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Avaland Deep Dish and ClubPlanet Guest Lists...


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Hi everyone. Tonight will be my first time at Avaland, seeing one of my favorite DJ duos Deep Dish from my hometown of Wash DC!

I signed up for the guest list at Club planet, but am a little worried about the fact that it "doesn't guarantee admission". (WTF?).

I was hoping anyone out there could shed some light on the subject, and tell me what time I should try and get there to make sure I get in. It says the doors open at 11pm for General Admission, and also Grooveticket Will Call says their patrons need to pick up their tickets before 11pm also.

So who gets precedence? If I got their around 10pm, do i have a good chance of getting in at 11? Do GrooveTicket holders go in first, then ClubPlanet Guest Listers, then GA?

Also, how does the staff know I am on the CP list? by my name and email address?

Thanks guys! Hope to see some of you tonight!

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The earlier the better, will call always gets in first. My husband, myself and a few of our friends are going for his 30th b-day, and we are gonna try to get a few people in guest list, we are going to be there by 10pm. So I am hoping that it will at least get us in, maybe no discount tonight, but hopefully in front of general admission. Good Luck, hope to see ya there. I will be wearing a black shirt with a turtle on its back:)

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Do you mean you are trying to get a few additional people in with you in the ClubPlanet guest list line thta weren't already signed up?

I was reading another post about Avaland rants and then looked at some pictures of the place. there was a posting about some scary Asian tweaked out old people...and the pictures prove it! What's up with that?

Any suggestions on where to find reasonable parking? I missed out on the advance parking deal...

See you there! ;-)

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Just wanted to report back. Got there at 10, waited in an insane line, and after an hour and a half of not moving, having about 500 people cut in through the sides of the line and making it 15 people wide, I called it quits and left. But it wasn;t just the line...what's with that crowd? I mean, we're talking fugly fat chicks and old moms and dads...like 50 year olds??!! I asked them if they'd heard Deep Dish before and they didn't even know who they were. Gimme a break! Who the fuck are these people? I've never seen a more sorry ass crowd of idiots in my life. And what kind of weak club has an Anthrax show prior to a dj event? Ridiculous. It's really sad to see the state of what clubbing has become; the best DJs only play in the clubs that can afford to pay them and the only people that go don't have a clue who they are listening to. They're just there to try and look good amongst the other poseurs, what with their fake tans, boob jobs, really bad and wrinkly skin, and c-sections...

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hey wow yeah im from bmore and spent a lot of time clubbing in DC and Miami and Bmore and never ever ever have i waited in a line as long as I did last night. 2 hours and 20 mins in me and my friend- 2 little girls- called it quits.. Where were the bouncers? security guards? hell cops? there was no order mass chaos and an insain amount of ppl...yeah wow the crowd was for sure different from everything and anything ive ever experienced- i walked around confused for about 20 mins b4 i even got in a line b/c everyone was too self involved to direct me.....I want to go to avalon, but im not going to do that again- even though the line did get fun b/c i found a couple of ppl to talk to who also were large enuf to protect me when the crown got tighter and pushy-er....Is Avalon always like this? Is this part of the "cool" faced of hollywood? How can an establishment run so poorley still be in busness? Who can I better complain to? Where else in LA can I listen to good djs?

Honestley even though I never made it into the club to dance like I had wanted to I still had an awsome time. After sorting through the dooshbags-old, fucked up, foriegn, wierd, schetchy- and yes the C section lady..I ended up being surrounded by some very upstanding, well mannered, colorfull, funny guys. All in all I had as good a time, if not better then I normally have at clubs out here and stayed for about as long.. Any replies would be awsome- PS jen from dC- did u like cubic/buzz or glow?

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honestly the best time to go is after 12:00 AM i'm serious!! the main dj is never on by that time and the stupid line with all the Aunts and Uncles already f'd up smoking cigarettes are in the club..

i never go to avalon any earlier because of these pre booked rock shows they put on...

oh well next time

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So many questions on this thread, good questions though.

A) there is only one guestlist line at Avalon.

B) certain guestlists do say "no guarantee of admission". Others guarantee admission.

