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Psycho love,,what's ur story?????

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U know, Im talking about that ex that wouldn't let go, or that stalker, or possesive love...LOL,,that order of protection u had placed on someone?? Ever had that kind of drama??

Or maybe u've been a psycho lover urself cwm20.gif ....Let's hear it people, what's ur psycho love story????

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Originally posted by goclick:

U know, Im talking about that ex that wouldn't let go, or that stalker, or possesive love...LOL,,that order of protection u had placed on someone?? Ever had that kind of drama??

Or maybe u've been a psycho lover urself cwm20.gif ....Let's hear it people, what's ur psycho love story????


(edited 12-08-2000).]

[This message has been edited by a12345 (edited 12-08-2000).]

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i should consider being a psycho lover.. i have been single WAYYYY TO LONG.. maybe i need to find me a psycho lover.. some crazyyyyy boyiee in da sack.. lol jk hehehe sorry i got some naughty thoughts going through my head tonight...


: tongue.gifuts on school girl uniform, bends over and begs to be spanked::

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Great post...

Unfortunately, I think we have all had psycho lovers... Thank god I have never been one.

Don't you think there are some people out there that are labeled as "psychos" however they are just passionate or more committed then the other person? It is just easier to justify breaking someone's heart when you can call them a PSYCHO!

Just my thoughts...


One Love...


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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

i should consider being a psycho lover.. i have been single WAYYYY TO LONG.. maybe i need to find me a psycho lover.. some crazyyyyy boyiee in da sack.. lol jk hehehe sorry i got some naughty thoughts going through my head tonight...


: tongue.gifuts on school girl uniform, bends over and begs to be spanked::



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Don't you think there are some people out there that are labeled as "psychos" however they are just passionate or more committed then the other person? It is just easier to justify breaking someone's heart when you can call them a PSYCHO!

When the person starts calling your parents and telling them you're making the worst mistake of your life by breaking up with him...

When the person (age 25) starts e-mailing your three little sisters (ages 11, 14 and 17) and begging them to "please be his friend"...

When the person checks up on everything you buy on eBay and e-mails your family about it ("ohmygod, can you believe she bought that skirt! it's too short! do you want her wearing stuff like that out in public?")...

When the person contacts retired military personnel to do a private background check on your new boyfriend and spews forth complete and utter bullshit such as your new boyfriend cheated on you with hookers while drunk while he was stationed in Korea for a month this summer...

When the person offers you ridiculous amounts of money if you'll at least read his e-mails and possibly respond to one or two...

When the person calls crying "I love you! I can't live without you! I need you!", and "You stupid bitch! How could you do this to me! You heartless witch!", and back to "I didn't mean it! I can't stop thinking about you! I'll always love you! I'll always be here for you if you ever realize you made a mistake by letting me go!", etc. etc. soooo many times you've had to move twice and change your phone number five times...

When the person continually tries to find ways to blackmail you, torment you, and make your life without him miserable (because if he isn't happy, he can't let you be happy)...

THEN... I really wouldn't say they're "just passionate or more committed"...

I think it'd be safe to say the person qualifies as "PSYCHO."



The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Originally posted by LikmyLipz:

SPANK ME HARDER!! lol sowwie.. i being naughty.. i'm boreeeeeed...

by the way whats a PM?


*smack* *smack* *smack* Yeah you like it don't ya...hehe..sorry. biggrin.gif

Your bored? I'm at home sick as dog,watching the Daily Show, while my buddies are at Liquids.

A PM is that little symbol with a red tack in the paper...its next to the quote symbol in the posts. Its kind of like an email thing to contact other peeps on the board.

Hope I helped ya out.


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Originally posted by happykittn:

When the person starts calling your parents and telling them you're making the worst mistake of your life by breaking up with him...

When the person (age 25) starts e-mailing your three little sisters (ages 11, 14 and 17) and begging them to "please be his friend"...

When the person checks up on everything you buy on eBay and e-mails your family about it ("ohmygod, can you believe she bought that skirt! it's too short! do you want her wearing stuff like that out in public?")...

When the person contacts retired military personnel to do a private background check on your new boyfriend and spews forth complete and utter bullshit such as your new boyfriend cheated on you with hookers while drunk while he was stationed in Korea for a month this summer...

When the person offers you ridiculous amounts of money if you'll at least read his e-mails and possibly respond to one or two...

When the person calls crying "I love you! I can't live without you! I need you!", and "You stupid bitch! How could you do this to me! You heartless witch!", and back to "I didn't mean it! I can't stop thinking about you! I'll always love you! I'll always be here for you if you ever realize you made a mistake by letting me go!", etc. etc. soooo many times you've had to move twice and change your phone number five times...

When the person continually tries to find ways to blackmail you, torment you, and make your life without him miserable (because if he isn't happy, he can't let you be happy)...

THEN... I really wouldn't say they're "just passionate or more committed"...

I think it'd be safe to say the person qualifies as "PSYCHO."

Ummm... yeahh.... I think that is just being passionate... LOL

I am very sorry that you have had to deal with this. There are people out there that completely lose their sense of self worth and become so dependant, they cease to exist as an individual. These people are the ones to truly feel sorry for. While you continue on living a productive life, they will remain stuck until someone else comes along for them to latch on to.

This individual in clearly neurotic...to say the LEAST!


One Love...


