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Oppose John Roberts' Supreme Court Nomination


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Normally, I would not presume to impress my political ideals on anyone, however I feel this issue is worth passing on in hopes of stopping what looks to be another Bush blunder that will continue to affect our nation for years to come.

In the past weeks, Republicans and Democrats have called on President Bush to nominate a moderate for the Supreme Court –- someone who would honor the legacy of independent Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. But last night, President Bush nominated Judge John Roberts, a far-right lawyer and corporate lobbyist, to fill her post on the Supreme Court.

We’ve got to stop Roberts. He opposed clean air rules and worked to help coal companies strip-mine mountaintops. He worked with Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr), and tried to keep Congress from defending the Voting Rights Act. He wrote that Roe v. Wade should be “overruled,†and as a lawyer argued (and won) the case that stopped some doctors from even discussing abortion.

Join me in signing MoveOn’s petition to let our Senators know we expect them to oppose John Roberts right now at:


Please...pass it along :)



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Normally, I would not presume to impress my political ideals on anyone, however I feel this issue is worth passing on in hopes of stopping what looks to be another Bush blunder that will continue to affect our nation for years to come.

In the past weeks, Republicans and Democrats have called on President Bush to nominate a moderate for the Supreme Court –- someone who would honor the legacy of independent Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. But last night, President Bush nominated Judge John Roberts, a far-right lawyer and corporate lobbyist, to fill her post on the Supreme Court.

We’ve got to stop Roberts. He opposed clean air rules and worked to help coal companies strip-mine mountaintops. He worked with Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr), and tried to keep Congress from defending the Voting Rights Act. He wrote that Roe v. Wade should be “overruled,†and as a lawyer argued (and won) the case that stopped some doctors from even discussing abortion.

Join me in signing MoveOn’s petition to let our Senators know we expect them to oppose John Roberts right now at:


Please...pass it along :)




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But...on the other side...who would be a good candidate? Sorry Obby but our Senate is unbalanced, and that leaves the desires and opinions of many Americans to the way side. HOw can you support that? I don't claim to be on one side or the other, but I certainly think our government is in dire need of balance to be considerate to ALL Americans.

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But...on the other side...who would be a good candidate? Sorry Obby but our Senate is unbalanced, and that leaves the desires and opinions of many Americans to the way side. HOw can you support that? I don't claim to be on one side or the other, but I certainly think our government is in dire need of balance to be considerate to ALL Americans.

Life is all about balance so I totally agree with you (on that). As for the Roberts issue, Bush is only nominating the type of person he promised he would when he campaigned for office. I notice that many on the left are complaining and so be it. Like it or not, Roberts is going to get confirmed. He’ll get confirmed w/ mostly republicans and some democrats, just as he did when confirmed to the circuit court of appeals 2 yrs. ago. To try to filibuster will only bring about the “constitutional option, aka- Nuke opt. Either way, the guy is getting confirmed. Like it or not. Some people are going to have to suck it up. You should also know that only 3 demz voted against him.

I personally suggest you save your energy for the next nomination by Bush (for Chief Justice Renquist). I’m sure that one will definitely be a hard line conservative (like Scalia or Thomas). If the “opposition†wants to have it’s own people nominated, then the “opposition†will have to start winning elections so that their wishes might be met. Until the “opposition†learn to start winning elections again, it's a too bad, so sad situation for them. The majority elected & re-elected Pres. Bush. They also gave Republicans the majority in congress. May be hard to swallow but MAJORITY RULES in a Democracy.

Many are going to have to just suck it up and I say that with a smile cause I do not want you nor others to think that I am talking down to you. Want change? Start winning elections. Until then, the majority rules. As harsh as this may sound, losers do not set the agenda. The winners do!

Besides, Roe v Wade cannot be overturned,,just like that. Parental notification, Partial birth abortion,,,,maybe. But the roe v wade,,,,,,don’t think so.

The left can either try to start winning elections or try to scare the ignorant masses w/ threats like,,,†Roberts will start forcing us to buy condom in back alleys @ crack rock prices!â€

Besides all this...tell me you just saw the shuttle launch. What a rush!!!!!!

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John Roberts IMO is a good choice. ones past does not necessarily represent their current position. Roberts has a lot of experience including arguing cases before the Supreme Court, and is relatively young. IMO the press is just pulling up whatever dirty laundry they can, to make things interesting.

the bottom line is he should be confirmed.

further if the balance in the house and senate is out of balance, then change the balance in the next election if it does not suit your fancy. :)

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I certainly didn't sit around in the last two, and everyone knows where most of the votes came from in the last two elections. Sorry, I don't want to condemn Christians into voting for my preferred party or tell African-Americans thier voting poll is closed, then use their vote, thanks. :) Anywhooo, it's just a link to let Senators know what we think, takes all of 2 seconds. Don't get your panties in a bunch, Boys. :rolleyes:

check out footage of the launch on CNN, Obby. neat stuff.

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Basically. If you like anything about... bush... his lying to the american public.... his policies... and the farrrrrrrrr right. You might as well shoot your local Dj and tell anyone that likes dance music to go home, because when your spending $3 at the pump when you just invaded the most oil rich country in the world.................. you ain't spending at clubs, on records and definitely on no fucking Dj..

Sorry to get loud..

Spread the luv :love:

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blah blah! every election it’s the same sob story... voting practices aren’t an exact science there will always be problems, for the most part the past presidential elections ran well.

the Dems lost because the DNC forced through a sub-par nominee, the Dems failed to rally their base to get out and vote, and the DEMS subsequently lost BIG...

