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Question about E

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Ok, my bf got me E, but we weren't sure what is was. A friend told me that is was something called Zoro.......ever hear of it???


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.


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had one about 3 weeks back..

very roller coaster like, up and down and lasted for over 6 hours, wasnt just MDMA in it. pill reports search turned up mostly people who loved it..id say it wasnt bad at all, was very tired the next day...


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Originally posted by vj604:

had one about 3 weeks back..

very roller coaster like, up and down and lasted for over 6 hours, wasnt just MDMA in it. pill reports search turned up mostly people who loved it..id say it wasnt bad at all, was very tired the next day...


Tired? I was so out of it. Had the hugest headache and I was up all night bc of it. I was up for 29 hours straight!


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.


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Sat nite I was at Tunnel talkin to this girl, she said she toom one too. When she told me she said she had taken it like an 1 1/2 ago, but then all of a sudden it hit her, she told me it was pretty good though.

I guess it took a while for it to hit her.





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i know exactly what ur talking about tara!! i took zorros last friday at exit and when i got back home i had the worst headache!! i mean it was soo bad i couldnt even close my eyes, i dont know how long i was up but i know i must of just passed out from the pain of this headache, i was getting really scared that i was losing my mind too cus the music of the club just kepting ringing in my ears.......

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Are you guys sure you didn't get a headache from dehydration? Cause sometimes I'll get a real nasty headache when I don't drink enough water through out the night.

Play safe!



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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I was just tired..not passed out or dead to the world, that only happens after I do some sort of acid....

I also have enver been de hydrated or had headaches from e so i dont know what you are all talking aobut. Ive never thrown up either and ive never passed out from alchol or thrown up from that either...i guess people just react diferently to drugs...

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Guest chinagirl

I took one called z's or zuesus on sat night and it was real good. Are they the same one's that all of you are talking about.

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Yeah~ or MaYbE not.. oh wellz.. I just got my hands on Zorro for tomorrow =) =)

YES it's from a reliable source.... but I really hope it's good! I got them for over 10 of my friends (who worship me now...)

Well I hope they wouldn't get a headache =(

that would be bad but I guess it's worth it if it's a GOOD and hopefully LONG roll~!

I'll tell u if it's good or not Thursday~!


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WoW... I took them yesterday and I'm still feeling it? This pill is not pure E.... my guy friends were tripping like CrAzY~! I only took one and didn't kick in for like 3 hours.. which is weird since it usually takes only about 40 min. tops.. my guy friends took 2 and most puked cause it was SO stong and really upset their stomach. But they luved it since it was "kinda" like shrooms. They were hallucinating and totally "wacked" out. Well it was definately worth the $20 cause it lasted from 8pm-8am... no joke. Some of us were still feeling it after 8am...

This was some sick E... no doubt it had some other stuff in.. ofcourse we gotta expect that smile.gif


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