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House Vs Hip Hop, A Battle Of Generation

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how many of you have experienced the

"R U Playing Hip Hop Next"


"Enough with Techno play some Hip Hop"

before any of you are ready to spit in the gals/guys face, throw your cd book in to thier face, THINK

are we really loosing the battle against hip hop...some believe dance music is done, and its all about hip hop these days, and thats why clubs have so much trouble, generation have changed, people no longer want to hear steady tisk tisk tisk tisk followed by a strong kick....


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I don't think we are losing the battle, but I agree that hip-hop is unreasonably popular. It's bad enough: Centro-Fly closed and replaced with Duvet, hip-hop in Discotheque; now Spirit has hip-hop Saturdays, the hip-hop room incredibly packed in Crobar...

It's definitely true that house and trance are very underappreciated, but that's mainly to lack of promotion by major media organizations. Unless MTV and KTU stop promoting the image of hip-hop as cool music (which won't happen), it might get worse for us. I still think that even if we lose the battle, hip-hop will never win the war.

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but the question is... is the culture associated with that music what those people are going to the clubs for (bottle service, status, bling, girls, drink)? or do they really appreciate the music? its obvious that they dont care that a Lil Jon song is on 20 times a night, therefore its not a matter of the MUSIC hip hop winning the battle against the MUSIC trance/house... its a matter of that scene being more appealing... like all fads, it will die out but the true spirit of music never dies out, theres always that love no matter what... you see a lot more former hip hop fans that lose themselves into the electronic culture, than EDM fans that ditch the electronic scene for the hip hop lounges/clubs... it makes you think

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and i dont think i articulated myself well enough the first time, so ill explain it again... what i meant was, i know a LOT of people who used to be into the hip hop club scene and little by little eased into the electronic scene, the dancing, the music, the big room insanity... i can count on two fingers the people who were fans of Crobar and Spirit, Paul van Dyk and Tenaglia, who switch over to the bottle-service-driven culture of the bling bling hip hop clubs...

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where were you the day hip hop died...

hip hop is commercialized...thats the only reason...its on radio TV everywhere...movies about rappers..thats teh only reason...both have their negatives.. but dance music...does not have the media behind it like rap.....

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I pretty much lost my job at this small lounge because all the patrons there wanted to hear was commercial Hip Hop. I would be forced to play a little here and there but still it was not enough. It was all these idiots wanted!

Needless to say, I'm no longer there and now have to resort to finding a new job at a place that appreciates proper dance music. What I mean by that is not the commercial KTU crap either.

It is so tough to play what you like to a crowd that resents having to hear music they're not used to.

By the way, the venue was in NJ, so I guess that kind of explains it. However, now that it's also happening in bigger clubs in NYC-Yikes! Looks I definitely won't be going out as much.

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well hiphop parties generally makes more money for the venue selling liquer and i thinks thats why hiphop is in more demand by the club owners. yet there is more violence at hiphop parties cuz the music lyrics promotes violence and drunk people dont know how to act. i can say i never been in a fight for all those years i've been clubbing because i stayed away from hiphop parties. I used to love hiphop but hiphop died after Biggie and Tupac died. RIP

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It's definitely true that house and trance are very underappreciated, but that's mainly to lack of promotion by major media organizations.

Very true. Over in the UK, EDM gets much more exposure than it does here in the US, and is therefore, much more popular. Hopefully w/ the rising popularity of Sirius and XM, more people will discover EDM and become interested in it.

I could really care less that places like Avalon and Spirit are now hosting hip-hop parties. Those clubs are very poorly managed and weren't booking good talent on a consistent basis which is the major reason that they felt the need to change things around. Crobar is well managed and brings in great talent consistently, and it's packed every single weekend. Also, the fact Pacha just opened up is a good indicator that the EDM scene in NYC is flourishing. Just a couple years back, there wasn't too much going on here.

IMO, hip-hop parties suck. Not just b/c I don't like the music, but b/c there tends to be violence and other nonsense associated w/ those parties. You don't really need to have any dancing skills at all....just bump/grind w/ the nearest girl. If you put any of these people in an EDM environment they wouldn't know what to do w/ themselves.

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It is so tough to play what you like to a crowd that resents having to hear music they're not used to.

I agree, Moe! It's just as tough to find a venue that plays the music you like, especially in New York, on a Saturday night, with a decent crowd. And it's just as tough making new friends who are interested in going out to hear tribal, progressive or trance, when hip-hop is considered trendy and cool and those people just don't know good music!

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I agree, Moe! It's just as tough to find a venue that plays the music you like, especially in New York, on a Saturday night, with a decent crowd. And it's just as tough making new friends who are interested in going out to hear tribal, progressive or trance, when hip-hop is considered trendy and cool and those people just don't know good music!

On that note then, I'm doing an hour set at a place in Teaneck, NJ called Zen Lounge. My set is an early one being that I have to go to work the next day: It's from 9-10 PM. Hope to see you and others there. Maybe we'll get to hang out fora drink afterwards. Oh, almost forgot the day-next Wed., the 21st of Dec.

