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18 year old missing girl found dead..

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you B+T\'s stick out like sore thumbs, you all should know better and watch your backs. This isnt NJ or Long Island or Westchester.....

so if you stand out on the street and watch all the people coming out of an office building or a store you can tell who the B&T people are.

I doubt it

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any death is a tragedy, sadly, this one was preventable on her end.

Yes it was preventable, in retrospect most things are preventable. She was only 18... I did so many stupid things when I was that age, she paid the ultimate price for her mistake and that's not fair, but that's life. Like her father said, the only person to blame for this was the person that murdered her. Her mistake doesn't make what he did right.

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I hate to say this, buy when your time to go, there is nothing you can do escape from going ...


- She parked her car in a illegal spot

- Her car got impounded

-They refused to give her car back

-she end up leaving the impound, witch lead her to this disaster

didnt u get banned from a jersey club for roofing up a bunch of girls drinks????

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Tragedy? Sad? NO WAY.

All you bridge and tunnel kids want to come into the city and hang out at your bridge and tunnel clubs till 4 or 5 in the morning and then WALK down 10th, 11th or 12th aves????

Sorry kids the city is NOT the suburbs

Dude shit like this happens everywhere not just the city. Wake up and watch the news.

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My sister just spent a half an hour chewing my ear off about this one...because she knows me. BUT...I hate to tell you but a criminal is always scouting the "easiest" looking target...and if you are not from around here you are going to stand out like a sore thumb... I 'm not saying that it can't happen to any of us...but, an 18 year old kid from the outside in a mini and halter top, looking nervous and scared ...lost in the city spells easy target.

Rapist and drug addicts are looking for the easiest fix...self defence is a good choice.

Personally, I REFUSE to allow an incident like this change my free spirited ways. I have ALWAYS felt SAFE in this city at any hour...and that isn't going to change. But, I am alert...not scared, but alert...and my eyes don't turn away when I see a stranger around me...worse thing to do is cower...body language is a big one.

I don't know, I feel terrible that this happened...but, they didn't belong in the city...or any place but in their own neighborhood at that age.

.........sad, really sad. Hope it doesn't give this city a bad name...cuz that is just a freak incident and far from the norm.

I ALWAYS feel safe...and would go into the city this very minute feeling just as safe, even after this news....and that's not going to change for me.

I have faith.

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Cant the parents sue the city impound? I mean they were underage, there is a police officer on the premises .... shouldnt the girls have been detained?

And i hate the fucking impound, its the worst fucking place in the world, its just brutal and the saddest place in the city, even more depressing than the mourge. Those people are heartless and prolly are sitting around telling each other it isnt their fault that they allowed some defenseless girl wander about that intoxicated on the west side .... while sucking down doughnuts and giving other poor souls bad attitudes.

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yeah, the impound...made a few friends there. .....on a lighter note.

sue for what...not giving them the keys so that THEY end up killing inocent people wilst driving drunk...the impound did what they were supposed to do.

......the parents would be more to blame than the impound. please.

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sue for what...not giving them the keys so that THEY end up killing inocent people wilst driving drunk...the impound did what they were supposed to do.

Cant the parents sue the city impound? I mean they were underage, there is a police officer on the premises .... shouldnt the girls have been detained?

You failed to read what i wrote ....

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My sister just spent a half an hour chewing my ear off about this one...because she knows me. BUT...I hate to tell you but a criminal is always scouting the "easiest" looking target...and if you are not from around here you are going to stand out like a sore thumb... I 'm not saying that it can't happen to any of us...but, an 18 year old kid from the outside in a mini and halter top, looking nervous and scared ...lost in the city spells easy target.

Rapist and drug addicts are looking for the easiest fix...self defence is a good choice.

Personally, I REFUSE to allow an incident like this change my free spirited ways. I have ALWAYS felt SAFE in this city at any hour...and that isn't going to change. But, I am alert...not scared, but alert...and my eyes don't turn away when I see a stranger around me...worse thing to do is cower...body language is a big one.

I don't know, I feel terrible that this happened...but, they didn't belong in the city...or any place but in their own neighborhood at that age.

.........sad, really sad. Hope it doesn't give this city a bad name...cuz that is just a freak incident and far from the norm.

Normally, I feel safe...and would go into the city this very minute feeling just as safe, even after this news....and that's not going to change for me.

I have faith.

If you're a white, 110 lb., 18 year old girl in a white mini skirt and a black holter top, walking around the west side at 4 AM, you're going to look like an easy victim whether you're from NY, NJ, Miami, or Milan. And the girl didn't hide from the ambulance, she was fvcked up when her friend was arguing with the woman at the NYPD car tow yard, went to the bathroom, then stumbled out and starting walking around aimlessly. Her friend passed out on the floor. Also, the girls didn't go to that area for fun, they went to get a car that got towed...

You can't point a finger of blame anywhere but on the murderer and his fvcked up g/f. This is nothing more than a tragedy... and it makes me sick... an innocent 18 year old girl went out to have fun after graduating HS, like many of us do every weekend... and she fell into the hands of someone with 10 prior arrests and a prior charge for murder. If anything should be learned from this, it's that our legal system is too lenient and gives far too many second (third, fourth, etc.) changes. Criminals don't reform, they get worse.


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Its very sad...Hope we all take a lesson from this.....

I wouldn't pass judgment on the suspect or his GF right now since I respect the legal process in that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law....

But if they are found guilty by an impartial judge & jury...they need a long swift ass whuppin and then some!!!!!!!!!..

And in the end we should all try to look out for each other in this club community....whether you are the cops, authorities, club owners, friends, strangers, etc.....because when things like these occur in the community...all of you are probably gonna suffer a loss in one way or another, whether its in income( because it scares customers, tourists away), quality night life, etc!

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i like your way of thinking muzikchick.

Thanks, Gabe...long time no see.

Lotta good points made. Ok, for the future, obviously we can't prevent criminals from entering the city, however you can take measure to protect yourself.

Try to travel in pairs/groups, stay in well lit areas...and I don't know what to say...don't get too smashed out there...u have to be alert. ....and if you see something say something, scream, shout...whatever, make a scene..... last thing a criminal wants is to draw attention to themselves.

.......................and never get into a limo with two strangers, no matter who they claim to be.:grin3:

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If you're a white, 110 lb., 18 year old girl in a white mini skirt and a black holter top, walking around the west side at 4 AM, you're going to look like an easy victim whether you're from NY, NJ, Miami, or Milan. And the girl didn't hide from the ambulance, she was fvcked up when her friend was arguing with the woman at the NYPD car tow yard, went to the bathroom, then stumbled out and starting walking around aimlessly. Her friend passed out on the floor. Also, the girls didn't go to that area for fun, they went to get a car that got towed...

You can't point a finger of blame anywhere but on the murderer and his fvcked up g/f. This is nothing more than a tragedy... and it makes me sick... an innocent 18 year old girl went out to have fun after graduating HS, like many of us do every weekend... and she fell into the hands of someone with 10 prior arrests and a prior charge for murder. If anything should be learned from this, it's that our legal system is too lenient and gives far too many second (third, fourth, etc.) changes. Criminals don't reform, they get worse.



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Is It Me Or Would This Never Have Happened If She Was Walking Along Say The Upper East Side

its you...the upper east is just as bad as that time of nite..id actually prefer to be in hells kitchen or upper west actually....drunk fratboy assholes pouring out of shitty bullshit fratboy bars ...ugh...im gettin hives thinkin bout it

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