls that are good looking to show them off are total assholes. They don't care about the girls anymore than they care about their cars or their expensive watches . . . and the *love presents* they buy those women? Nothing from love, it keeps those moochy girls with them, and for a couple expensive gifts, they get to keep their own "arm jewelry" - the beautiful girl.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by brandie:

yeah . . . and that makes them just as bad . . . those girls are manipulative, and get whatever they want - think about it, if you could be receiving wonderful expensive gifts, and going out to all those wonderful dinners, and getting to go to all these balls and events and things that the "upper class" do, wouldn't you be tempted? I'd imagine a lot of those girls are from lower and middle classes . . . they will do whatever is necessary to get to be on the inside, and experience things they never would have had the opportunity to do otherwise . . .



Oh i know thats exactly what my Auntie did. Just wanted to put the cut's both ways article... these men/women wouldn't do it if they wern't getting something out of it. But at the end of the day they will most likley end in tears.

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Originally posted by brandie:

yeah . . . and that makes them just as bad . . . those girls are manipulative, and get whatever they want - think about it, if you could be receiving wonderful expensive gifts, and going out to all those wonderful dinners, and getting to go to all these balls and events and things that the "upper class" do, wouldn't you be tempted? I'd imagine a lot of those girls are from lower and middle classes . . . they will do whatever is necessary to get to be on the inside, and experience things they never would have had the opportunity to do otherwise . . .



Heeelloooo..that's why there's this word called .. 'JOB' ..EEck..who me, work?...yeah right..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

Heeelloooo..that's why there's this word called .. 'JOB' ..EEck..who me, work?...yeah right..

Get real! In order for some of these girls to experience the luxuries that they do with these men by providing it themselves . . . they would have to obtain some serious high level occupation that pays 6 figure salary. And I'm not talking about low 6 figure digits either.

So, of course these girls are gonna use their looks to get what they want!! However, by doing so . . . they are shedding away their own pride and self worth. At the end, they're the ones who are gonna get hurt not the men. It's sad but true. cwm1.gif



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Get real! In order for some of these girls to experience the luxuries that they do with these men by providing it themselves . . . they would have to obtain some serious high level occupation that pays 6 figure salary. And I'm not talking about low 6 figure digits either.

So, of course these girls are gonna use their looks to get what they want!! However, by doing so . . . they are shedding away their own pride and self worth. At the end, they're the ones who are gonna get hurt not the men. It's sad but true. cwm1.gif


My point is what kind of self esteem will you have if you use your good looks and because you give good head that's how you earn these things? We have a word for this you know............'BIMBO'..


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

My point is what kind of self esteem will you have if you use your good looks and because you give good head that's how you earn these things? We have a word for this you know............'BIMBO'..

Well obviously these girls can't have that much self esteem to start off with if they are involved in these situations. I kinda feel sorry for them. Kinda . . . because most of them are soooo wrapped up with their who physical looks that they don't give anything else about them a chance to come out. However, all of them girls are not 5 yearold. They're women and they should have enough common sense to know what they're getting into therefore deserves what they get.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Originally posted by a12345:

Most rich guys have these"trophy girlfriends" - kinda like a fancy car you show off to your guy friends except it's a woman.

Are trophy GF relationships = true love ?

I would never date anyone just becasue they look good and they can make me look good.

Isn't it using someone if you just keep them around so that you can look good in front of others for dating such a hottie ??


For you asking all these realtionship questions...it sounds like you're writing a term paper for one of your classes.


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Originally posted by brandie:

i was in a relationship like this once . . . the guy and i would only go out socially so he cold say he had a girlfriend . . . next thing you know, he's a CK model in FLorida, telling everyone he's *bi* and that don't they remember Brandie, his last gf? Noooooo way, there was no love there whatsoever.

LOL - oh well . . .

But seriously, I feel that guys who get girls that are good looking to show them off are total assholes. They don't care about the girls anymore than they care about their cars or their expensive watches . . . and the *love presents* they buy those women? Nothing from love, it keeps those moochy girls with them, and for a couple expensive gifts, they get to keep their own "arm jewelry" - the beautiful girl.



Quiet a few of these girls know what they are getting into though. I see old men with VERY young girls all the time in Chi-town, they MUST know.

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Brings up the age old question of 'can you eventually fall in love with someone that you did not love initially'?

Having a trophy GF/BF usually do not have 'initial' love. For those that eventually 'fall in love' that is to me the ideal situation. However..if love never comes then I gravely pity that loveless relationship. Personally I don't give a hoot how others perceive my GF/Wife its none of their business. A lot of 'Asian' as well as other cultures condone 'fixed' marriages where 'initial' love is forsaken for convenience. I have seen the empty faces of those that remain loveless. Such that it may be.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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not every woman who is beautiful is a trophy GF. beautiful women are entitled to date and be loved just as much as any other women, and shouldn't be labeled "trophy" girlfriend or wife just because of their looks or because they're dating or married to a man with money (lucky them - there's a lot to be said for financial security!!). anyway, who's to say if a man is dating a woman only for her looks, or if he really really loves her? that's not for outsiders to judge.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Quiet a few of these girls know what they are getting into though. I see old men with VERY young girls all the time in Chi-town, they MUST know.

yeah . . . and that makes them just as bad . . . those girls are manipulative, and get whatever they want - think about it, if you could be receiving wonderful expensive gifts, and going out to all those wonderful dinners, and getting to go to all these balls and events and things that the "upper class" do, wouldn't you be tempted? I'd imagine a lot of those girls are from lower and middle classes . . . they will do whatever is necessary to get to be on the inside, and experience things they never would have had the opportunity to do otherwise . . .




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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