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front of line passes


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It's been a few years since I did any passes like that in Vegas, so I can't say how well they'll work. Like ****** said, ask Vegas.com. If they don't respond, perhaps that'll help answer your question on how valid they are.

Note also that front-of-line passes are very often only "front-of-the-walk-up-line" passes. It's the same with guest lists in that there's a good chance that you'll still be in a line, albeit a smaller one, with everyone else who bought a pass.

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every piece of paper that you get handed or or whatever that is pass for a club has some gimmic.

Thats actually not true.

There are many companies that service clients in Vegas many different ways.

At least one Ive seen deals only with tangible paper and fedex/airborne, does very well, and gets incredible rave reviews from its clients.

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i do believe the tix sold on vegas.com are exactly as they say - the prices for the tix are higher than the normal door charges so i expect the premium is the no-wait feature. i think you are good to go with those.

the business card passes that are handed out for free are the ones which limodriver mentions are the ones you need to examine much more closely.

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every piece of paper that you get handed or or whatever that is pass for a club has some gimmic. You have to be under5ft5 be there on tues before 930 and where all blue, read the fine print,, or just get a host to help

Most club tickets and passes do exactly what they say they do. Yes there's conditions just like coupons or any free offer in any form, since few things in the world are completely free, but usually the conditions on tickets are straight forward.

Common limitations on club tickets:

Times to arrive usually before a certain time.

Dress code still applies.

Capacity still applies.

Management reserves rights.

Holidays and Special events generally excluded.

Line pass is only valid when the ticket specifically says line pass or front of line priveleges.

With that said, to many people, the tickets are completely sufficient, since they are usually distributed free or at a low price. For people who want a higher level of service from a host or "limo driver" then the price goes up substantially since it involves higher club costs and often middle man charges for outside hosts.

To each his/her own. Just realize that some people want to enjoy the club and are willing to follow a few conditions to save some money at the door.

It's all a matter of preference. Try charging a limo driver at the door and watch their true personal preferences come to life ;)

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lol, its really funny you say that. I went to tryst the third night open and asked the DOOR HELP where i needed to go, " i said im a limo driver and im checking out the club" he said stand in line its 50 cover. I said hell no, i dont stand in line and i dont pay cover. He proceeded to argue. I called the hotel, then they conected me to the gm of the club. He personally came out and escorted me in, also gave me a table, after a 20 minute wait, and 2 bottles for 5 people. I tipped the host and security near my table cause we danced till 6am. But i will say, the guy doesnt have a job naymore, i can say, i dont pay nor wait when i go party.

Last night i even the dude valdarama from 70s show and yo mama asked me who the hell i was, when we kicked him out of a cabana at pure. I set it up at 330 in the afternoon, so it does have perks

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lol, its really funny you say that. I went to tryst the third night open and asked the DOOR HELP where i needed to go, " i said im a limo driver and im checking out the club" he said stand in line its 50 cover. I said hell no, i dont stand in line and i dont pay cover. He proceeded to argue. I called the hotel, then they conected me to the gm of the club. He personally came out and escorted me in, also gave me a table, after a 20 minute wait, and 2 bottles for 5 people. I tipped the host and security near my table cause we danced till 6am. But i will say, the guy doesnt have a job naymore, i can say, i dont pay nor wait when i go party.

lol. Like that story :D ... oh, the stories we cool tell .... reminds me of cerca 2003/4 when we were the only company to have the #1 la spot every promoted night of the week. But one Friday I made the accidental mistake of showing with buddy, my date, and my date's roomate who (unbenowst to me) was the ex gf of the promoter. He left my ass on line for 30 minutes at least lollll. Man, did I rip into his crosseyed ass ... I found out he was fuming mad cuz he thought I was doing his ex gf. Needless to say, w/in 24 hours I got the next best revenge to doing his ex (who was horrid) ... got the venue directly from management without having to deal with him lol.

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lol, its really funny you say that. I went to tryst the third night open and asked the DOOR HELP where i needed to go, " i said im a limo driver and im checking out the club" he said stand in line its 50 cover. I said hell no, i dont stand in line and i dont pay cover. He proceeded to argue. I called the hotel, then they conected me to the gm of the club. He personally came out and escorted me in, also gave me a table, after a 20 minute wait, and 2 bottles for 5 people. I tipped the host and security near my table cause we danced till 6am. But i will say, the guy doesnt have a job naymore, i can say, i dont pay nor wait when i go party.

Curious, do you offer free rides for door help? I never comp or slide drivers at OPM unless they bring a party of paying customers or hot women with them.

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Honestly the few times i have gone to opm i have gone on thurs with wife and we loved the place, but fri and sat is a little to hmmm not my crowd. But also when i come up there im usually hanging with friends of Mr. Jager. so also in reality i dont need door help with that one. And no i dont give free rides, i like my job.