B) guestlists are way closed by 12 so you if you show up at 12, then you gotta pay full cover

c) one thing (I would change) about avalon is when the door actually opens. It never seems to open before 10:00pm. So if you get there at 9:30 you have to wait

d) its a cold street to stand on if you arent at the front under the overhang. Dress appropriate for waiting

e) parking in Hollywood has become insanely confusing in its pricing. For example, recently I was in one lot next to LA's top venue in Hollywood at paid $8 on a tuesday. Two weeks later on a Thursday the lot was $15. The week after on a Saturday it was $20. There are certain lots for example Cherokee S. of Hollywood that have almost had the same price now for three years every night.

Things to know about parking in Hollywood (could write a treatise on this).

1. Prices fluctuate greatly. Its not based upon locaton. Its based upon ownership. You can literally park 1/2 block away from one lot at $12 and pay $7.

2. Not when the lot closes. This is so critical. You have for example three lots within inches of each other near Vine. One WILL tow you at around 2:30. The other you can leave your car to almost 9 am.

3. Gated lots are scary. For example, the lot behind one (dead) club on Sunset if I recall closes early and LOCKS the gates. So instead of at worse paying a $200 impound, now you literally cant even get your car.

How much to pay:

If its the Vine, Wilcox area, if its $8 or under, take it. If its double digits, skip it

F). Lines. Good Djs at Avalon, you get in relatively fast. Huge Djs, you gotta wait anywhere at the major venues. I remember, think it was last year, or maybe the year before, Armin was at Henry Fonda (Weyes, werent you at that too if i recall)... the line looked like the opening to star wars. Around the corner in two directions. Luckily I sweet talked my way in without waiting, but that was Henry Fonda then.

G) Afterhours. I have left Avalon right around when afterhours is kicking bigtime and the "line" for afterhours is ... insane. You walk out and see a sea of people surrounding in all diretions, like a rockstar is about to leave hte builling. I literally saw 2 industry website owners in line unable to get it with tons of hotties on arm. If you hit up afterhours, expect to wait. Its fun, but expect to wait.

H) Where else to hear good music? Really a lotta great spots. Thinking Avalon is hte only spot for great house, techno music is like thinking the Prius is the only electric / hybrid car. There are venues, undergrounds, and more that deliver you stuff even Avalon doesnt have enough of, especially when it comes to break beats, drum and bass, eurohouse, and more.

I) Finally, a ... sort of blunt comment. Some of us go for JUST the music. We got our nights when we want to hookup. And then we got those nights where we want music for our soul and our feet. If you are going with a group of friends, it reallly shouldnt bother you if the people around you are 18 year old raver kids or too old. If you are going for the music and to dance and get treated properly, properly, by the organizers, from beginnig to end, have room to dance, and have a good operation in place that is safe, pleasant and inviting, then you can become one with the music. So many people will tell me they wont go to certain spots (that have the best music in town) because people are too young, or they dont drink, or they use glowsticks. It said because some music is too good not to be heard because the person standing on your right is wearing five colored rubberbands as their bracelet and goes by the name of Alley Kat.

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Avalon did let it known that doors were not opening until 1030 due to a prior concert....in reality it wasn't till 11 that the doors opened. we got in line at 1130 or so, waited till 12 but as we bared moved, we decided to go grab a drink and return. headed over to the Frolic Room got back to Avalon at 1245 and got in within 5 minutes. Deep Dish didn't start until around 145am anyway so no biggie on getting in later. that was about as packed as i've ever seen it - and everyone was dancing their ass off so even if the OP didn't like the crowd, at least they were there for the right reason. their set was okay IMO - not the best i've heard...but def one of the most fun nights i've had there. we left at 530 AM and Deep Dish was still pounding it out and the place was still 100% full then!

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I may be a bit old school (33!), but in DC I used to hit Buzz quite a bit when it first started. I don't even remember how long ago that was, maybe 95? I'll have to check the old flyers! (btw, a friend of mine from high school used to make all their flyers while at Airline Design RIP)

I saw Deep Dish the first time while I was at school (in Wisconsin of all places!) back in '94 and they blew my mind. I've been following/listening to them ever since. And it turns out one of my good friends in DC knows those guys very personally.

