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Random Thoughts #3


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My Migraine wont go away :banghead:

someone help...pweeeze

Sitting at the computer and staring into the monitor isn't helping any. You're staring into a light source for long periods.

I have an idea, though it won't help you today but maybe next time. I used to get migraines really bad, and I always knew when I was going to get them because about a half hour before they started I'd get a fuzzy moving light in my eye, that sort of looks like if you have a drop of water on your monitor, the way the light shines through it. Do you get anything like that? I called it flashing, and when my eyes started flashing I knew a migraine was on its way. I took a Vicoden as soon as I started flashing. Not to dull the pain, but to prevent it. Then I'd sit with my eyes closed for about 10 minutes until the flashing went away. See, when I took the Vicoden before the migrain began, it calmed the nerves in my brain I guess, and stopped the migraine from developing any further, and nipped it in the bud. I don't know if it would work for you, but try that the next time. Good luck.

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While at the closing of DC10 on October 2, in one of the more mangled states that I've been in, I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity.

I'm tired of doing 'stuff'.

Since then I haven't touched anything. That includes my birthday, going out for drinks with 'the guy' and dj'ing for my girl and her friend while they were shrooming...

So, while 15 days may not sound like a lot to some of you, believe me, it is.

Could it be that I've... outgrown 'stuff'? :confused:

LOL i know how you feel.. i used to get manageled every weekend... and then i just stopped... and went months before doing.. i'm down to getting "wild" about 3 times a year..

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LOL i know how you feel.. i used to get manageled every weekend... and then i just stopped... and went months before doing.. i'm down to getting "wild" about 3 times a year..

I don't even want to type up the laundry list of shit I was doing that day... it's sort of scary. :funny:

However, turns out, I can't be completely done. That DMT I've been waiting on is coming through in the next 3-4 weeks. I have to do that, been waiting over a decade to get it.

That's it though, and I don't think that's as bad, that's a once in a life time thing.

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I don't even want to type up the laundry list of shit I was doing that day... it's sort of scary. :funny:

However, turns out, I can't be completely done. That DMT I've been waiting on is coming through in the next 3-4 weeks. I have to do that, been waiting over a decade to get it.

That's it though, and I don't think that's as bad, that's a once in a life time thing.

What's DMT?

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I don't even want to type up the laundry list of shit I was doing that day... it's sort of scary. :funny:

However, turns out, I can't be completely done. That DMT I've been waiting on is coming through in the next 3-4 weeks. I have to do that, been waiting over a decade to get it.

That's it though, and I don't think that's as bad, that's a once in a life time thing.

i hear ya.. i hadn't done k in agessssssss and then happened upon some.. i was mangladesh a few weekends ago (ask fkornre.. lol He was the receiver of my text msg's.. lol).. i couldn't believe i found it down here again.... seriously, i think it'd been 3 yrs since i last did it..

that was a good weekend nonetheless :D

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Silver, if you're interested, here's one mans description of his experience with DMT.

Drifting deeply into the visual ebb and flow of the DMT I just walked through the thin fabric of the visual fractal fantasy. It was like a gauze layer of the dream just separated and boom .. it was like walking from a dark night into a brightly lit casino in Las Vegas. I felt like I had walked behind the scenes into a series of rooms. Everything was prime color cranked up to it s fullest potential. The images were clear, crisp and vivid. many times more vivid then the early pre-room images.

There were two people a man and a women or a girl and a boy. They appeared to me like simple balloon computer generated images. As soon as I stepped in the room, they glided up to me and spoke directly to me. They kept saying welcome back and words like: the big winner, he has returned, welcome to the end and the beginning, you are The One! As I looked around the room I felt the sense of some huge celebration upon my entry to this place. Bells were ringing, lights flashing fear began to rise in me as I felt the deep change in my world. The sprites begin to lead me around the room showing me how all my life they had been preparing me for this return. I was shown dozen of experiences simultaneously in my life, that had lead up to and been clues to this moment. I was shown in a flood and a onslaught of images, thoughts, situations, raw feelings that everything had been building to this moment. That this moment had been planned.