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With all due respect that's my point. If you would comp a free ride for door help, it's your job. The way I see it, if I comp limo drivers, or anyone for that matter, who doesn't prove a tangible value to the promoter, then it falls under the same category as you giving free rides. Obviously there are some exceptions, like club courtesy and concierges, etc. Some people feel limos and taxis fall under the exception. I believe taxi drivers sell passes and limo drivers bring value when they bring paying customers or hot women. Anyway it's all good. Just real talk here.

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You know the funny thing is that almost every club in town has a taxi and limo thing going on. Some say they do it on slow nights to boost biz, no. Its called when i work for a company that has 2200 drivers, who is the best marketing, you, or me.The power of 2200 people is great. About 2 years ago i had Sugar Ray Leonard and took him to some strip clubs and night clubs. One of the strip clubs decided that they didnt enjoy the fact that people were finishing their drinks in my limo and they told me to leave the drive and pull back up when they were done and slammed door in my clients face. The next day the word of mouth started. 3months later they were shut down because of issues with the city, and officially have not recovered.

In all honesty if the weekly reports i put up on board has any negativity, its the truth. Even one bad night at a club can cause issues. Also our limo company does 21 hotel properties in town, i can pull strings at most clubs in town. I know your boss, so ask him why he lets me in, with a free bottle almost anytime i call him.

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I think we look at this from different angles. To me, the best marketing is satisfying the 2000 people who pay to get in each night. I don't want to service customers who exit with drinks to go to their limo and drink more there instead of patronizing the establishment. I don't want to give the door away to people unless they offer something of value to us. The revenue we generate from charging for our product is then re-invested to improve upon a good product. All this talk about pissing off the wrong person and getting shut down for protecting your business' best interest, well it sounds like the mob, not good business.

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I think we look at this from different angles. To me, the best marketing is satisfying the 2000 people who pay to get in each night. I don't want to service customers who exit with drinks to go to their limo and drink more there instead of patronizing the establishment. I don't want to give the door away to people unless they offer something of value to us. The revenue we generate from charging for our product is then re-invested to improve upon a good product. All this talk about pissing off the wrong person and getting shut down for protecting your business' best interest, well it sounds like the mob, not good business.

I would have to say that I am on your side Masterweb. Being in the nightclub business also, we always make it a priority to keep people happy. On one side, we have to keep our clients happy by providing them the service that they paid for, but on the other side, we have to keep our contacts happy at the nightclubs. It is true that employees of popular venues get a bit of an attitude from time to time, but that's the way this game works. We have dealt with our share of "deputies" at venues in Las Vegas, but we have found that the best way ot deal with things is by being professional as opposed to showing muscle.

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You know the funny thing is that almost every club in town has a taxi and limo thing going on. Some say they do it on slow nights to boost biz, no. Its called when i work for a company that has 2200 drivers, who is the best marketing, you, or me.The power of 2200 people is great. About 2 years ago i had Sugar Ray Leonard and took him to some strip clubs and night clubs. One of the strip clubs decided that they didnt enjoy the fact that people were finishing their drinks in my limo and they told me to leave the drive and pull back up when they were done and slammed door in my clients face. The next day the word of mouth started. 3months later they were shut down because of issues with the city, and officially have not recovered.

In all honesty if the weekly reports i put up on board has any negativity, its the truth. Even one bad night at a club can cause issues. Also our limo company does 21 hotel properties in town, i can pull strings at most clubs in town. I know your boss, so ask him why he lets me in, with a free bottle almost anytime i call him.

There are many of us, even on this thread, that will not hold back to report a bad club experience. MW has done it. ****** has done it for many years. Giving detailed reports is what helps other people enhance and improve their clubgoing experience, and to venues that listen improve themselves.

Sometimes when you think youve seen it all in the way to hurt a clubgoer or cheat a clubgoer of their experience, bad organizers come up with something new.

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I used to deal with doormen and some hosts at clubs, but it became a real hassle as much as people move around. I try to deal with either a gm or some sort of mgr.

I am totally about the word of mouth. My business thrives today because of word of mouth. I have no website, no marketing of any kind except the service i provide. I had one bad review on anther message board from a lady staying at 4 seasons decided that instead of coming to the limo at 1130 when asked she wanted to finally come out at 1 to hit a lounge for 2 or 3 drinks and then hit pure on a fight night. Well getting to the club at 230, the host had sold the table out even though he had a few bills in pocket. Because of my policy with no refunds because of their tardiness she posted some crap about how awful service was. Then i finally posted what happened it was all cool again, sorta.

I put in here my feelings about certain clubs. You bring in a client who has never been here before and they want to go to rain or studio 54 or the beach, i tell them not the hot clubs, but sure if thats where you want to go. I have MY 6 favorite clubs, and thats where i recommend. When it comes to the money and someone saying i want to go here, dont be dissapointed when you leave.

If i have a bad club night, your damn sure everyone I work with other vip hosts, hotel concierge's, hotel vip, and other limo drivers will know about it.

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