Go to lounge-zen.com on how to get there from where you live.

Shameless plug, I know!

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I had this convo with a friend who I made a House CD for.... he knows I make hip hop and reggaetoon beats, so he was excited and thought he was getting some new beats... when I told him it was house... he said.

"house music, house music is dead"

cold harsh comment , but is it far from the truth?

the real question is......how did EDM go from being commerically accepted, to being rejected?

dare I say, bad promoters?

come on now, promoters will get a shit Dj who can "bring in more people" then one whos gonna play better music.

That kills the genre.


Eric Prydz - Call On Me


this is the shit EDM promoters will allow a DJ to play, just because he brings in 50 people, over a DJ whos going to educate people and play all styles.... blame the people throwing the parties, representing YOUR genre....

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well, if ur talking about Abyss or Sound Garden in New Jersey, or Pure in Westchester, sure, those promoters have no qualm in bringing Angelo Venuto to sing for a night because he gets people to go... i dont really see any of those tactics in Manhattan though (except Pedro @ Glo). has Louie DeVito or Reina or Venuto or Riddler played at anywhere other than Webster Hall? i dont think so (i could be wrong).... i think promoters are doing a pretty decent job in Manhattan to tell you the truth... hate on Avalon all you want, but with the Tresor party, the upcoming Time Machine party, the Blank and Jones party a few weeks back, and Adam Beyer, they got quite a well-rounded lineup... hate on Spirit all you want, but with the Judge Jules even a few weeks back, Chris Liebing, and all the Made Events DJs, they seem to be doing another great job. Crobar, dont even get me started, their only negative point is having Boris as resident, but thats about it.... Sol's coming up to bat too with some of the acts theyve been getting, theyre guest DJs seem to be getting bigger and bigger every week, i wouldnt be surprised if its a solid competitor of Crobar's within the next few months. so, unless ur going to base Jersey or the boroughs in your argument, then i have to say the promoters are bringing the right DJs to New York.

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well, if ur talking about Abyss or Sound Garden in New Jersey, or Pure in Westchester, sure, those promoters have no qualm in bringing Angelo Venuto to sing for a night because he gets people to go... i dont really see any of those tactics in Manhattan though (except Pedro @ Glo). has Louie DeVito or Reina or Venuto or Riddler played at anywhere other than Webster Hall? i dont think so (i could be wrong).... i think promoters are doing a pretty decent job in Manhattan to tell you the truth... hate on Avalon all you want, but with the Tresor party, the upcoming Time Machine party, the Blank and Jones party a few weeks back, and Adam Beyer, they got quite a well-rounded lineup... hate on Spirit all you want, but with the Judge Jules even a few weeks back, Chris Liebing, and all the Made Events DJs, they seem to be doing another great job. Crobar, dont even get me started, their only negative point is having Boris as resident, but thats about it.... Sol's coming up to bat too with some of the acts theyve been getting, theyre guest DJs seem to be getting bigger and bigger every week, i wouldnt be surprised if its a solid competitor of Crobar's within the next few months. so, unless ur going to base Jersey or the boroughs in your argument, then i have to say the promoters are bringing the right DJs to New York.

there is also a problem with the way EDM was marketed.

For one, half if not all the "super Dj's" from the late 1990's were almost twice as old as the people clubbing. This presents a problem.

For example, look at hip hop. Its keep fresh, new. Younger artist coming out, for a younger crowd.

biggie was what, 23? so was tupac, same with 50 cent.... after 30 years old, its pretty much down hill. They all move into selling cloths, perfumes or what have you, because the crowd demands something new...

the way the EDM marketing is run is backwards. We have the same DJ's DJing from back in the 1990's , some even later then that.... With hardly any new DJs coming out. Nor do we have any NY producers producing any quality tracks anymore.

Its plain to see, although the venues you named above make money, that actual genre of EDM is not progressing or moving forward because there is a bottle neck , because its not being kept new and fresh.

To be honest, I would rather go here a DJ whos actually makes there own music, then one that just plays music.

For example, I dont remember Boris ever producing any tracks when I was clubbing. Erick Morrilo never made anything I liked. Not saying these guys arent talented DJ's, but it just doesnt make any sense to me. The people who actually have done incredible production work, dont even have a real residency.... bad marketing.

I do remember Jonathan Peters, Junior Vasquez, Johnny Vicious, and such actually creating EDM tracks defining the era. Right now its kind of stale. It sucks. yeah, the promoters are making the cash, and so is the clubs, but it just sucks right now. At least thats the way I see it. there is no music being made in AMERICA right now defining the era.

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i think its funny that half the threads on this board are crying about there being no more underground and the other half are crying house/dance music isn't as popular as hip-hop.

make up your minds--which do you want?

We want house and trance - and let the house be progressive!!! (Both under and above the ground)

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So I was djing at a company party and I tried playing some dance music but they wernt as into it so I put on some hiphop and i got the dance floor moving a lot more.


this is why more and more clubs are going the hip hop route..

soon, all clubs will be hip hop, and they will have a small dance room.

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