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URGENT! How was DJ Apotheosis last nite???


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Mikey was awesome....he had put together some mixes of tracks that we all thought that we knew and loved...then there was a completely unexpected break.

A couple of Reggae tracks broke up the set and gave a terrific change of pace for the people...and going from that into some really hard tracks smacked me like a bad dogg.

Mikey - incredible, and thanks, too.




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i couldn't make it... i was planning on hanging out with my Aunt... who screwed me over BIG TIME.. then met up with SuedeNYC the bestest of friends.....went out for a few drinks...got pissy drunk threw up... lovely night... thans for leaving me at the bar richard!!!!!!!

Sorry Mikey I couldn't make it due to tummy problems.. Love ya! Sinem cwm45.gifcwm45.gifcwm45.gif



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"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB

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"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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Okay... gonna have to be brutally honest here... that first dj... hmmm... I think he needs more practice spinning records. I mean in a span of a couple of hours he had more train wrecks than I seen from anyone in my life. Some good track selections, but wtf is the deal with all them train wrecks? It literally hurt my ears. His mixing skills are lacking and I'm not alone in this.

Mikey was pretty good, but I didn't much care for listening to Raggae for that night... I'm a trance head... but I do understand that some Queens peeps love that stuff... wasn't for me so I left when you put that stuff on... sorry Mikey... not being mean or anthing... I do understand that you have to put it on for those folks, just not my cup of tea.

And Al, you mean he rocked from the time you showed up, right? Cause I left at 2. What time dija arrive? Cause you know even S&D and PVD rock better at certain times of their set... they don't rock all night long you know...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by trippintrance64:


Rocked? Yeah ok...I heard better mixing at Chuckie Cheese. My little sister can can mix better.

No skills involved in mixing cds. Next time play music from at least within the past year, not from six years ago.


D.I.Y....destroy what destroys you.

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Originally posted by namistai:

Rocked? Yeah ok...I heard better mixing at Chuckie Cheese. My little sister can can mix better.

No skills involved in mixing cds. Next time play music from at least within the past year, not from six years ago.

FU! smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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You did great, I was dancin' all night. I listened to the new CD on the way home. Loved it, even better than the last!

Thanks for a good time!




A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by Namistai


No skills involved in mixing cds.


Dude, that comment right there just shows you how ignorant and foolish you are. Mixing CDs is the SAME, if not HARDER than mixing Vinyl. Not to mention that all the big name DJs are incorporating CDs and Vinyl into their sets.

Get a clue before you come out here and talk.

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Originally posted by mrkleen2000:

Originally posted by Namistai


No skills involved in mixing cds.


Dude, that comment right there just shows you how ignorant and foolish you are. Mixing CDs is the SAME, if not HARDER than mixing Vinyl. Not to mention that all the big name DJs are incorporating CDs and Vinyl into their sets.

Get a clue before you come out here and talk.

I second That


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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2 thumbs and 2 big toes up!

Mikey kicked ASS!!!!

Fantastic job- had everyone up and out of their seats....

Had a great time....*except*

(Al you wanker!!!) just kiddin hun!




*~**~*~**~~ No man/woman is worth your tears... and the only one who would be- would never make you cry ~~**~*~**~*

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I had fun last night. Met a lot old faces and some new cool peeps. Music was good too. The first guy had some cool tracks, but his mixing needed work...he'll get the hang of it in no time.

Mikey good as always man. You definitely know to get a crowd moving.

j303j- Nice seeing ya again... and Rob Gee does kick ass.

MissIncognito- Finally I got to meet ya...you're not so incognito anymore...hehe...one cool chick wink.gif

Ahhh...S&D in two weeks...too far away.


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Even though I went knowing I had to leave by 2 (Had to get up early today for stuff) I had a good time.

Did a little dancing, a little glowstix practice, hehe. I met a few new people too, now If I can only remember there names smile.gif Feel free to give me a shout.

And of course, I hung with the coolest people around ;p




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odd story...

i was comin back from a friend's bday party in the city last nite and we stopped over at white castle around 5am, and parked next to this IS300 that was decked out in transformer symbols, then when were leaving the guy who owned the IS300 was leavin too and my boy asks him about the transformer symbols, then i knew i remembered his face from somewhere on clubplanet, so turns out it was apotheosis he hooked us up wit his new cd too, very friendly, very cool guy



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Best worst-time i ever had. j303j - you know what i'm sayin. Cathyo, I think your friend said it best when he asked if my ClubNYC user name was "Inthedoghouse" LOL.

Apotheosis, i thought you f..king rocked. It was really nice meeting you too. Thanks for the CD. I also liked the guy before you - at least his music selection was good.

To everyone else I met, jdogg, shadowchser, trippintrance, myrlin, missincognito (oh yeh!), cathyo, and i know there's more, it was awesome to put faces to names. Ya'll seem real cool and i look forward to many more nights.



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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Mikey was pretty good, but I didn't much care for listening to Raggae

sorry Mikey... not being mean or anthing...

And Al, you mean he rocked from the time you showed up, right?

So are you dissing him or not?

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he rocked the house, of course smile.gif

i got there around 2:45 (i think?) the WHOLE time played music to make you wanna dance and never sit down. ["shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your booty" smile.gif (oh, he didn't play that, just sharon singing smile.gif )]

new mixes of songs that he's mixed before or that others have; insanely amazing mikey! um, sorry no examples :P

only regret not getting there earlier.


"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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Originally posted by iggster:

So are you dissing him or not?

Dissing him for what? Knowing how to move the crowd? Having his own style? What part of "I didn't much care for listening to Raggae for that night... I'm a trance head..." didn't you understand? Besides I was hungry as hell so I figured it was a good time to hit MacDonalds.