I was pretty shocked at the line, the disorganization, the crowd, you name it. I don't go clubbing much these days and if it's like this in LA I don't know if I really want to. But what _does_ look good to me, at least from what I've heard, is "Deep" on Sundays. Straight up house, but looks good. Check it out: http://deep-la.com/index.htm

BTW, any reviews on Deep out there?

hey wow yeah im from bmore and spent a lot of time clubbing in DC and Miami and Bmore and never ever ever have i waited in a line as long as I did last night. 2 hours and 20 mins in me and my friend- 2 little girls- called it quits.. Where were the bouncers? security guards? hell cops? there was no order mass chaos and an insain amount of ppl...yeah wow the crowd was for sure different from everything and anything ive ever experienced- i walked around confused for about 20 mins b4 i even got in a line b/c everyone was too self involved to direct me.....I want to go to avalon, but im not going to do that again- even though the line did get fun b/c i found a couple of ppl to talk to who also were large enuf to protect me when the crown got tighter and pushy-er....Is Avalon always like this? Is this part of the "cool" faced of hollywood? How can an establishment run so poorley still be in busness? Who can I better complain to? Where else in LA can I listen to good djs?

Honestley even though I never made it into the club to dance like I had wanted to I still had an awsome time. After sorting through the dooshbags-old, fucked up, foriegn, wierd, schetchy- and yes the C section lady..I ended up being surrounded by some very upstanding, well mannered, colorfull, funny guys. All in all I had as good a time, if not better then I normally have at clubs out here and stayed for about as long.. Any replies would be awsome- PS jen from dC- did u like cubic/buzz or glow?

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btw, i forgot to mention that the fire marshall didn't like all the crowding at the door - hence they closed it around 1130/12.... which actually worsened the situation as then all that happened is more people showed up and crowded around the door! :banghead:

when they try and double book 2 events on a Sat nite, it invariable ends up being a mess at the door....

i wouldn't bother using a Clubplanet guest list for a big nite like last Sat - i could have gotten on the comp list but went ahead and bought a presale just so i could avoid any potential (and realized) door drama.

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i'm with jen and zena on this. and i'm happy to say that, if this keeps up, there'll be enough unsatisfied clubbers for an alternative to come about, or maybe even for spundae to truly rise again :idea: .

but what are you two talking about with the "c-sections"? do you mean that women were walking around with caesarian scars showing :confused: ? weyes confused...

and no, l a l a t e; i only went to the henry fonda once, and it was for seb fontaine. the line was nonexistent and the joint was empty all night.

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la clubbing rule #2485:


okay, to elaborate...

guest lists don't have nearly as much weight as they do in other cities. i don't know how many times i've been standing outside, waiting forever, completely surrounded by people on various lists, all of us perplexed as to why we're not getting in.

in LA, everyone's on a list. so be sure to find out the benefits of that list (reduced admission, comps, line priveleges, etc.)

FYI, if you know anybody that works there, the "house" list is always the best - highest priority (besides being a celebrity).


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if this keeps up, there'll be enough unsatisfied clubbers for an alternative to come about, or maybe even for spundae to truly rise again :idea: .

won't happen.

when spundae has free admission until midnite to try and get clubbers out there and its a cluster-f*ck at the Avalon door - that tells you all you need to know.

let's hope Crobar does it better when they open - though i've been through some fiascos there as well during the WMC

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Oh my goodness, that night was a mess, I am so glad that the people that I was trying to get in via guestlist didnt go. Only people who had already bought tickets went. I know what you mean about the line. I was standing in it when the security guy came and broke the will call/guestlist line in half because we were blocing the exit/entrance to the lot. Then when they did start finally letting us in we had to squeeze through this narrow space between the wall and the gate. NO fat person could have fit there! Good show, definitely mixed vibes. I am glad that we met up with some super cool Colombian people and danced in our little corner all night. But I agree not Avalons best night.

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Lots of great points in this thread.

One quick note about "guaranteed acces on the guestlist"...

If you sign up on an online guestlist, through any site or promoter, if you show up as a party of 7 guys who have not showerd in a week, all wearing Members Only jackets and flip-flops, you are very probably NOT going to get in.

Clubs/promoters do put energy into making thier guestlists available online and they would not do so unless they wanted people to come to the events. When TONS of people are trying to get in though and the line is HUGE, it can unfortunately take some time to get to the door.

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