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Has anyone here ever been in a k-hole?

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I've only done an itsy bitsy bit of K a couple of times but I hear about these people who do too much and end up in a hole...I have to wonder what it's like...is it scarey?? Does it totally suck??? My step-dog, Ellie, got stuck in a hole at the vets. She went to have her teeth cleaned and the vet wanted to put her out but she had this bad reaction to it. He said she was hallucinating and shit (though how he knew that I'll never know). Was Ellie aware of stuff going on around her but just couldn't move??? Poor Ellie, but seriously, has anyone ever been in this predicament???


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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HAHAHAHA! your vet knew Ellie was hallucinating because your pup was probably behaving how the vet does when he's hallucinating on K. ask him for a prescription


in this nightlong puppetshow, he is my master. spin that record and make me dance

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I don't know if I was in a hole or not . . . the only reason why I don't know for sure is because people say that you get knocked out . . . like in a coma, but I wasn't knocked out. I was still awake but just not moving.

It's EXTREMELY trippy!! I suggest that if you're one of those people that get freaked out for trippy stuff then you don't do it. It's definately an out of body experience. Sometimes you feel like you're flying and you can look down on yourself and others around you. Other times it felt like as if I was a liquid metal flowing in and out of places and moments.

All I can say is that some people go through an extrememly trippy experience and become very effected by it. Others just treat it as it's an experience and that's it.

If you ever go into it by accident cause that's how I went into it then just remember that it's an experience and it'll come to an end. You're not soooo out of it that you can't tell yourself that.

Be careful.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Yeah, it happens if your not careful. There is a fine line between doing too much so that you end up in a hole and having a good time. It's only happened to me 1-2 times. You learn with time, how much your body can handle. It also depends on the potency of the K. Some is alot stonger than others. You definately hallucinate (or at least see things very differently). Its ok if your just sitting there and you ride it out, because you end up becoming completley disfunctional. All the lights and smoke in the club, add to the visual effects. I saw a kid at the factory one night for about 40 min walking around in circles right in front of where I was sitting mumbling to himself grasping for things that weren't there and his eyes were rolling back in his head. Now he was in a hole.

It really is a stupid drug though. You loose your motor skills. You have trouble walking straight. You can't speak right - It ends up coming out a garbled mess.

My .02

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I wish I was in one right now, cause work sucks.

But seriously, I have been in them. It can be fun, you just have to know what you're doing. Its not for the paranoid or nervous, b/c then you'll bug out.

Just be strong mentally, and any weird turn the trip takes will be okay b/c you know it'll end sooner or later.

Kind of like tripping in a sense, but with less awareness and balance. I personally like it, but its not for everyone. If you're gonna do it, I say try it in a non-club atmosphere for the first couple times, then proceed with caution.



Live life every day as if it were your last!



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Originally posted by cholo_40:

But seriously, I have been in them. It can be fun, you just have to know what you're doing. Its not for the paranoid or nervous, b/c then you'll bug out.

Just be strong mentally, and any weird turn the trip takes will be okay b/c you know it'll end sooner or later.

EXACTLY!! You gotta be mentally strong and know that it's only a temporairy trip. It's not permanent. I've heard how some people were really freaked out by it cause they thought it was real and they would stay like that for ever. I never had that experience. I thought it was really freaky but fun.

My first time was an accident, and I didn't know what was going on. But luckily I was with some really good friends who took care of me and let me and constantly reminded me that I was okay and that I was only in a hole.

Make sure you're with good friends. It's makes things a lot easier.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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HA HA, i wasn't asking b/c i WANT to be in one, just wondered what it was like to be in one. I thought it was something people get themselves into by accident and then are stuck there until it wears off. I didn't think it was an intentional thing!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I think if you have friends around..its not soo scary..

It happened to me ONCE, and honestly im still alittle nervous..

You feel like everything is fake..like things are happening and you are watching it from outside but you are really in the middle of it..

Its sooo sad...what im about to say..Scary but I liked it afterwards..


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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I agree you need to be strong minded, I think that if you are not you could loose it.

I was scared the first time, but in a good way. I think I was able to look at life differently after.

But you need to make sure your with good friends that are taking care of you, or you could find yourself in a dangerous situation.

If can be fun-but remember like people have said on this board before-K can be addictive. Especially if you are looking to escape life-you'll wind up in a whole very far away from real life.

Be carefull!



The music makes the people come together...

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Originally posted by yuhwoo:

ditto. i had the same question. minutes? hours?...

It really depends on how much you do and how much your body can take. I've heard stories where this guy was in a hole for like 5 hours!! That's a bit extremem.

I was in it for maybe an hour . . . not even. It seemed like 10 minutes to me. You lose all track of time.



“The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence, but you still have to mow it.” - Anonymous angel.gif

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Originally posted by eggmok:

isn't it that phenomenon that sucks up all energy, including light and gravity . . .

captain picard had to avoid one the other night . . .

I think I saw captain picard in a K-hole once.


The music makes the people come together...

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Being in a K hole...it felt like i was there for 10 min.. but it really was like 30 min...

I felt small too..well i mean i am small but i felt like i couldnt look above anyone's shoes..


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Next Club NYC Meetup: In the Hole

I'll be the one wearing the Where's Waldo glasses, floating out of my body.

Please tell me ahead of time who's coming so I can make resevations. If you want to bring a friend, go right ahead. There's always room for one more cwm3.gif

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Originally posted by eggmok:

isn't it that phenomenon that sucks up all energy, including light and gravity . . .

captain picard had to avoid one the other night . . .

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Egg is funnnnnnnny!



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Some of you may remember my rare form last Sasha & Digweed. I don't think that was a complete hole, but I sure wasn't with it. I didn't really notice how my senses just sort of went their separate ways, but indeed - the music was just sort of a hum, and I don't remember seeing a damn thing clearly. Really a waste of your time and money if you're trying to enjoy the music or the surroundings. Not particularly scary, but annoying because I'd rather have stayed coherent.

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