I will be writing :type: my senator to tell him, I support the Presidents choice for the Supreme Court. :)

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blah blah! every election it’s the same sob story... voting practices aren’t an exact science there will always be problems, for the most part the past presidential elections ran well.

the Dems lost because the DNC forced through a sub-par nominee, the Dems failed to rally their base to get out and vote, and the DEMS subsequently lost BIG...

I will be writing :type: my senator to tell him, I support the Presidents choice for the Supreme Court. :)


nO basically 50 million people are brain washed. Fact... President lied about reason for going to war with IraQ. No weapons of M.S. were evvvvvvvvvver found. 911 commission concluded that there is no tie between 911 and Iraq.

Right hand man Carl R. leaked a C.I.A. agents identity. (treason)

The lies go on for day's.

bill Clinton was going to be impeached for getting a b.j. and Burh is getting away with s :vomit2: sending us to war under false pretences.... and killing 1700 U.S. soldiers and 10,000 iraqes. HMMMM...

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obbbbyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont bring me out of retirement to get started on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

omg. awesome, I'm honored to have Flip to come out of retirement to respond to my thread. ::hug:: :biggrin: I hope you're doing well and having fun w/ The Mrs.!

Danny, Let's move to the UK. It's not much better, but the music/scene sure as f**k is! I could easliy over look the weather in exchange for great music and english accents. :pint:

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bill Clinton was going to be impeached for getting a b.j. and Bush is getting away with s :vomit2: sending us to war under false pretences.... and killing 1700 U.S. soldiers and 10,000 iraqes. HMMMM...

Exactly. why? Because the republican drenched senate would never impeach their own kind, hence the purpose of this whole thread. Sheesh, it's like talkin' to a WALL. I love all of my friends who were/are republicans, or at least voted for Bush, who now are renigging their decisions (like kerry was any better, but at least he's not a war criminal like bush--and don't even waste your time arguing that with me about it, anyone who doesn't see that is IN DENIAL!).

These folks that regret, where were they last november? with their heads in the mud like a bunch of ostriches, like the other 20+% that regret their decision! Last year I told my Bush-voting friends, look he's doing this, look he's doing that..." They told me it was corrupt liberal media :laugh: even though I got it from places like CNN, lol. Now, they realize what the fuck is going on, even though months proir, there were people telling them to their face what they think they know now. All we can do now is wait and hope Bush doesn't train wreck too much.

Just yesterday, there was buzz about having to protect ourselves so much against terroists, that the gov't will HAVE to cut more spending to give to this anti-terrorism effort. Now, maybe it's a real threat, and I'm sure it is, but to what exent, really? Anyone here ever read war history? A classic dictator's behavior creates danger to cause fear & control people, dumb them down, take away their rights, etc. This is all happening right now, right here. If you think it's not, you're blind. It a trickling effect, a little law here, a (possibly, Roberts' ambiguity disturbs me) conservative senator appointed to the supreme court, and tax here, less spending in education for more spending in military. Before you know it, we'll be living in a socialist economy. What are we at now for taxes, like 40% of our average income?

Yup, Fiji's looking real nice right about now. ;)

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nO basically 50 million people are brain washed. Fact... President lied about reason for going to war with IraQ. No weapons of M.S. were evvvvvvvvvver found. 911 commission concluded that there is no tie between 911 and Iraq.

Right hand man Carl R. leaked a C.I.A. agents identity. (treason)

The lies go on for day's.

bill Clinton was going to be impeached for getting a b.j. and Burh is getting away with s :vomit2: sending us to war under false pretences.... and killing 1700 U.S. soldiers and 10,000 iraqes. HMMMM...

**Begin Sarcasm**


You are SO un-american for saying such things! You have to agree with everything the president does :rolleyes:

**End Sarcasm**

Typical response you will get from the Bush supporters....

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nO basically 50 million people are brain washed. Fact... President lied about reason for going to war with IraQ. No weapons of M.S. were evvvvvvvvvver found. 911 commission concluded that there is no tie between 911 and Iraq.

Right hand man Carl R. leaked a C.I.A. agents identity. (treason)

The lies go on for day's.

bill Clinton was going to be impeached for getting a b.j. and Burh is getting away with s :vomit2: sending us to war under false pretences.... and killing 1700 U.S. soldiers and 10,000 iraqes. HMMMM...

you have very little faith, in the common sense of your fellow americans. as a point of information, I have been very opposed to the war in Iraq. further ,I supported John Kerry in the last election;although I truly believed he was not the best candidate the Dems could put forth. clearly supporting John Robert's Supreme Court nomination has no correlation to any of these facts.

that being said.. Bush won the election; whether you believe it was based on false pretences is really irrelevant at this point. Bush is the President, and John Roberts is the Supreme Court nominee and life goes on.

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you have very little faith, in the common sense of your fellow americans. as a point of information, I have been very opposed to the war in Iraq. further ,I supported John Kerry in the last election;although I truly believed he was not the best candidate the Dems could put forth. clearly supporting John Robert's Supreme Court nomination has no correlation to any of these facts.

that being said.. Bush won the election; whether you believe it was based on false pretences is really irrelevant at this point. Bush is the President, and John Roberts is the Supreme Court nominee and life goes on.

Sorry Dude. I came home alittle buzzed last night and lashed out. Nothing personal. I've just really been fed up with the way our goverment has been acting.

At the end of the day your words are more true than ever..... We have to suck it up and deal with it. I'll show you how I cope... :pint::pint::pint:

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bush is destroying the middle class, hes making a bundle of money off this war(thats the real reason for the war) and is the biggest supporter of terrorism, he needs bin laden or else we all would be lookin at him and blamming him for all his mishaps, also roberts should not be the next supreme court judge hes just a puppet.

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