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Company Holiday Party


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If by "that guy", you mean someone who gets wayyyyy too drunk at the open bar, tells his co-workers what he really thinks of them and then bangs some just-as-drunk chick in his truck while other co-workers walk by and can see everything, that would be me. I now avoid all corporate functions unless attendance is mandatory.

great fucking story :laugh::laugh:

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When I worked for Clubplanet/ Track Ent our holiday party was hysterical. I mean we were all in the office late that night cause NYE was right around the corner and everyone was pretty much drunk and stuffed with sushi ... ahhh those were the days lol

which CP member did you hook up with?

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yeah we're pretty big..and this is just for the metro NY area (nj..nyc..li..westchester)

our L.A. company party is a balls to the wall event @ jim henson studios..

and our Atlanta party is insane ahaha...in typical ATL fashion..they come decked out in suits and fur coats..so ill

The Nazis are having it at Crobar. Ironic no?

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My work Christmas parties are the WORST! It's in the afternoon which is cool, but it's at the Radisson right next to my work. They allow the people here to bring their children, and they have Santa and a fucking clown doing ballon animals. No one drinks, everyone is wicked fat, and no one speaks english. I don't even want to go this year

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My work Christmas parties are the WORST! It's in the afternoon which is cool, but it's at the Radisson right next to my work. They allow the people here to bring their children, and they have Santa and a fucking clown doing ballon animals. No one drinks, everyone is wicked fat, and no one speaks english. I don't even want to go this year

spike the childrens juice ...

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My work Christmas parties are the WORST! It's in the afternoon which is cool, but it's at the Radisson right next to my work. They allow the people here to bring their children, and they have Santa and a fucking clown doing ballon animals. No one drinks, everyone is wicked fat, and no one speaks english. I don't even want to go this year

i never realized non canadians use the word wicked...

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Boston invented it baby! :)

ahah werd!

anyways, my office party is low-key, since we have a verry small office. they are taking us to a restaurant this year, but last year when they did that i was the only one with a drink in my hand other than the receptionist (who no longer works there) b/c half the ppl i work with are freakin substance abuse counselors.

and its on a monday night.


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My friend was "that girl"! Last night, at her Xmas party, she got so drunk the paramedics had to come to her aid (she works at a hospital). She was such a mess, she started dancing on the floor, falling, slurring her words, shouting.. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE This song..to every single bad song by the band..lol. She just called me now, and wants to quit! lol..

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My friend was "that girl"! Last night, at her Xmas party, she got so drunk the paramedics had to come to her aid (she works at a hospital). She was such a mess, she started dancing on the floor, falling, slurring her words, shouting.. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE This song..to every single bad song by the band..lol. She just called me now, and wants to quit! lol..

omg...lol I honestly think I would never show my face at work again after a night like that.

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