I don't care for certain styles of music, but that's in taste only... can they be great at what they do? Absolutely.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Damn Mikey rocked!!

I danced soooo much!

Was nice seeing everyone and next time Al and everyone else show up a littler earlier so I can get to see you guys again! LOL

My legs KILL like a MF right now. I went to SF after that and was having a good time.

Had fun w/ everyone there while it lasted!

I should've gone up to that guy that was telling Mikey to stop playing trance and stop using the smoke machine and punched him.


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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Originally posted by iggster:

So are you dissing him or not?

Charlie was not dissing anyone . . . he was giving an honest opinion. A review doesn't always have to be "HE ROCKED!" or "HE SUCKED!" rolleyes.gif

Originally posted by mrkleen2000:

Dude, that comment right there just shows you how ignorant and foolish you are. Mixing CDs is the SAME, if not HARDER than mixing Vinyl. Not to mention that all the big name DJs are incorporating CDs and Vinyl into their sets.

Get a clue before you come out here and talk.

Ummmm . . . I think you should get a clue. ANY body that DJ out there will tell you that mixing CD is NOT harder than mixing a vinyl. Not that I DJ but I have MANY friends that do. CD mixers have a built in beat matching engine that will calculate the beats for you, but most vinyl mixers don't. As far as the big names using CD mixers, well if you were mixing 6 hour set you would too. But you should be aware that all the big names mixed on Vinyl way before using the CD mixers. It's an art to them.



“Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society." -David Hull angel.gif

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His set was nice, the first guy. DJ Iggy's stuff was alittle to mallow for me, but it was nice music to knock a few Jack and Cokes down too. Mike started out the night hard and kept it going. One of the better NYC harder house DJs I've heard in a long time. But the CD kinda let me down the beats didn't seam to swing from track to track and the songs seamed to repeat or just remix like a maxi single form the Vengaboys. The second half of the CD seamed to pick back up... but left me kinda wanting a short edit with more... but it's free! Also it (CD) seamed alittle err... what's the word, pompous... while I didn't pick any thing like that from when he was spinning at all. Really odd, how they both seam so different. But over all he get 9.0 for the live jive and a 7.5 for the CD. Keep it up.



"You all laugh at me becasue I'm differant, I laugh at you because your all the same."

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I thought Mikey was good for the 2 hours I was there cwm36.gif ...I got there when a majority of CNYC heads bounced (around 2ish)...But it was great seeing sharonregina, trippintrance, klitka (sp?), jdogg, and whomever else I forgot (sorry frown.gif)...My friend Leslie also had a great time plus she got home in like 1 min since she lives a couple of blocks away!



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

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Posted by Blue Angel


Ummmm . . . I think you should get a clue. ANY body that DJ out there will tell you that mixing CD is NOT harder than mixing a vinyl. Not that I DJ but I have MANY friends that do. CD mixers have a built in beat matching engine that will calculate the beats for you, but most vinyl mixers don't. As far as the big names using CD mixers, well if you were mixing 6 hour set you would too. But you should be aware that all the big names mixed on Vinyl way before using the CD mixers. It's an art to them.


One CD player, the Pioneer has what is called an 'auto mix feature', which is actually NOT EVEN CLOSE to what a real mix sounds like, so maybe you should also speak about what you KNOW.

YOu said yourself you are NOT A DJ....well then talk about clubbing, dancing and the music you like and let the PROFESSIONALS talk about technical issues.

I have been DJing since before you were born and mixed on Turntables for 20 years before I switched over to CDs. Now I can do my own remixes and bring them to the club and play them 1 hour later.....unlike a vinyl only DJ, who has to shell out a TON OF MONEY to get an Acetate cut of his original remixes etc.

Mixing CDs is EXACTLY THE SAME if not HARDER than mixing Vinyl.....ask any REAL DJ who has tried both and he will tell you, they are equally difficult or that CDs are harder.

The real point is, knocking a DJ because he plays CDs is IGNORANT and STUPID and shows how little people know about music and DJing.

They pay $40 dollars to go hear Paul Van Dyk and rave about him for weeks afterwards, not realizing HALF HIS SET in played off of CD-R.

Then a month later, they go and hear a local DJ, who they can SEE IS PLAYING CDs and they comment that "real DJs use vinyl"....that is a bunch of BULL SHIT.

Real DJs entertain their crowd, if they do it with CDs or Vinyl or humming into the Mic it makes NO DIFFERENCE.

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Originally posted by mrkleen2000:

The real point is, knocking a DJ because he plays CDs is IGNORANT and STUPID and shows how little people know about music and DJing.

You’re right! It’s is ignorant and stupid. I'm not arguing with you about whether if a DJ is any worse just because he uses CD mixers. I happen to love PVD ;and he also uses CD mixers as well.

My point was that using a CD mixer in my opinion (and I have a lot of them) is not harder than using a vinyl mixer. Pioneer are not the ONLY CD mixers that have that feature. It may be one of the best but not the only one. 75% of all CD mixers out there have that capability to pre-set. That’s the whole entire purpose of buying a CD mixer in the first place. DJs uses them to premix their mixes so that they can preset it to play during a long set.

I'm not arguing with you whether I think Mike is less of a DJ just because he spins with a CD mixers. From what I hear, he know how to work the crowd and that's good! That's a very good sign for DJs . . . to create a vibe. And it’s true that a CD mixer is not any easier than a vinyl . . . they both take skills, however I don’t believe they are harder to use than a vinyl.

Maybe you can enlighten us as to why you think CD mixers are harder to use?



“Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society." -David Hull angel.gif

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