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Jonathan Peters Needs To Fire His Manager(s)

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i remember being on my way to factory when it was raided a few years back.... wasn't that the day exit and shomething else was shut down as well?? i don't really remember... but anything being raided tells me to stay the fuck away from the place...

as far as JP... i was at surf club opening party when he was there, and i was at the closing when he was there... and both nights he was awful... so i was not even considering going to see him again... especially with the 15 year olds that are going to be there....

so true

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What he really needs to do is get off the drugs, and stop hanging out with Tina, locking himself in his studios and tweaking himself out with the dark industrial repetitve beats.

Oh and the faces he makes when he's spinning and high trying to stare at the computer screen is fucking lol

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What he really needs to do is get off the drugs, and stop hanging out with Tina, locking himself in his studios and tweaking himself out with the dark industrial repetitve beats.

Oh and the faces he makes when he's spinning and high trying to stare at the computer screen is fucking lol

WHATEVER he's been doing lately though has been working.

the last 3 parties of his that I've been to have been a huge improvement and very enjoyable

but thats just my opinion and I'm sure that means shit.. lol

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well how did JP go from being able to do 4000 people a week at the sound factory, to having to play for 15 year olds?

He should have a sign "will DJ for food"

because each party shows his days are over. each party shows, his managers are running him to the ground.

He Dj's like once a month now, AND PLAYS THE SAME OLD MUSIC.

he cant even get gigs in his own town like at crobar anymore! Or roxy! Or Exit.

instead, his managers force him to play at clubs that arent really clubs, more like banquet halls, but of course, only Mr. Mouth can see this.

you still have people sticking up for him and this that and the third. he sucks, his team sucks, and its over.

Word on the street is, he sold all his studio equipment because he's going broke, due to his drug problem.

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well how did JP go from being able to do 4000 people a week at the sound factory, to having to play for 15 year olds?

He should have a sign "will DJ for food"

because each party shows his days are over. each party shows, his managers are running him to the ground.

He Dj's like once a month now, AND PLAYS THE SAME OLD MUSIC.

he cant even get gigs in his own town like at crobar anymore! Or roxy! Or Exit.

instead, his managers force him to play at clubs that arent really clubs, more like banquet halls, but of course, only Mr. Mouth can see this.

you still have people sticking up for him and this that and the third. he sucks, his team sucks, and its over.

Word on the street is, he sold all his studio equipment because he's going broke, due to his drug problem.

I kinda feel bad for you.. You really seem like someone that has no life. I dunno. Did you know...... we dont care? Why are you wasting your time?

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well how did JP go from being able to do 4000 people a week at the sound factory, to having to play for 15 year olds?

He should have a sign "will DJ for food"

because each party shows his days are over. each party shows, his managers are running him to the ground.

He Dj's like once a month now, AND PLAYS THE SAME OLD MUSIC.

he cant even get gigs in his own town like at crobar anymore! Or roxy! Or Exit.

instead, his managers force him to play at clubs that arent really clubs, more like banquet halls, but of course, only Mr. Mouth can see this.

you still have people sticking up for him and this that and the third. he sucks, his team sucks, and its over.

Word on the street is, he sold all his studio equipment because he's going broke, due to his drug problem.

Where is all of your hate coming from? Did Jonathan bang your girl or something?

"Will dj for food"

yea, ok, he makes no money at all, and has no gigs coming up. guy is def. hurting for business.

"because each party shows his days are over. each party shows, his managers are running him to the ground."

You are right, his managers are doing a horrible job. He is playing at Nikki Beach during WMC, and at Nocturnal a few days later, not to mention he is playing at Global Gathering the week before. Oh yeah, they got him gigs out in Los Angeles, terrible...I wonder if they are paying him in cheeseburgers since you said he should dj for food. Maybe you should manage him, get him some lobster, or something for these parties.

"he cant even get gigs in his own town like at crobar anymore! Or roxy! Or Exit."

Crobar anymore? When did he ever spin at Crobar?

Roxy? umm, his party was originally booked there, but he cancelled it because they have to close too early.

Exit? Umm, correct me if I am wrong, but the only reason his party didn't happen, there was because the place was shut down because of shootings during hip hop parties. I'd say that his management did a hell of a job putting the party together this weekend, with only about 36 hours to make the change to another venue.

"Word on the street is, he sold all his studio equipment because he's going broke, due to his drug problem"

haha..yea ok...the dj booth that he travels with now, probably is worth more than your car.

You have anymore words from the street that you can enlighten us with?

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Dear Jonathan Peters,

Your career is over. No club wants you. Your going to be DJing at a small club, with a shit sound system. On New Years Eve, nobody came to perform for your set, except maybe a couple of drag queens.

your scooby doo mobile got stuck in mud in another state.

the only way you can "pack a room" is with ravers, kids with fake ID's, and clubbers who are passed their prime, with sound factory tattoos on their bodies. Plus, your having your party on a sunday. hey asshole, grown people have jobs...oh wait, since everyone at your birthday party is going to be 15, they have off from school... I forgot.

So, I give you this advice. Fire your managers. And get rid off that brown nose Kristy Lee, who bans anyone from your site over the stuipidest things. Its like a cult over there. Please, do your self a favor.You have surrounded yourself with people who do not have any idea what they are doing. They have ruined your name, and made you the laughing stock of a DJ world. They have ruined your career.

your a has been, a wash up.


Dear Mr Mouth,

I assume since your are quite angry something bad must have happened to you while, in the presence of a JP party...

First, Did you come to the NYE party? I saw plenty of spanish girls dancing on the stage doing the show.. DEF were not DRAG Queens..

What is wrong with you? The luxury bus in Philly was stuck in the mud..

Does this not happen to everyday people?

You are soo bitter...

MOST companies were CLOSED on Monday.. Maybe your lame job wasn't closed .. But most were.. Why are you so worried with the type of crowd he attracts? Have you ever been to a Disco2000 party? Shit what kind of crowd was that? I know I was 15 - using fake ID to get in.. Palladium .. Aphrodita didn't even CHECK ID.. HELLO... Who cares..

You are so obsessed, with the "people" there.. What kind of crowd do you want? What makes you happy?

Jonathan's manager is one of my best friends for about 25 years... He puts his heart and soul plus more into - everything he does..

Jonathan is booked in Rhode Island, Boston, LA, Global Event before WMC, 2 WMC parties... Shall I go on? He knows EXACTLY what he is doing..

My husband and I were at the party from 2am to close... SOBER!

We danced all night, and didnt' want to stop..... The VENUE Was GREAT!!!!

It def had that SF vibe, and alot of old school faces...

Kriste... another good friend.. Its a shame you pick fun at one of the best girls in the scene.. She watches her Boy's back always has and always will..

I guess living in a world like your own.. Ignornace is Bliss .....

Maybe you should pray to find peace bc you are one bitter dude....

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