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happykittn, one-tenth of that stuff warrants a restraining order! how long has that been going on and has he cooled off yet?

i had this ex whom i wouldn't consider psycho, but did hang on too long. we broke up on unfriendly terms, and then i didn't see him for almost three years. when i did, he told me he'd been thinking about me constantly, for about every day of those three years. he apologized profusely for anything he might've done to hurt me, and asked me if i really hated him. i was like, huh? i told him honestly no, i didn't hate him, and i hadn't thought of him in a long time. i realized later that that was probably the last thing he would've wanted to hear. oh well tongue.gif


in this nightlong puppetshow, he is my master. spin that record and make me dance

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Originally posted by deanna11:

i told him honestly no, i didn't hate him, and i hadn't thought of him in a long time. i realized later that that was probably the last thing he would've wanted to hear. oh well tongue.gif

So, did he jump off a bridge yet? I c u as da mankiller...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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I ended my last relationship and while I wouldn't categorize this guy as PSYCHO, he def. had a hard time letting go. It was just horrible. We broke up at the end of summer '99 and he sent me this HUGE bouquet of roses for Valentine's day. I saw them and just felt ill b/c I knew he still hadn't let go. Break-ups suck for both parties involved...I hate the fact that I caused someone that much pain b/c I've been on the receiving end and it's the worst feeling in the world. I've never turned psycho, though, thank God!! You know you've hit rock bottom when that happens! Why is love such a powerful thing?


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Well I begin to worry when on the third date he talked about us having kids and how he has been waiting for me all his life.

Then he would wait outside my house all times at night and stuff for me to get home. I would be out with the girls. He would always question where I was and who I was with.

Needless to say I ended it, but it took him months to really understand. One day he called and I had a guy friend over who answered the phone. This guy freaked out-wanted to know who was over. I had to remind him HELLO we are not seing each other. It got pretty messy.

I still don't understand-I had to act really mean to him and say things that I wouldn't say otherwise. After that he left me alone.

I ran into him a month ago, he still has this wacked idea that I strung him along and that eventually I would regret not being with him.

WOW cwm25.gif


The music makes the people come together...

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A guy I just met 2 weeks ago has already sent me a dozen roses at my work and calls me non-stop. I have never even gone out with him, and I've only spoken to him about 2 or 3 times briefly on the phone. He hangs up on my answering machine at least 7 times a night and apparantly thinks that I do not have caller ID (HA!) He found out my last name somehow, and now I am waiting for him to show up at my house (oh no!). WTF? This could potentially be a psycho situation, so I am running like hell! cwm3.gif

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I am in the same boat as LikMyLipz...I have been single for almost a year! WTF - but I am not psycho or anything nor have been in a relationship of that sort...I do remember in high school, this one guy used to follow me all the time and watch me while I was in class...SCAREY cwm31.gif



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

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Ok, here's a good one.

A few years ago, I was having a fling with a girl I worked with. This girl told me that she had a problem when she was younger and that she had had her womb removed, and we went about having un-protected sex.

Anyway one day this girl tells me she is pregnant and it's my baby. So I said to her that I wouldn't renege on my responsibility. So I went to the doctors with her etc. So I begin to here things from friends things like her boyfriend couldn't have kids and that's why they split up and that this girl had been rather active recently.. anyway I took all these things with a touch of salt.

So one day she says her and her boyfriend were willing to look after the kid. So at this point alarm bells were ringing big time. I wasn't going to be happy with that at all (I had met this guy and herd stories she had told me). So the next thing I here, it's no longer my kid after months of her telling me it was and she had worked out the dates and it was definite.

So after talking for a while I told her I was worried that in 5 years time I would get a knock on my door from some long lost child. So I told her I wanted a test for my own peace of mind, she said no way which made me feel even worse about it all. Anyway she promises me that it isn't and that she had been leading me along. This is getting long so I will shorten it. I went along with that but still had worries. I get a call about 8 months ago from somebody at work saying she had brought the kid into work and it was Chinese, so that finally puts my mind at rest after 3 years. I STILL have no idea what all the lies were about, infact I don't understand any of it at all.

BEAT THAT! If anybody can beat that i really feel for you

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Originally posted by sungoddess:

A guy I just met 2 weeks ago has already sent me a dozen roses at my work and calls me non-stop. I have never even gone out with him, and I've only spoken to him about 2 or 3 times briefly on the phone. He hangs up on my answering machine at least 7 times a night and apparantly thinks that I do not have caller ID (HA!) He found out my last name somehow, and now I am waiting for him to show up at my house (oh no!). WTF? This could potentially be a psycho situation, so I am running like hell! cwm3.gif

BEEN THERE!!!! Do something about the situation now. Seriously. That is not a sign of anything except WACKED!!!

I had a similar situation occur about three years ago. Met a guy, exchanged numbers, didn't go out just talked a few times and about 2-3 weeks later I got roses. I thought, wow...this guy must be really great, you know....not one of the guys whose only in it for the BANG. Anyway, we had been dating for about a month or so when one night while having dinner at Park Avalon he mentions that when he looks in my eyes he sees his children and future. I brushed it off and thought maybe the wine had gotten to him.

NOPE. Wrong thought. It seriously became a novel for television.

For months, several months, I would receive about 20 calls and 10 voice mail messages a day from him......"where are you, what are you doing, how come your not picking up the phone, etc..." I explained to him that it was wacked what he was doing but he would always justify it with I miss you (we lived about 45 min away from one another)or he just wanted to hear my voice. Regardless to say I had to break up with him about 589 times before he moved on and STILL he calls every now and then to torment me.



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