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crobar discriminatory practices

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maybeee the reason is they took too much SPECIAL K and cant control themselves at the door.

You'd be a little "antsy" too if overdid the SPECIAL K, that's a lot of fiber for your body to handle especially if you finish the whole box. I like mine with sliced banana and a little sugar sprinkled on it even though I pretty much have to be wearing a diaper about 8-10 hours after I have it, DAMN INCONTINENCE!

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NYC clubs have door policies. Look at Bungalow 8, they denied entry to Mark Cuban and his posse for some reason. There are tons of Asians at any of the clubs when famous electronica DJ's are featured. That being said if group of 6 asian dudes and 2 asian chicks tried to get into any of the lounges (Bed, etc) more then likely they would be turned away. Not because they are asian but because they are a group of dudes.

No one here is talking about being turned away because its a bunch of dudes. The topic is about being turned away because of your nationality.

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maybeee the reason is they took too much SPECIAL K and cant control themselves at the door.

This has got to be the dumbest post in this thread. So...if a group of Irish guys did too much special K and can't control themselves at the door, ban all Irish people from the door?

First...read the question that I asked..comprehend it, then please try again.

Second, no one here is talking about not letting some fucked up person from entering a club. Everyone would agree with you. So I don't know what in the world you are talking about with that dumb ass response.

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I like a strict door policy. Granted I've never been turned away from a club... (I have had to pay full cover which I find outrageous :blank: ) Seems that's the allure about these places, we all want to get in! They'll deny minorities, fat people, ugly people.....etc. And it does suck if you can't get in, it's not fair, etc. But a strict door policy (when done well... cheers to good door guys!) really helps create an ideal atmosphere inside. IE, no fighting, right kinds of partiers, dancing...:blah: . So c'mon with the "crobar hates all asians"... they're workin the door and that's why people want in.

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I'm all for your cause(i'm asian), but there was no shortage of asian people at tiesto either night, or any of the times I have been there. I don't want to have this turn into another 20 pager, but the bottom line is if they're keeping out people who they think are the crackheads, then that's fine... and it's not hard to tell which ones they are.

huh your asian no shit, who would have thought

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hahaha. i ain't a representative of any organization. you guys were sweating a little that i was some big shot investigating this mess. you thought that crobar was going to close??? hahaha. some representative coming onto a club forum and talking to a bunch of kids who are normally stoned or too drunk to read. haha.

besides i am didn't get a big s.a.t score to get into yale!! fuck you yale for not accepting me! hahaha.

anyway, i am asian and i let my dancing do the talking. see you on the dance floor freaks!!!!

No one was "sweating" you. Everyone thought your thread was stupid, because there are tons of asians at Avalon and Crobar. Additionally, I would like a Egg Roll, Beef with Brocolli, and cup of miso soup. Dont forget the green tea.

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This is ridiculous!! Who cares if the asian crackheads are not let in the club?? It's not like they even speak English anyway? There is nothing worse than getting whacked into by some female Asian Ragdoll because a 50 year old skinny Chinese dude is all cracked out - The very site of their presence disgusts me as they have no appreciation for the music and the atmosphere - Tiesto was great Sat night and the crowd was energetic, yet the few Asian rag dolls tended to ruin a good thing! - I'm not generalizing against all Asians, as many do control themselves and do appreciate the music, but those crackheads in the corner who have no idea who's on stage, what time it is, where they are, and what they're doing have to GO - I applaud CROBAR for taking the first step against the INVASION!

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agree that shaking violent dance should be banned from all clubs. crobar is to be lauded for a stricter door policy. so many nights at spirit & elsewhere were hurt badly certain members of the crowd. crobar tries hard to provide the best big room experience in nyc

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I agree and Crobar was different than past experiences for me - I used to go to Avalon when Djs such as Mauro Picotto or Bad Boy Bill came into town but couldn't put up with a majority Asian crowd - Drinks are expensive enough without getting them wacked out of your hand by Asian Zombies -

Crobar wasn't too bad for Tiesto, but the few that were there still caused problems -

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First of all, thank you to the individual who had referred me to the thread about discriminatory practices at Crobar in New York City.

I am involved in a watchdog organization that monitors racism and discriminatory actions against Asian-Americans.

There has appeared to be a pattern of racial profiling and other blatant acts by this business which are illegal on both the federal and state level. These are egrecious policies which should be immediately brought to the attention of the appropriate governmental agencies. Publicity will also be sent to various Asian organizations and media outlets.

In addition, it is also imperative to financially punish any organization/corporation actively engaging in any illegal discriminatory practices. Therefore, a class action lawsuit would be appropriate and considered if there is ample evidence to suggest a repeated pattern of racial profiling. If you have had such an unfortunate experience at the above corporation, please send me details of the event that had occurred. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

lol you idiot that applies to housing, employment, and voting rights...crobar is a PRIVATE club ..And can discriminate against anybody they want to!!! and thank god ..nothin worse than hoods & off the boat asians!!

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seriously - you guys should not talk about dancing. hahaha.

the white people i usually see in the clubs are either 1) have two left feet and absolutely no rhythm - therefore, they have to justify their coolness by standing at the bar doing the head nod dance 2) do that idiotic "fist-pump" action. different strokes for different folks right?

Yes - I will concur that the Asian shake dance is an abomination as well! Nobody is denying that, but you should take a look in the mirror first before making judgement about dancing because 95% of you are probably awful dancers.

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seriously - you guys should not talk about dancing. hahaha.

the white people i usually see in the clubs are either 1) have two left feet and absolutely no rhythm - therefore, they have to justify their coolness by standing at the bar doing the head nod dance 2) do that idiotic "fist-pump" action. different strokes for different folks right?

