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lmao...a PM from rayray to me...


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Club god

Join Date: Jan 2005

Location: North Jersey

Posts: 1,287 FW: Aight Where u live tuff guy


Dont worry man, You will know my face....Dont care how long it takes me.......You will get what is coming from ya..... Thats its, im done, next time we speak it will be in person.

Be very very very very Afraid

:laugh: :laugh:

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here are the ones he sent me and the one above is his last one...


Club god

Join Date: Jan 2005

Location: North Jersey

Posts: 1,287 Aight Where u live tuff guy


Let me no, and we will see how cheap my talk is


Club god

Join Date: Jan 2005

Location: North Jersey

Posts: 1,287 Re: Aight Where u live tuff guy



Originally Posted by fkornre


Originally Posted by rayrays69

Let me no, and we will see how cheap my talk is

wow...resorting to using a PM to get to me...you said your gonna find out...do it and come on over...till then sit there fuck your boyfriends ass...

All im asking is for your address!!! Then we will see how cheap my talk is

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okay okay.. for my fan club ;)


Lola, you know this Kid!!!!! DAMN!!!! He is a complete mental case, Im just having fun busting about the Yanks, and sayin go mets!!! And he does that!!!

Damn, def not gonna bother with him no more..

you came in that thread stirring shit up kid.. don't play innocent with me little camper...

we bust balls in sports and sometimes it gets pretty deep with the shit....

and yes, fkornre is my homeslice :love:

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Please leave it, That was uncalled for, and want everyone to see what a complete mental case this kid is

If i feel like deleting it, i'll delete it.. becuz i can.... but ah, no offense - the thread was obviously made for fkornre and you came in there swingin' with the redneck mullet jokes...

BTW, i'm the one buying the nascar tickets... so i guess that explains me too huh?

remember this little quote when you were a kid rayray, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Try it out bro...

Grow a sack if you want to stay in sports... we run a tough crowd.. anything goes.. until i decide to stop it..

......which is never. :laugh:


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:laugh: x 1000

You guys have ur fun in the Sports, and rule the forum with an Iron fist.....But I promise, Fkornre will get his. I am makin it my personal mission to find out alll about him. Soooooo I have no need to talk on sports anymore. We will meet in person, then we will see what he has to say. Hopefully you will be too. Then If I feel like Beating his ass, I wil. U GET ME!!!!!!


please tell me your kidding.. LMFAOO There's no iron fist :laugh:

fkornre will say the same shit right to your face.. its a messageboard.. no one gives a fuck...

its just words man.. relax.. the internet tough guy routine is soooooo CP 5 yrs ago :laugh:

no reason to get all emotional about it... but have fun on your "search" for fkornre.. i hope you find what your looking for :D

good luck

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You guys have ur fun in the Sports, and rule the forum with an Iron fist.....But I promise, Fkornre will get his. I am makin it my personal mission to find out alll about him. Soooooo I have no need to talk on sports anymore. We will meet in person, then we will see what he has to say. Hopefully you will be too. Then If I feel like Beating his ass, I wil. U GET ME!!!!!!


now that is comedy right there...

come on rayray...come and find me...fucking pussy

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