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Was 9/11 A Conspiracy By Our Government?

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You may be offending some peeps here with posting links to this phootage.

Think a little.

This is the NY thread.

o trust me i am thinkin, now how am i offending people if im trying to show something that might be the truth? please do tell? people deserve to know things, im not in any way tryin to offend the families or people that were involved in it, you have to look beyond that ( o and just for u to know they did make a 9/11 movie recently which that i find to be totally disrespectful becuz usually you don't show those type of movies for another 30-40 years.) which leads me back to this, just watch and listen and maybe you'll learn something

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i always thought that these conspiracy ideas were ridiculous. the other day a professor of mine was talking about it and i lost a lot of respect for her, i thought she was nuts. it was bothering me so i did some research and while i still don't believe it, its not as far fetched as you might think

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here's another...... why don't u start your little internet middle school insults elsewhere!? in other words if you have nothing productive to say, don't say anything at all thanks ;)

ooooh cyber-diss~! the ol' passive-aggressive retort, good one.. .this way it looks like you took the highroad... nice. always concerned about how others perceive you... :nono: <<<~~~ i can end using emoticons too... we both rock~! haxor leet!

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i love how everyone just names toss ... quite the tatic of our government ... hey look if you are calling these people crazy, please do so with some fact and no just wasteful name calling.

please attempt to answer the following :

How is that the towers fell at a rate equal to that of building that has zero resistance. If the jet fuel did cause all that damage, how is it that the first floor of the towers werent shooting flames and people were still able to get out?!

Why did building 7 collapse and wasnt even hit!? Why did this building fall in the same manner as a building that falls when it has been set up with detonation charges...

why is it that there were temperatures of over 2000 degree's being recorded when the temp that jet fuel burns is 1800 ...

anyway, one you find a credible source that denounces scientific fact ... then you will have a reason to name call ... if not, well then ..

why do you suck a the internet?

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yea check the first video i put up or check this one out

I _did_ check the video you put on your main topic. Now the question is did you read what serious scientists using rigorous thinking say in the link I posted?

I was nowhere near convinced by the arguments used in the conspiracy video, most of them are debunked using science and logic on the site I posted. The rest was little out-of-context circumstantial facts told with a very deep and serious voice over cliche music, and very bad physics.

The link I provided should help you read through the conspiracy-junk, unless you're one of those folks who just won't change their mind whatever we put in front of them. In which case you need to read what Karl Popper has to say about unfalsifiable theories.


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i love how everyone just names toss ... quite the tatic of our government ... hey look if you are calling these people crazy, please do so with some fact and no just wasteful name calling.

please attempt to answer the following :

How is that the towers fell at a rate equal to that of building that has zero resistance. If the jet fuel did cause all that damage, how is it that the first floor of the towers werent shooting flames and people were still able to get out?!

Why did building 7 collapse and wasnt even hit!? Why did this building fall in the same manner as a building that falls when it has been set up with detonation charges...

why is it that there were temperatures of over 2000 degree's being recorded when the temp that jet fuel burns is 1800 ...

anyway, one you find a credible source that denounces scientific fact ... then you will have a reason to name call ... if not, well then ..

why do you suck a the internet?

not sure if this was directed towards me or just a general response; however im not going to argue this issue simply because there arent enough facts prove or disapprove your side or mine... might as well argue about religion, or if blondes are better than brunettes. arguing over this would be like sitting in a rocking chair, sure itll give us something to do but it will get us nowhere...

in any event, i never said it couldnt be true and im not saying it is...

however to answer some of the questions, wtc was designed to withstand a hit from an aircraft,(and around the specs of the biggest planes of that time, they couldnt build something around things that werent invented yet, the planes that were used to crash into wtc were several times larger than a b25 and more importantly carried more fuel) in 1945 a plane crashed into the empire state bldg. wtc was built around the same principles and on top that to withstand hurricane winds and minor earthquakes... if in an event where any of the above were to occure the building was designed to pancake... lets think logically if buildings werent built like this how safe would it be if 60, 70, 100 story buildings would fall to the left or right or forward or backward??? cities would be crippled for years, and clean up would take even longer.

i cant answer your other questions factually because i dont know enough about them, and i havent researched them... however i imagine building seven collapsed because two huge towers just fell down next to it... (what did that equal on the richter? it had to register) i mean if you have several items on a table and you drop one on the opposite side, from time to time the other items happen to fall, or spill as well...

facts are only as good as their source... and the source typically only researches facts for an agenda. show me unbiased research on these topics and then we can really talk. but most ppl who research something make the numbers work for them in a way to persuade ppl into believing or joining them in their mission...

i cant deny that there may be something to this theory but at the same time i cant just jump in and believe it because i saw a video on the net...

lastly, the reason why i suck at the internet... is because i just dont know any better...

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I _did_ check the video you put on your main topic. Now the question is did you read what serious scientists using rigorous thinking say in the link I posted?

I was nowhere near convinced by the arguments used in the conspiracy video, most of them are debunked using science and logic on the site I posted. The rest was little out-of-context circumstantial facts told with a very deep and serious voice over cliche music, and very bad physics.

The link I provided should help you read through the conspiracy-junk, unless you're one of those folks who just won't change their mind whatever we put in front of them. In which case you need to read what Karl Popper has to say about unfalsifiable theories.



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