They told me it was a gift. That I had been selected to be The One. I felt feelings of huge relief, excitement and fear in the sprites. At this moment in the experience I became afraid for my life. I felt that this gift would cost me my life. I did not want to be The One. The sprits felt this fear in me and begin to hold my hands and arms rushing me deeper into their world. I felt their fear and I begin to believe that I had stepped out of the dream, out of the drug, out of my body and mind and into this super world. I begin to believe in the transformation. As I walked deeper I could see standing in the middle of the room, in the center of this place, an object similar to an hour glass. It was slowly turning over. I became aware that this vessel, as it tipped over, transferring its contents from the small red end to the larger blue end was transforming me. I felt my humanity slip out as I was filled with this new powerful light. A light of greater perception, of clarity. It felt like returning home. It felt familiar. It felt like I was waking up from a hollow, pale dream of reality. I felt god like and omnipotent. I realized the this gift was not only a gift but equally a death sentence for my physical body. I felt like I had been chosen to receive this not out of benevolence but out of a need to release this power and perception There had to be The One, to relieve the others. There had to be The One who perceived completely. I felt like Christ at the moment of realization of godhood and the inevitable moment of his crucifixion. I also felt like all this knowledge and perception was far too large to be processed by my physical mind and that death was the obvious transition.

As this moment of realization hit me I felt the sprites smile and step back. They told me I WAS The One and this WAS real and that it would never end.

They said do you not believe..... then see.

At this moment I sat up (in the real world) and opened my eyes. This moment true panic set in. I was deeply hallucinating. The real world was being covered, transformed into a psychedelic kaleidoscope of energy. Every surface had something like movie film, one image after another lined up like film shown through an overhead projector. These were the prime images of our symbolic nature. Slowly rolling over every surface. like the sprites of the objects. I felt I was seeing time in a singularity. I felt like I was seeing the symbolic patters like a second perception of true meaning. In the real room there were two people sitting next to me. When I looked at them I felt reassured momentarily. Then they exploded into dozens of two dimensional layers of light. Looking like computer generated futurists paintings. Wafer thin halos created the shapes of my friends. Dave looked up at me and said Welcome Back causing me to panic. Because when he said welcome back I did not think it was back to reality but back into the fold of this super world I was in. Back as there chosen one or at least one amongst them. I perceived Dave and Poon as personal guides or Guardians or gatekeepers there to welcome me into this new exalted state. That moment striped me of my world, my truths leading me to believe that my hallucinations were truth. I once again had the crashing feeling of winning, of being chosen, and being forced to receive this unwanted sentence of total vision. I had this crash as I could see once again the cause and effect of my being there and the price I would have to pay. I was the Bean King and the price of my gift would be perceptual transcendence but physical death.

At this time I felt a collapsing feeling as I gave in to the experience excepting my fate. I remember thinking that the hour glass had turned a little farther and I was pouring out of this life into my new one. I said out loud I am dying. Then I lost the support of my body, my self, my existence and I began to drift.

Dave then touched my leg I remember being drawn back into my body and thinking to hell with this I am not going to die, not yet and I felt the sprites smiling around me looking at me. I felt the fear. I felt the exhilaration of my visions. I was back in the sprites room. Even though this place was vibrant and psychedelic it was within my ability to comprehend. The sprits began there pitch at me being a winner and The One. I felt they were taking me back down the hallway to open those iconic, electric vision and to my death. I then said out loud again I am dying to which Dave responded only three more minutes and you will be all right.

Three more minutes.. Three more minutes was like a life raft that I sailed out of that world. As soon as I was able to believe that in three more minutes I would be normal again and everything began to fade. I felt in control of my body and my life. Slowly I drifted out of the their world, back through the gauzy world of colors and patterns. With a little extra coaxing from my friends I was able to wake up and separate my self from that moment.

I still vibrate from the experience.

I am very grateful to have been with my friends.

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I knew a migraine was on its way. I took a Vicoden as soon as I started flashing. Not to dull the pain, but to prevent it. Then I'd sit with my eyes closed for about 10 minutes until the flashing went away. See, when I took the Vicoden before the migrain began, it calmed the nerves in my brain I guess, and stopped the migraine from developing any further, and nipped it in the bud. I don't know if it would work for you, but try that the next time. Good luck.

I can't take Vicodin because it makes me violently sick. :(

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I've also been getting a lot of migraines lately. I've been taking percs for them, but it only helps a little..

Hope you feel better..

Thank you :)

Im finally feeling better right now. I was up most of the night with an awful headache and I woke back up a few minutes ago and i'm FINALLY feeling better.

I think I've been getting so many bad headaches because of my wisdom teeth. whah

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...I think I've been getting so many bad headaches because of my wisdom teeth. whah
that could be really serious; you should check that out asap!!! and you don't have to be afraid; just go to an oral surgeon who knocks you out for the procedure.
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