Yes - I will concur that the Asian shake dance is an abomination as well! Nobody is denying that, but you should take a look in the mirror first before making judgement about dancing because 95% of you are probably awful dancers.

this is racist... attn white ppl; get together on a forum and sue this guy... white ppl should be able to dance poorly if they like... youre a disgrace to your alumni (regardless of their race, religion or creed). how do you come on here trying to fight "racism" then turn around and mouth off like a racist? wtf is going on here?

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this is racist... attn white ppl; get together on a forum and sue this guy... white ppl should be able to dance poorly if they like... youre a disgrace to your alumni (regardless of their race, religion or creed). how do you come on here trying to fight "racism" then turn around and mouth off like a racist? wtf is going on here?

yes generalizaton and racism both suck. i was certainly being fecitious with the above comments - and i do realize that my comments sound foolish. yet the same statements written by other folks about Asians are equally foolish - and everybody appears to be satisfied with them.

in other words, racism sucks whether you are white, black, or Asian.

We should all leave our pretension at home, and be brothers and sisters on the dance floor.

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yes generalizaton and racism both suck. i was certainly being fecitious with the above comments - and i do realize that my comments sound foolish. yet the same statements written by other folks about Asians are equally foolish - and everybody appears to be satisfied with them.

in other words, racism sucks whether you are white, black, or Asian.

We should all leave our pretension at home, and be brothers and sisters on the dance floor.

you shouldnt argue with fools, because from a distance you cant tell whos who... but on a sidenote as long as there are differences there will be opposing opinions... if there is a left, ppl will argue for right... if there is an up ppl will argue theres a down, blondes vs. brunettes, audi vs. bmw, britney vs. christina, angelina vs. aniston, rep vs. dems. etc. whatever it is... if there are two of anything ppl will argue over it...

chances are youre not going to solve anything coming on to this board looking for a lawsuit, or trying to rally ppl together... if anything youre adding fuel to the fire... imo.

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I like a strict door policy. Granted I've never been turned away from a club... (I have had to pay full cover which I find outrageous :blank: ) Seems that's the allure about these places, we all want to get in! They'll deny minorities, fat people, ugly people.....etc. And it does suck if you can't get in, it's not fair, etc. But a strict door policy (when done well... cheers to good door guys!) really helps create an ideal atmosphere inside. IE, no fighting, right kinds of partiers, dancing...:blah: . So c'mon with the "crobar hates all asians"... they're workin the door and that's why people want in.

wow, another racist, and with a name roxybaby, SHOCKING!!!

can i ask what your ethnicity is roxybaby?

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lol you idiot that applies to housing, employment, and voting rights...crobar is a PRIVATE club ..And can discriminate against anybody they want to!!! and thank god ..nothin worse than hoods & off the boat asians!!

dude, do we have to get into this argument again?????

You all have no clue about the law.


even crobar.

So if i go buy a nightclub i can say no blacks allowed because it is a private club?

ignorant mofo

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The problem with the asian crowd seems to be the older ones, 30+ crowd acting like fools more then the asian crowd that is 20 or so. It seems like old bodega owners and woodbury commons shoppers are the ones acting improper, rather then young clubbers trying to have fun. In all respect, as a white person, I hope the bouncers keep out the 30+ crowd on elements they can't handle taking part in activities they truly should not be. It does seem more older asians are trying then other ethnicities, but all old people who do not understand nor fit in should be there at the club anyways. Just my thoughts.


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dude, do we have to get into this argument again?????

You all have no clue about the law.


even crobar.

So if i go buy a nightclub i can say no blacks allowed because it is a private club?

ignorant mofo

oh really? try to join an all white male golf club ..they even have one here in new york that didnt let Bill Clinton in you dumb fuck..lets see you join national organization for women, or the knights of columbus, or how about asking a gay guy if he can march in the st patricks day parade.. you dumb ignorant motherfucker what world are you living in..they can discriminate on dress code alone LMAO!!! never mind race..how could you be so fuckin dumb???

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oh really? try to join an all white male golf club ..they even have one here in new york that didnt let Bill Clinton in you dumb fuck..lets see you join national organization for women, or the knights of columbus, or how about asking a gay guy if he can march in the st patricks day parade.. you dumb ignorant motherfucker what world are you living in..they can discriminate on dress code alone LMAO!!! never mind race..how could you be so fuckin dumb???


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The problem with the asian crowd seems to be the older ones, 30+ crowd acting like fools more then the asian crowd that is 20 or so. It seems like old bodega owners and woodbury commons shoppers are the ones acting improper, rather then young clubbers trying to have fun. In all respect, as a white person, I hope the bouncers keep out the 30+ crowd on elements they can't handle taking part in activities they truly should not be. It does seem more older asians are trying then other ethnicities, but all old people who do not understand nor fit in should be there at the club anyways. Just my thoughts.


yes, but within that age population are also people who are mature and have financial assets to spend in the clubs. how are you going to tell the difference? it is very unfortunate that a few bad apples are ruining for everybody else, but preventing inviduals from having access based solely on race (and no other reason) itself is inappropriate - is there anybody here who does not agree with this??

when i go out to the clubs, I do try to dress my best - but sometimes, i am dressing to dance comfortably. i don't take drugs, i rarely drink. i never instigate any trouble, and i always respect everybody's personal space. i am the first dancer on the floor, and i don't perform any head-rolling or fist-pumping routine. but you can understand my concern if there is a criterion that would bar me or others like me from having access to a facility - without any justifiable reason.

there is an allegation that the stated company is engaging in racial profiling and discrimination - and that is a serious allegation that should be taken seriously. perhaps nothing will come from this - but still want to know if there exists a repeated pattern of impropriety, because i will spend my money elsewhere.

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