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girls watch out for this guy

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this is for the girls:

ok last night at crobar a bunch of my friends and i got separated around 5am and i ended up talking to this guy that complimented me on my .....hands. very weird. i mean i guess that is a compliment but i have actually never heard that before (should i be a hand model? lmao)

he pretended he was a really friendly gay man like saying i was "fabulous" and he started talking about guys there and his exboyfriend and invited me to sit with him in a reserved area for a bday party ...... im pretty friendly so i sat down w/him and then he started to act like he was totally straight - tells me about his ex-wife, gets really serious and asks whether i think he's attractive. he was creeping me out so i lied and said yes.

then he freaking kiisses my cheek (gross) and offers me coke over and over again and i kept telling him no (i dont do it) ....he kept asking me to give him a ride home and i was like, ok goodbye! couldn't find any of my friends after walking around the whole club so i knew i was leaving alone. i had only parked 2 blocks away....

so i politely say goodbye BUT he followed me out of the club AND outside where he was trying to still get a ride home from me. i kept explaining that i wasn't going uptown and i dont give rides to people i dont know - he kept telling me that it wasn't a big deal.

all of a sudden a big guy (a bouncer from another club nearby) comes over towards the asshole guy and gets in the guy's face and tells him to stay the fuck away from me. apparently the bouncer told me that this guy has been doing this to girls in their twenties, he tries to act really friendly, then gets really really pushy esp with getting girls drugged up and then tries to take them home w/him....and he does it all the time! ewwww what a loser. the bouncer told me that he had the guy against the wall holding him by his neck becuz of the same shit.

then, i was so relieved to see this bouncer and then he walked me to my car......thank God for him......

anyways needless to say, im def feeling really stupd for talkign to that guy, but u live u learn right.

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thank u, i definitely learned something from that night....i hope girls do read this and i hope no one else runs into him.....he was a late thirties and i think ......i know his name started with an R but i can't remember it.....

looking back i probably should have stayed at pacha all night, much friendlier crowd and by that i mean not in ur face, it was such a hard call for me to make cuz i really wanted to go to crobar and see sasha......didn't think i would run into that nutjob haha.

and i am so glad i ran into that bouncer - he works at brite bar - such a sweetheart!

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so i politely say goodbye BUT he followed me out of the club AND outside where he was trying to still get a ride home from me. i kept explaining that i wasn't going uptown and i dont give rides to people i dont know - he kept telling me that it wasn't a big deal.

Thanks a lot for leaving me out in the cold last night! I ended up sleeping in a dumpster in an alleyway. Now I'll never be fabulous. Hope you're happy.

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damn girl good to see your ok and i guess hes on record for doing bad things maybe bouncers should alert the cops to him.

I liek how the bouncer says he does this all the time to girls yet doesnt report it to the cops. Then again, Im sure the bouncer prob. has a record of his own and doesnt wanna get in trouble for violating his probation. LOL.

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ugh i hate guys that do that..this is creepy..i kno how u probably felt..u can't feel safe but u probably thought he is a little normal..and then wen he showed u his real side..u felt very strange and tried walkin away..u should be very careful and i dont think u should ever sit with anyone at the table..they gona start believing ur into them...just be a bitch and walk away...u cant be friendly to guys in a club that u dono...

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Guest onisakura
I liek how the bouncer says he does this all the time to girls yet doesnt report it to the cops. Then again, Im sure the bouncer prob. has a record of his own and doesnt wanna get in trouble for violating his probation. LOL.

I highly doubt that, considering the bar he works at which i know a few people there. More likely is that a cop wasn't around at the time. And if there was, shame on the cops for not looking out in the first place.

Also, being that i am friends with bouncers in several cities, i take great offence at your generalization. Yes there are a few that give them a bad name but overall they are employed to make sure YOU are safe. They risk their lives to maintain order and safety to the patrons and this is how you view them? I have much to thank the security at Space and other places for preventing any situation and allowing me to have the option of going out on my own and not having to worry as much about my safety.

I just don't understand how people can be so narrow minded like this. Obsiously you aren't in the biz. You should DEFINITELY change your screen name, you give djs a bad name.

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I highly doubt that, considering the bar he works at which i know a few people there. More likely is that a cop wasn't around at the time. And if there was, shame on the cops for not looking out in the first place.

Also, being that i am friends with bouncers in several cities, i take great offence at your generalization. Yes there are a few that give them a bad name but overall they are employed to make sure YOU are safe. They risk their lives to maintain order and safety to the patrons and this is how you view them? I have much to thank the security at Space and other places for preventing any situation and allowing me to have the option of going out on my own and not having to worry as much about my safety.

I just don't understand how people can be so narrow minded like this. Obsiously you aren't in the biz. You should DEFINITELY change your screen name, you give djs a bad name.

