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Any good Events July 4th weekend in Vegas?


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Is it too early to ask who will be spinning July 4th weekend in Vegas... Other than Rehab party I would love to know who will be spinning this weekend?

bounce this closer. For venue selection - do the Itenerary Thread and for room rates ( alot of us are shooting for 4th of July cuz rates are great as opposed to mdw ) do the Room Rate Thread.

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Is it too early to ask who will be spinning July 4th weekend in Vegas... Other than Rehab party I would love to know who will be spinning this weekend?

July 2nd at Ice Dj Faarsheed with Mark Lewis, go check out Faarsheed on MYSPACE. Also Empire Ballroom should have some sick parties.

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Faarsheed seriously killed it this past weekend. His set following Tiesto was the best I've heard from any DJ in the past 6 months, maybe more. He's absolutely peaking now, he's really in his element playing for the late crowds in Vegas.

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I witnessed Tiesto at Rehab and then at Empire. When Farsheed came on after Tiesto it was early morning and the crowd was pretty much "washed out"....Homeboy came on and absolutely "RAN GAME" with his first 4 songs...He did a rendition of P.A.T.T from Sharam that was twisted.....I'm still vibing that beat in my mind right now....Everyone was dead tired and he had everybody on their feet and rocking......WOW.....WOW.....WOW....Seriously he blew Tiesto away. And that opinion was pretty much shared by everyone still in Empire that witnessed his set.

He is clearly the best DJ on the West Coast right now relative to his sound....And he gets brownie points for getting amped and hopping and rocking to his own beats....really gets the crowd into it with his rhythym and gesticulations.....I had seen him many times before and always thought he had talent...but this guy has taken his game to a whole new level....If you are a Vegas local, appreciate this guy because he won't be "local" for long......This guy is on a collision course for the top 10 DJ list ---and fast...

God Bless you Joe...you deserve all the hype and praise....You earned it with your hard work.

Jay C

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Faasheed!! Faarsheed!!

It has truly been an honor to watch and listen to this kid grow. I say kid and he is the same age as me. But its so funny cause for the past few years he is like one of our boys...I can remember I would fly in town and make sure to make it to the Pure Terrace on Friday nights to groove to his sets. Then would end up partying with him on the Decks at ICE either late Friday Night or Saturday Night...

In Miami 2 years ago he was amongst all of our Crew and I can remember hearing him at a few spots and thinking man this guy is going to be big. This past year at the WMC...he had 8 Parties amongst some huge names...I spoke with him when we got back and I was like how many next year and he is planning on 3 Big Ones...Watch OUT MIAMI!!

Not to mention all the names he has opened for while playing for Godskitchen. And often times people have found they like his style of music more than the headliner DJ.

I can tell you this after what Space did to me this past year I vowed to never go back but if he is on the Terrace I will be there for sure!!

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  • 3 years later...

Hey whats up everyone!

So....friends and I are heading out to Vegas July 2nd - July 6th.

None of us have ever been - Were from Denver Colorado....We know our music and clubs out here....but obviously not out there!

DJ's We've seen out here (Usually at Club Beta)



Bad Boy Bill





Theres really only ONE club out here that brings top names, not to mention its not really a "club" but a "show only" kinda club - We know this is not the case for Vegas.

We have VIP to LAX, Pure, the Bank, Rain....


Any help would help us out alot!

Thanks a bunch.

From Denver CO.

feel free to email me too!


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