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Boris BAby!!!!

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with all due respect to boris and fastfast if crobar is filled with all 3000 people there just for him where is that same crowd when he plays other venues in nyc?

Which other NYC venues does Boris play at? His Show gigs are on Sundays, and for most people who work, going out on Sundays is too much. I heard Boris @ Sandbar, though; and I plan to hear him @ Emerald City in Phila.

Is the man drawing huge numbers well obviously his parties are but im sure there are alot of people who go there not knowing wtf is goin on or even care whose playing.

Although I think that most people DO know that they will be entertained by Boris, Crobar is the safest choice on a Saturday night in case nothing else special is happening. What else is there: Pacha might be empty, Cielo residents are turning Electro, who knows what happens everywhere else... Meanwhile at Crobar you are guaranteed good music and excellent vibe.

Then again maybe boris is doing something that im sleeping on and might have to check out myself real soon.

I thought you were all for NYC DJs? You are definitely missing on the best one. And, even though you prefer the up- and coming-ones, please don't hold a man's success against him!

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with all due Respect to Boris and all but isn't he the one who broke the attendence record at Crobar last summer eventhough it was a Classics party

so you def gotta give him some credit where its due


august 12 - we try to do it again

but it was unbearable hot in there, a table and a gallon of ice water is needed to survive another night like that

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august 12 - we try to do it again

but it was unbearable hot in there, a table and a gallon of ice water is needed to survive another night like that

It was a fuckin sauna, What the fuck up was up with that night?? Everything I was wearing was soaked in sweat. Did the AC break or something. I couldnt stay, I had to leave. I thought I was gonna pass out. It was like 1000 degrees in there.

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It was a fuckin sauna, What the fuck up was up with that night?? Everything I was wearing was soaked in sweat. Did the AC break or something. I couldnt stay, I had to leave. I thought I was gonna pass out. It was like 1000 degrees in there.

now that I recall, i think the system was overloaded after a while and might has not been working too great

but there was simply tooo many people....crobar is not a 5400 person venue, 4000 is packed crazy, so add another 1400 and that is just insane

they are going to have to turn that shit on for a few days before, the next classic party...lol

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Like i said dont be suprised if i do show up to the next BORIS party to hear and see the man himself. Ive caught him at websterhall in 99/2000 fri/sat ive caught him at discotheque sat nights in 2000 ive caught him at exit same yr (i think it was him) ive caught him at cheetah when he played the asseteria party there never caught him at show though.Ive hear him at discotheque after hrs a total of 3 times with the last time being the worse and since then i refused to hear him.

The man does play good songs but for my tastes anyone can play a bomb track after a bomb track of tribal over and over again and thats whats boring to me. AND I LOVE TRIBAL. But that night at discotheque when it was him and merritt oh boy merritt at least mixed it up. But boris that guy just played i dont even know how to describe it, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM all 90mins or less i couldnt stand being there another min.

But i keep hearing how hes playing differently now from alot of different people but also some of the people i know who go to his parties only go for the girls cause their easy according to him. But one of these nights i will go to a boris party and see what the deal is.

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Boris plays to his crowd, and gives his crowd exactly what they want to hear, and feel. Comparing two djs are stupid, each dj has a unique character, unique style of thinking, programming, mixing, etc. I am not part of the boris crowd, but will not deny that he has played some quality sets in the past. Just cause im not one particularly in his click of fans, I wont deny a good set when i hear it. Alot of people dont want to see Boris at the top of NYC house, well thats their own agenda, but he is a solid dj. He is not great, but he certainly is not what many people label him on this message board. And boris should get out of ny more often....its great hes going to ibiza..but dont forget that august is the islands dead month..(the last two weeks the island is half full) and many people in europe have NO clue who he is.

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I'd just like to chime in on this real quick. Boris is definitely a great DJ, in fact I've opened up for him at a party once and he was nice enough to compliment me and gave me 2 records. I thought that was pretty cool. So as far as I'm concerned he's a cool guy.

My thoughts on his music are mixed. I think I first became a fan when I heard him at EXIT. Music was different at that time. I think his style is much different then everyone else, but I have to agree you need to like that style of music and that's it. He does play dark jungle beats for 90 minutes on end, and frankly I can't get into that unless I'm on drugs. This doesn't mean he sucks, that's just his style. I think it's MASS marketing that has put Boris to the top. Most people I ask how was it when they go, they say it was OK, but "I was really fucked up".

Again, I will emphasize he is a great DJ, but he does not compare to the other DJ's styles like DT, Sanchez, Morillo. Those guys can rock a party with so much different shit you can love nothing but classical music and you'll be dancing. If someone booked Boris in Ibiza, I gaurantee no one would come, because they don't even know who he is. Just my thoughts, still love the guy.

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all of boris's true fans are at asseteria sundays, place is always mobbed for him and he spins better there imo, less commercial a lot more of those hard tribal beats....anyone that wants to hear what the real fuss is about behind boris id say check him out at show to see the whole package, his crowd and his music

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I LOVE TRIBAL but not for 12hrs ONLY. That gets boring. As for boris i vowed never to go hear him again after a terrible boring set of beats i heard him play at discotheque one after hrs night a few yrs back. I mean just cause a dj plays good songs back to back toback to back to back doesnt means hes great in my book.

I like variations in a set i like old songs mixed with new songs, but im sure one of these nights im gonna go check him out again and see whats up hey i might get suprised but then again maybe i wont. Argdisel heard boris over tedd oh boy wait to he finds out lol.

see gabe thats where your wrong lol i hate to say it but he does play some old songs mixed with tribal.. and i love it.. you know what he dropped? he dropped Love and happyness i know you know that track.. shit sounded CRaazyyy

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And i think his style is kindda on the progressive side of tribal early on but then when it gets later.. he just starts dropping some shit thats outta control.. can treally explain it haha. i dont know where he gets this shit from .i personally would like to see him do more production to see what he's capable of.

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this is so pointless to argue

I mean unless you sit there and poll every single clubber, what we have here is your opioin (or guess) of what is happening, vs my opinion vs whoever else,

who really cares, I mean as long as Boris is staring out over 3000, if they weren't fans walking in the door, I am sure he will be happy to have them there and to turn them into fans, can you at least agree to that ....lol

they have to be put on sometime

No I understand exactly what you're saying. I've loved what Boris' been doing over the past two years or so. He definitely has a rabid following, and they follow him to Gypsy or Show or anywhere he plays. His parties have consistently been the best in the city I think.

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Yeah, it was cancelled because of the impending hurricane if I remember correctly.

yeah we cancelled then moved to the next week .....which was a calderone day at crobar. so right off bat you lose lots of heads

and was windy as fuck (sand kepty blowing in my eyes) lol .....I forget how many people we did , but wasnt anything to brag about, maybe 5 to 7 hundred, we eventually moved the party inside and rocked out till 10 pm

and sucked cause that roof is one of the sickest venues to have that type of party on , and since then they have has trouble securing it for another jam

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some upcoming events for anyone who wants to check him out....

or for you fans out therE
















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