So grabbing my nuts and telling me to pass up the drugs when I have never dealt with the shit in the first place is making it safe for me how ? Or better yet, when they completely dont do searches at all. They assume nothings gonna happen, like they did at Pacha a while back. Wait, or the time I was sitting down and the guy gets in my face to move while I see someone else doing the exact same shit I was. Yea bro, next time i see em, I will give them a high five and tell him hes doin a kick ass job(then again, he might shoot me like that one dude at Opus 22 a few weeks back). This past week, my friend told me that at DT last fri, the bouncers started pushing ppl and kickin them off from up front of the stage around closing. DT just looks at him like wtf are u doing and was like literally about to lose his fuckin cool right there. People pay money to enjoy their time out, not to be harrassed the whole nite. They do shady stuff all the time cause they are on a power trip. Always was that way, even if u ureself was never involved in an incident. Sure, theres always one cool bouncer u meet, but thats like a rarity in NYC anyways. I personally think they are douches, thats my personal opinion even if it aint ures. Just cause they dont mess with me in particularly doesnt mean that they dont give other ppl shit, in which case it still makes it wrong either way. Its one thing when a person is doing something wrong at a club and gets in trouble with a bouncer, for example a fight or whatever and gets thrown out, but to annoy patrons is a completely seperate issue. As far as Im concerned, their main job should be to help stop fights and situations that might endanger ppl, not kill ppls fun on their nite out.

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i agree..i've seen so many times bouncers treating people like shit..just cuz their fuckin bouncers and have some power..they take advantage and start pushing people around..i've seen it many times at crobar where bouncers push people on line and curse them out..even girls..i think thats so rude and it messes up everyones mood..we pay money to enjoy ourselves and dancing on one of the speakers don't mean we have to get pushed around and pulled down on the floor.just a simple" get down pls" will help...

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Guest onisakura

I dont know where you guys go out but i have never witnessed that kind of behaviour at Crobar, Pacha, Spirit or anywhere else. Even when someone i knew got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to he was just discreetly escorted out of the club. Never have i been pushed in a line, spoken to rudely or treated without respect. I have NEVER had a bouncer lay a finger on me for any reason other than to help me down off a speaker when ive been asked to get down.

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first off i didnt tell u i was gay...and yes u did have beautiful hands. that bouncer was just jealous that i was talking to you...why do u have to make this into something it wasnt..i was just being friendly

hopefully your PO doesnt read the boards...

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I dont know where you guys go out but i have never witnessed that kind of behaviour at Crobar, Pacha, Spirit or anywhere else. Even when someone i knew got caught doing something he wasn't supposed to he was just discreetly escorted out of the club. Never have i been pushed in a line, spoken to rudely or treated without respect. I have NEVER had a bouncer lay a finger on me for any reason other than to help me down off a speaker when ive been asked to get down.

Welcome to NYC clubland my friend. You can make a huge list going back to Exit, SF, Arc, Roxy, Crobar, Pacha, Spirit and a dozen other clubs where this activity has not only happened, but has gone on to happen repeatedly. By far, I think Exit was the worst on that list. Ive seen it one too many times to count on both hands all together. Most times, I just do whatever they say cause I dont feel like getting into an argument with a guy and getting kicked out, but shit happens all the time. Some ppl do deserve it, but most times, they prob. didnt do anything and gotten into it with a bouncer. The most classic one I can remember is when some bouncer pushed some kid down to the floor and PVD ran up to help the kid, up, yelled some shit to him(maybe even in German) and was like what the fuck did u do that for? He then went on to tear Roxy a new one back in Novemember of '02 after the altercation. LOL. If u have seen PVD, he looks like one of the skinniest ppl out there, yet he didnt give a fuck cause the kid paid what, $50 to go see him and was a die hard fan who deserved to be treated better by the club. IMO, the best way to deal with bouncers is to just not pay attention to them and make like they arent there. If they decide to initiate a convo, then talk back and be cool with them. But otherwise, its useless to engage in something where drama will eventually start. Just walk away from it and dont get into a stupid argument with them if they say some shit u dont like.

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thank u, i definitely learned something from that night....i hope girls do read this and i hope no one else runs into him.....he was a late thirties and i think ......i know his name started with an R but i can't remember it.....

looking back i probably should have stayed at pacha all night, much friendlier crowd and by that i mean not in ur face, it was such a hard call for me to make cuz i really wanted to go to crobar and see sasha......didn't think i would run into that nutjob haha.

and i am so glad i ran into that bouncer - he works at brite bar - such a sweetheart!

you should be really careful with walking alone out of the clubs - try to walk out with friends in the future - way too much f'd up stuff goes on when they spot girls walking alone

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im not kidding when i tell u this bouncer that saved me from the asshole/stalker guy was probably one of the nicest people i have ever met in my life. he just happened to be walking along coming home from working at the bar and saw the whole thing and decided to step in and help me.

he gave me his suit jacket i was freezing....he really did do his job of protecting people when he had no reason to, he was off of his shift and he was ready to go home.... he didn't have to do what he did, im just glad that there are bouncers out there that are nice guys :)

im sure he probably has reported that guy, i know he threw him out of a bar the bouncer used to work at in the past.....

i dont normally go to vip w/o my friends or walk out of clubs alone. i was bored and my friends all left me and i was alone....he realy seemd friendly enough......ugh what a scumbag.

i left crobar when it was light out around 6am but still it was creepy as hell to have someone following u like that. it was a blessing in disguise that i couldn't find my car and i was walking around and around to lose his ass.....

anyways thank you everyone for ur comments - i hope this can help someone so it doesn't happen to anyone else again...

BTW im remembering the guy's name is either Rollan or Roland or something like that ......to put him on blast....

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bouncers generally treat women a lot better.

I did see this old bouncer outside of crobar being a complete ass. it was mauro/dt and he was yelling at a young girl online for smoking I believe. I was definitely pissed. If it was a dude....whatever but dont treat women like that.

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