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you people are really PATHETIC! Yeah YOU!

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how do you KNOW? maybe this person just wrote that for the sake of writing it.

who cares why he wrote it ....I mean read all 3 of his posts, same whinning and bitching, (your too old, jp sucks, i like glowsticks)

what's his point ?

did he think he is hurting someone feelings ?

just more negativity associated with this site, with any luck, he died in his sleep last night and we can all be spared his responses which will prob just be more of the same blahblahblah.

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someone went thru the effort of making up a fake screen name hating on Fast?


what is this shit about anyway?

what does age have to do with all of this..


apprently you can't club anymore after 25 i think .....not sure..

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You know who you are. Your kicking 30's door down. You still go out like when you were 18. You fight about which DJ is better. You talk about how much things have changed. You go on and on and worship a DJ like he's a god. Its time for a reality check.

Your party is nothing more then a rave and Dude, first of all, raves were never even cool to begin with. The fact that you're still trying to "keep the party going" ten years later is bordering on The Most Pathetic Thing Ever. You can pile up all the lasers and lights and disco balls and glo sticks and pacifiers you want, but all you'll have is a big heap of Who Gives A Shit. And quit passing out all those stupid glossy promo cards announcing your latest weekly "Bliss-Chillout-Ambient-House-Electro-fest". You're 35 now -- isn't that a little old to be handing out postcards with psychadelic robots all over them?

And please, stop complaining about all the young kids that go out now. you should have a life by now. Don't you think its strange when you see everyone around you getting younger, and you find yourself complaining about glowsticks and no vibe? Hey, the party is over. Your hanging around 17 year old kids, and thats the bottom line. so dont get mad when they break out the glow sticks.

You silly scenesters can stand there and look as jaded and above-it-all as you want, but you're not fooling me into thinking you're some kind of fucking rock star.

You're not rich, you're not famous,stop trying to spreading your "vibe" (and herpes) far and wide. Do you seriously need more attention? Do you need to show us that you have really excellent taste in music? Really, you do? Well turn off the fucking lights when you're done, assholes.

I think we can all agree to cut out the lame DJ worship. I mean, think of how many people you know who claim to be DJ's. Everyones a fucking DJ.I'm DJing right now here in my cubicle. I just segued from Bloc Party's "Banquet" into Kings of Leon's "The Bucket" - isn't that amazing? so now you can come hear me DJ. You can get the club I Dj at tattooed onto some part of your body, and get shirts pressed out with my name on them. yeah baby.

nice rant, now STFU!

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someone went thru the effort of making up a fake screen name hating on Fast?


what is this shit about anyway?

what does age have to do with all of this..


You mean that mongoloid Matt Damon?

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You know who you are. Your kicking 30's door down. You still go out like when you were 18. You fight about which DJ is better. You talk about how much things have changed. You go on and on and worship a DJ like he's a god. Its time for a reality check.

Your party is nothing more then a rave and Dude, first of all, raves were never even cool to begin with. The fact that you're still trying to "keep the party going" ten years later is bordering on The Most Pathetic Thing Ever. You can pile up all the lasers and lights and disco balls and glo sticks and pacifiers you want, but all you'll have is a big heap of Who Gives A Shit. And quit passing out all those stupid glossy promo cards announcing your latest weekly "Bliss-Chillout-Ambient-House-Electro-fest". You're 35 now -- isn't that a little old to be handing out postcards with psychadelic robots all over them?

And please, stop complaining about all the young kids that go out now. you should have a life by now. Don't you think its strange when you see everyone around you getting younger, and you find yourself complaining about glowsticks and no vibe? Hey, the party is over. Your hanging around 17 year old kids, and thats the bottom line. so dont get mad when they break out the glow sticks.

You silly scenesters can stand there and look as jaded and above-it-all as you want, but you're not fooling me into thinking you're some kind of fucking rock star.

You're not rich, you're not famous,stop trying to spreading your "vibe" (and herpes) far and wide. Do you seriously need more attention? Do you need to show us that you have really excellent taste in music? Really, you do? Well turn off the fucking lights when you're done, assholes.

I think we can all agree to cut out the lame DJ worship. I mean, think of how many people you know who claim to be DJ's. Everyones a fucking DJ.I'm DJing right now here in my cubicle. I just segued from Bloc Party's "Banquet" into Kings of Leon's "The Bucket" - isn't that amazing? so now you can come hear me DJ. You can get the club I Dj at tattooed onto some part of your body, and get shirts pressed out with my name on them. yeah baby.

:rofl: x 1,000,000,000

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i think most people who are into the scen for the drugs might find the original posters comment funny,true,sad,etc. But for those who passion revolves around music and who dont see it as a hobby for 5 yrs cause its the cool thing to do, make it a lifestyle. And its those people who are now in thier 40s,50s, who have paved the way for the people now in thier 30s,20s to take over sooner or later. And the cycle will continue because of those passionate people.

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i think most people who are into the scen for the drugs might find the original posters comment funny,true,sad,etc. But for those who passion revolves around music and who dont see it as a hobby for 5 yrs cause its the cool thing to do, make it a lifestyle. And its those people who are now in thier 40s,50s, who have paved the way for the people now in thier 30s,20s to take over sooner or later. And the cycle will continue because of those passionate people.

well said buddy!!! thats the truth!!! have fun sat, tris will be there, not me gotta work enjoy.

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i think most people who are into the scen for the drugs might find the original posters comment funny,true,sad,etc. But for those who passion revolves around music and who dont see it as a hobby for 5 yrs cause its the cool thing to do, make it a lifestyle. And its those people who are now in thier 40s,50s, who have paved the way for the people now in thier 30s,20s to take over sooner or later. And the cycle will continue because of those passionate people.
my passion revolves around the music but its definately not a lifestyle.. so i dont get your point.
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i think most people who are into the scen for the drugs might find the original posters comment funny,true,sad,etc. But for those who passion revolves around music and who dont see it as a hobby for 5 yrs cause its the cool thing to do, make it a lifestyle. And its those people who are now in thier 40s,50s, who have paved the way for the people now in thier 30s,20s to take over sooner or later. And the cycle will continue because of those passionate people.

i love music....i love going out ......it happens to be part of my lifestyle cause it is a business to me now also ...and earns a great living.

I am sure if I did nto work in clubs I would not go out as much as I do , but I def would still be going out ......even after I break the 30 mark ...

and I bet I will still be in a better position financially and socially then any loser who makes threads like this ....

I am not the type to settle for a night out at some dive irish bar, not my style

I still dont get how this guy tried to offend, he hates promoters (wow) great, most people do, usually cause of some fucked up night they had at the hands of one of the many shady people involved in the scene......does that mean all are shady , of course not.....but to blindly hate on all makes this persona bigger moron then one can possibly imagine.

this is just another loser, a pussy who hides behind a fake screen name and makes these comments to seek the approval of the few people on here that strive off negativity and ruin this message board,

the best part is, i had no involvment with the JP party, I far from worship JP and his misinformation only makes him look like a dope..

but it def was good for a laugh ....

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my passion revolves around the music but its definately not a lifestyle.. so i dont get your point.

I think it becomes more a "lifestyle" when you work in the that industry .....

but since music is your passion let me ask you this ?

how old are you ?

do you still go out ?

and do you plan on stopping at a certain age cause there is some unwritten rules that dorks like this guy seem to live by ?

this guys seems to think that anyone over ???? whatever age is pathetic,

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that's great. people just dont wanna hear the truth sometimes... i think it really is pathetic when you're 30 and still running around going out everynight like a kid and you think it's ok.

remember being in factory and seeing those "old ass guys" and laughing at them? you're them now.

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