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Do u think that being shy is a bad thing?


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Ok well just recently i was told by my now x friend that me being shy is really annoying. Now honestly I dont see how. I mean I am not that shy that if someone talks to me that ill run away or anything. lol. i am just the type to be really quiet around people i dont know or until i get to know them more. I have always been like this. I mean i used to be a lot worse. And I mean if someone talks to me I dont just sit there staring at them.. i mean ill talk to them. but if i idont know you then i am usually not the one to start a conversation. Im always too scared of what people are going to think of me. now i have never been told by anyone else that this is an annoyance but now its making me think. i really dont mean to be this way but its the way i have been since i was a little kid. and the people who realize that im shy but want to get to know me know that i am a fun person. but you would want to be friends with someone that is shy? is it really an annoyance? cwm36.gif


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i am very shy. no-one believes me but i am!! i know what you mean and i think it's hard for people who aren't shy to relate....it prob. could get annoying to someone who's never felt what it's like to be shy.


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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don't worry about it. YOu not alone. I used to be like you, i would just sit around and not talk to anyone because i was afraid they wouldn't like that i had to say. I am still sometimes like that.

Anyhow, anyone who doesn't want to be around you because you are "shy" isn't a real friend so fuck them. It's because of people like that a lot of people are shy in the first place.


EXIT Friday's!!!

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The key to happiness, is trusting yourself. Being shy isnt a bad thing. Being shy because your afraid is.

You are who you are, and if people dont like it???? Fuck em. Pardon the French. The ONLY way to know your true friends and the people you can trust is to just be yourself.

Theres MILLIONS of people out there, find em...be happy.....Listen to the magic man, he knows!!!




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Hey don't worry at all. I don't think there is anything bad about being shy. You are what you are and people should just accept you as what and who you are. See, I'm usually a very talkative person (which isn't probably too easy to take either) still, if I don't know people I can appear kind of arrogant (usually because I'm kind of observative at the beginning)...and there is nothing I can do against it. That's just the way I am. So don't worry, I've never seen shy people as annoying. Rather the opposite. I'm usually very attracted to shy guys...see it's all just a matter of preferences wink.gif

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Shyness isn't annoying..... being boring IS annoying. I used to be really shy when I was younger....now more and more I'm growing out of it. It sucks to be shy though. Again like I said though it ain't annoying if someone is shy, but if they are boring then it is annoying...



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I dont think i am boring. And most of the people who know me well would say the same. Actually all of the people that know me well say that i am one of the fun and funniest people they know. so i dont think im boring. or at least i hope im not


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~ ~* Life isn't measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

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Hmm... Well, I think that being shy is much worse for the person him/herself than for the ppl around them. Most of the ppl who are shy don't WANT to be shy but can't help it. Some ppl mistake MODESTY for shyness and that's totally off. If you're not screaming that you're the bomb and bragging about everything or hanging all over guys, ppl assume you're shy.. I've been told that I'm shy quite a few times. I can be shy but only around ppl I don't know and that's because I'm not yet comfortable around them. Only natural right? But I've met some ppl who are shy to the point where they can NOT talk to someone. They just can't.. That's when it's really bad. But I think being shy or modest is not bad at all! I hate ppl who are arrogant and full of themselves..

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Most of the people on the East Coast are very aggressive when it comes to introducing themseleves. Most likely you are shy compared to people in the tri-state area, but normal compared to people in the midwest/south. I used to be really shy, but in order for me to start getting internships/jobs or meeting important people you have be fairly aggressive when you do it. Don't worry though, shyness fades as you become more comfortable with yourself.

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"shy" people are better observers. they assess situations faster than someone who just jumps into them

i'd rather be with a shy person than one who doesn't shut the fuck up

i wish my roommate was shy


in this nightlong puppetshow, he is my master. spin that record and make me dance

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If you are comfortable with yourself and with your shyness, than dont pay any attention to what your friend told you.... i am very shy myself, i have a problem approaching people i don't know, but if they will approach me...it is totally cool..THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING SHY.... cwm12.gif

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Well....I don't think being shy is annoying but I don't think it's a good quality either......I used to be an extremely quiet person but I learned from some people that, like LickmyLipz said, you miss out on opportunities which you otherwise would have gotten.......you really have to put yourself out there and take the good with the bad......good people will never put you down for speaking up....fuck the assholes who will.......lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Originally posted by dreams2:

I dont think i am boring. And most of the people who know me well would say the same. Actually all of the people that know me well say that i am one of the fun and funniest people they know. so i dont think im boring. or at least i hope im not

That's good. Some people that are talkative are boring.. Especially when they are full of themselves. Don't worry, a lot of people are shy out there.. I think everyone has some shyness in them..


Did you find your ecstacy???

E-mail: PrimeKMB2@aol.com

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Well I have to say that i am real shy. I am quiet when i dont know someone yet, but when i get to know them, i am not quiet anymore. I hate attention on me cause i am so shy, thats my worse fear, like talking in public and everyone watching, etc. Theres lots of things that I didnt do or wont becuase my shyness holds me back. I hate being shy, I wish i could change that about me, but oh well thats how i am.


aim: amafrk1


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I used to be the quiet kid in the corner when I was younger..then I began to realize that i was missing out on the fun by not being so shy...no one ever really got to see the wacky, fun side that I have...so bottom line is that shy people are cool but if they come out of their shells when they get to know people they can be a lot of fun..just be yourself!

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Being shy is being sincere. The truth is, that people that are very outgoing when you first meet them are not being themselves. When I first meet someone, I don't bother with the bullshit small talk. If they have nothing outside of that, then I really have nothing to say to them. This can be persieved as shyness. But really, why be fake? I am told that I seem shy all the time. The truth is, once you know me, you can't shut me up! Not having much to say to someone that you just met is pretty normal. You have very little to base a conversation on anyway.

And, when I meet someone that seems "shy", I really think it is a turn-on. I feel that shy women are more comfortable with who they are, and don't feel the need to be my best friend the second they meet me.

Just my opinion...



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Originally posted by mattyparsons:

i'd rather be shy, than never shut up .......

ie- deanna's roomie.

..speaking of which, have you found any bidders yet???

no, and god damn it! when i left to go work out, she was sleeping and smelling up the room. when i got back, she was awake and talking. she's still talking


in this nightlong puppetshow, he is my master. spin that record and make me dance

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A lot of my fem friends say that I'm not aggressive enough with women..... I don't think that really constitutes a problem, per se, though. Then again, I'm not so sure lack of aggression is the same thing as being shy.......

Either way, I don't think it's bad -- it just might be a handicap, in that it limits your horizons somewhat (who you meet, where you go, what you can do). But you can be shy and still have a rockin' good time.....



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well believe it or not...i used ta be shy as hell till i started taking candies...i used to be just like u and would sit in the corner and not say anything...now believe me im not tellin u to use drugs to get unshy but its just want works for me cwm7.gifcwm44.gif

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It's the ying and the yang...

Imagine if no one was shy and everybody wanted to talk...and hear themselves talk...(sorta like Silicon Alley networking events for those who've been).

Plus, you're more likely to get along with shy people than talkers.


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