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"No English, No Cheesesteak"

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I don't see that.

I dont know how you can miss public schooling but ok... Also, ESL classes are offered at most schools

Its double the tuition in colleges if you are a non-citizen. At least in the CUNY system.

As far as the jobs, well who's fault is that really... the employee or the employer?... If the jobs are not done cheap here, they will just outsource them anyway. So its more of a debate as to who we as a nation should point the finger to...

you missed the point completely though.. im saying it's hard enough for people born in the US to get a well paying job, which was a rebuttle to your comment that it was impossible for a foreigner to get a well paying job.

I just dont know how you could be crying over some lazy foreigner, not getting a decent paying job, while our own citizens are having the same troubles especially in the context we are referring to about a foreigner making no attempt to learn the language of the new country he/she is in..

about the double tuition... i didnt see that.. when i went to college it was either out of state or in state tuition.. also the schools i've been looking at lately dont have seperate rates either.. but who knows.. i cant speak for cuny schools..

Do you speak fluent in this language now?

no but that is completely beside the point.. my point was that our educational system teaches foeign language and i dont see the kicking and screaming that you were referring to...

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I just dont know how you could be crying over some lazy foreigner, not getting a decent paying job, while our own citizens are having the same troubles especially in the context we are referring to about a foreigner making no attempt to learn the language of the new country he/she is in.....


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If the person moves to another country then they need to learn the language and speak it. You would get alot of people saying crap like "It's a part of my heritage".

Well if you love your heritage that fucking much that you won't learn the language of the country you moved to then why the hell did you move in ther first place?

And if it was for a better job opertunity then you just have to get over it. How can you do your job if you can't even talk to anyone because you want to be stubborn. I say learn it or go back where you came from.

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it's funny cause when americans go on vacation to other countries THEY ATTEMPT TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE......

are you serious?

i meet quite a lot of americans, which comes with living in frankfurt, and am friends with a few too... any other culture here (living or visiting) tries more to speak german than the americans. and realistically, they dont need to either, cause every half educated person here speaks at least decent english.

so in my experience this is absolutely not the case.

i mean, if you speak another person´s language more fluently than that person speaks yours, why not talk to them in their language? especially if you want to sell them a service?

it is however a difference whether they expect you to speak their language from a pedestral, as in "you don´t speak spanish or what?", or are positively surprised and delighted that you take the fact that their english isn´t as good as your spanish into consideration

like when i was visiting vegas we were at some chic diner, and the waiter, when he found out we were german, started to talk in german to us. it wasn´t perfect (and really not neccessary) but it was nice gesture. i think being multi-lingual in a trendy restaurant is a must, it just comes with the territory and is part of the service.

if you say "we only take orders in english" you are just as ignorant as a spanish guy saying "i´ll only order in spanish", and it´s a really bad indicator of your skill as a businessman IMO

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altho i agree with learning the language of the country u live in.... i cant help but think that the owner of Geno's is in that group of people who wanted to change the name of French Fries to "Freedom" Fries
yea..definately..i bet that person also drives an suv for some reason
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like when i was visiting vegas we were at some chic diner, and the waiter, when he found out we were german, started to talk in german to us. it wasn´t perfect (and really not neccessary) but it was nice gesture. i think being multi-lingual in a trendy restaurant is a must, it just comes with the territory and is part of the service.

if you say "we only take orders in english" you are just as ignorant as a spanish guy saying "i´ll only order in spanish", and it´s a really bad indicator of your skill as a businessman IMO

i agree, where i work we have many people from different countries come in... i speak to them in Italian, Greek, Spanish and i'm just learning Arabic.. just the basics, but it makes them soooo happy to hear their native language. i see the impatience people have with them when they try to speak English, so I try a little in their native tongue, just out of respect that they are a customer.

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im sure the guy who cleans ur office from 7pm to 10pm after working his 1pm-6pm job @ the deli after his 7am -11am construction job appreciates you calling him lazy

first off.. he wouldnt know what i said since he was too lazy to make an effort to understand the english language, so i dont think he would mind...

now being serious...

my comment was directed towards the people who move here, make no attempt to assimilate into our society and expect a well paying job because this is america..

my comment wasn't directed towards the miexican janitor busting his ass to feed his family and kids back in mexico.. thats pretty far from lazy.. you get it now??

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...ok....so people visiting might not learn ....i am going by the people i know who travel..........not really important.......if u plan on LIVING SOMEWHERE....learn the language...bottom line.....or go home...

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Why in a multi ethnic country do people demand that you need to learn a language named after ANOTHER country? Because their immediate family speaks it?

Pretty dumb.

Luckily this is america, and we have freedoms. Freedom to speak what you like in whatever language you choose.

Plus do foreigners even order this crappy food? Americans are the only one stupid enough to eat this garbage fake cheese bull shit, look at our heart disease and obesity numbers to prove it.

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Why in a multi ethnic country do people demand that you need to learn a language named after ANOTHER country? Because their immediate family speaks it?

Pretty dumb.

Luckily this is america, and we have freedoms. Freedom to speak what you like in whatever language you choose.

Plus do foreigners even order this crappy food? Americans are the only one stupid enough to eat this garbage fake cheese bull shit, look at our heart disease and obesity numbers to prove it.

mmm philly cheesesteaks :drool::drool:
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Plus do foreigners even order this crappy food? Americans are the only one stupid enough to eat this garbage fake cheese bull shit, look at our heart disease and obesity numbers to prove it.

...cant believe youre knocking philly cheesesteaks...it's a staple food, son....pick on fast food, disappearing phys ed classes in schools, etc....leave this one alone...:)

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Guest onisakura

See thats the issue i have with stuff like this. If we moved to another country....we learn the language, do we not? It aggravates the shit outta me to go to miami and no one speaks english. People there have this high and mighty attitude, they think that they have no reason to learn english, obey or learn traffic laws, and follow the basic laws. How the hell do they come from a country where they are afraid for their lives yet come here and have little to no regard for the basic values?

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Why in a multi ethnic country do people demand that you need to learn a language named after ANOTHER country? Because their immediate family speaks it?

Pretty dumb.

Luckily this is america, and we have freedoms. Freedom to speak what you like in whatever language you choose.

Plus do foreigners even order this crappy food? Americans are the only one stupid enough to eat this garbage fake cheese bull shit, look at our heart disease and obesity numbers to prove it.

there is no country called english.. also, c'mon now.. you can deny it til you're blue in the face but the majority of people (probably 90-95%) in this country speak english.. are you telling me that the 90% of the population which speaks english should learn the other 10%'s language because the 10% are too lazy to learn ours??

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If you move to this country then speak english or get the fuck out. Period.


you got to love the ignorant fuckers who come and live here and refuse to learn the language...ridiculous.

And you SHOULD NOT be able to work in a fucking airport in America if you CANT SPEAK ENGLISH. 1230.gif

On the way back from Argentina in the Dulles airport, I was trying to get flight info and some of the workers couldnt understand a word I was saying.

Explain to me why someone who doesnt speak fluent english works there? And the person wasn't a cleaner either.

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