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Clear Skin


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this may sound completely nuts, but there is such a thing as OVER washing your face and breaking out as a result of it.

I have very very clear skin (thank God) and the only time i'll get a pimple is if its my time of the month OR im in a very humid place with poor ventilation (club) so I never had problems.

like 5 yrs ago my mother bought me this Clinique skin cleaning system. Basically becuase i never took care of my skin and just dint have any concrete regimine of cleaning it.. i just would use random cheap stuff.

so the Clinique pack came with soap, astringent and cream.... AND i started to use it EVERY night before bed.. within a week i had acne.. my pores were opened up SO much that when i went to sleep the pillow case irritated it.

maybe thats it?

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Hmmm, maybe. I know my tinted moisturizer is oil-free, as is my concealer. I don't think my translucent powder is oil-free though... I use barely any... but that could be it.

I don't get the red pimples (well once in awhile); I just mainly get little bumps that you can't even see unless the light is shining a certain way. I guess they're just clogged pores. I think I'm just going to get a facial with extractions, and hopefully that should get rid of the problem.

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Hmmm, maybe. I know my tinted moisturizer is oil-free, as is my concealer. I don't think my translucent powder is oil-free though... I use barely any... but that could be it.

I don't get the red pimples (well once in awhile); I just mainly get little bumps that you can't even see unless the light is shining a certain way. I guess they're just clogged pores. I think I'm just going to get a facial with extractions, and hopefully that should get rid of the problem.

sounds like you have sensitive skin like me. if the facials don't do it, see your dermatologist.

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This is gonna sound crazy but go to CVS and pick up Cetaphil. It is amazing...keeps my skin break out free and always leaves it smooth. I have tried everything from the clinique 3 step system to expensive spa products and Cetaphil works thebest. It's also very gentle on the skin. Hope this helps!

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Guest MissJilly5

I agree--drink more water!! I take a bottle of water everywhere I go and it has really made a difference in my skin. I have very sensitive skin, too, but it's also really clear. I use ROC anti-wrinkle moisturizer every morning and occasionally switch in a more expensive Lancome moisturizer (I try to ration it, haha). In the shower I wash my face with Aveeno exfoliating face scrub and I take my makeup off at night with a makeup wipe but I don't completely wash and scrub my face again. That's my formula...hope you find yours!

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I agree--drink more water!! I take a bottle of water everywhere I go and it has really made a difference in my skin. I have very sensitive skin, too, but it's also really clear. I use ROC anti-wrinkle moisturizer every morning and occasionally switch in a more expensive Lancome moisturizer (I try to ration it, haha). In the shower I wash my face with Aveeno exfoliating face scrub and I take my makeup off at night with a makeup wipe but I don't completely wash and scrub my face again. That's my formula...hope you find yours!

thats pretty much the exact same routine for me except i dont exfoliate every day... my skin would fall off lol

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Watch out for things like Shampoo/Conditioners, laundry detergents/fabric softeners and other hair products. All of these items can cause someone sensitive to have breakouts. Also a great and inexpensive exfoliant that can be used everyday is taking baking powder and making a paste with water. It's gentle enough but does the trick. As for make-up try mineral make-up that uses minerals (has SPF and is an anti-inflammatory) instead of talc which is drying. I use Jan Iredale...makes my skin look like it glows! Using liquid foundation can lead to contamination, which can cause breakouts as well.(or just don't stick your fingers in it or a dirty sponge)

Just some extra tips...but I'm glad that your skin is looking better.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My face has been breaking out lately, I have no idea why. And I just can't seem to find any product(s) that can keep it more or less consistently clear. Is there anything that really works for you ladies that you just depend on??

You don't neccassarily have to wash your face in the morning but you MUST do it before you go to bed. My skin has cleared up so well not becuase of the products I use but becuase I make it a ritual to wash my face at night.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i always use products with salicylic acid (BHA--beta hydroxy acid) and glycolic acid (AHA--alpha hydroxy acid)... i find that both ingredients keep my skin clear and improve my overall complexion... just recently became obsessed with peter thomas roth skin care, although pricy, definitely worth the extra $$$. i especially like the AHA/BHA gel and potent botanical brightening complex. my skin has never looked better. also, olay regenerist thermal skin polisher is a great exfoliator with glycolic acid.

just BE CAREFUL if you have sensitive skin, since BHA's and AHA's can burn/irritate if your skin can't handle that much.

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