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how has E changed your life? has it?

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pooh,pooh........your from hoboken i'm right next door edgewater.....we should hang out sometime..i'm not crazy and i hope your not =).. hobok is a nice town..email me @ harmonie_rose@hotmail.com

oh and i've never done e yet i'll probably do it aug. 19 th


"I'm like the lord of a fucken dance....i've got moves"

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Has anyone else noticed their health failing since they starting doing E? I used to NEVER be sick until I took my first pill about a year and a half ago. I only take it once or twice a month, but every time I get a nasty cold about a week later. I'm sure that my new lifestyle of not enough sleep and eating like shit have contributed to my failing health (smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes a day probably isnt helping either)but I just wonder if anyone else noticing their health deteriorating. None of my friends seem to have the same problem, but I'm pretty sure that E breaks down your immune system.

Mentally and Emotionally E has done nothing but good things for me---taught me how to open up and actually care about someone other than myself. But the physical effects I feel just arent worth the 3 hours of good-feelings anymore, you know? I wish it werent like that, or I would do it all the time!

So does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me???

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Has anyone else noticed their health failing since they starting doing E? I used to NEVER be sick until I took my first pill about a year and a half ago. I only take it once or twice a month, but every time I get a nasty cold about a week later. I'm sure that my new lifestyle of not enough sleep and eating like shit have contributed to my failing health (smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes a day probably isnt helping either)but I just wonder if anyone else noticing their health deteriorating. None of my friends seem to have the same problem, but I'm pretty sure that E breaks down your immune system.

Mentally and Emotionally E has done nothing but good things for me---taught me how to open up and actually care about someone other than myself. But the physical effects I feel just arent worth the 3 hours of good-feelings anymore, you know? I wish it werent like that, or I would do it all the time!

So does anyone else have this problem, or is it just me???

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"im 17 and started about 6 months ago. ive dropped roughly 30-40 hits in a four month period." -ibelong2thenight


You should get your own afterschool special!

Do you get my point now.

This kid could be a friggin spokesman for Rudy Guiliani's war on drugs/nightclubs.

Disclaimer: I am in no way saying ecstacy use in itself is wrong. I am however saying that a 17 year old kid who drops 30-40 hits of E (which ISNT a drug?)in four months is a FRIGGIN RETARD.


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"im 17 and started about 6 months ago. ive dropped roughly 30-40 hits in a four month period." -ibelong2thenight


You should get your own afterschool special!

Do you get my point now.

This kid could be a friggin spokesman for Rudy Guiliani's war on drugs/nightclubs.

Disclaimer: I am in no way saying ecstacy use in itself is wrong. I am however saying that a 17 year old kid who drops 30-40 hits of E (which ISNT a drug?)in four months is a FRIGGIN RETARD.


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starcapone, aug. 19th... biggrin.gif i'll be dropping that night too. i'll be taking my MCATs all day and when that is over with... well, i'm going to celebrate.

just remember, hydrate yourself but don't drink more than 1 pint of water every hour.

btw, lordgalactus were you asking a question? if so here is an answer.

MDMA is sometimes classified as a psychedelic amphetamine with its' chemical cousins MDEA and MDE even though it has no amphetamine in it. so technically, MDMA should stand on a class of its own. i guess the reason it is grouped together is because they all give amphetamine like effects. though MDEA (and MDE i believe) has some of ecstasy's (MDMA's) euphoric effects, it has less of its communicative and empathic qualities.

[This message has been edited by libyagirl (edited 08-07-2000).]

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trk, from what i know, taking e does not break down your immune system but it does weaken it. there is a difference.

the chemical can be harsh on your body, your liver specifically, since it is working to flush the chemical out of your system. also, since e makes your body less aware of pain and exhaustion you end up pushing your body beyond its normal limits without realizing it. the combination stresses your body and weakens your immune system and you can be more prone to catching colds. (but more research needs to be done on stress and it's effects on illness.) my suggestion is to drop less frequently if you are noticing these effects because definitely your body is trying to tell you something.

this knowledge is based on my own research off of web sites and the few books published out there. if i'm making incorrect statements, anyone, please feel free to correct me.

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trk, from what i know, taking e does not break down your immune system but it does weaken it. there is a difference.

the chemical can be harsh on your body, your liver specifically, since it is working to flush the chemical out of your system. also, since e makes your body less aware of pain and exhaustion you end up pushing your body beyond its normal limits without realizing it. the combination stresses your body and weakens your immune system and you can be more prone to catching colds. (but more research needs to be done on stress and it's effects on illness.) my suggestion is to drop less frequently if you are noticing these effects because definitely your body is trying to tell you something.

this knowledge is based on my own research off of web sites and the few books published out there. if i'm making incorrect statements, anyone, please feel free to correct me.

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the point, as i see it, is that some

make it seems club/e scene is the focus of

their lives and they tend to judge everything

arond them from that perspective, which is

narrow minded in itself. they opened up in oneway

but shut their eyes in another. It is adelicate balance between a normal life outside the scene and within.

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there are so many things here that i have to disagree with...ok first "justforthemusic" guy if u can get a high out of life well thats fine for u but u cant say that other peoples lives were just boring thats why they did drugs, maybe things u find exciting are mundane and boring to the rest of us, whatever the case i guarantee if u ever did e u would completely change ur mind, that brings me to the next point, how can all of u refer to e as "just another drug?" when was the last time weed,coke,k,acid or anything else for that matter make u feel anything close to E? or give u the open mindedness that E gives? i dont think E clouds ur brain i believe it makes u love life more, yes it must be done in moderation but its not just another drug, ive been into it for about three years now and i know that it has made me a more confident and open minded person, how stupid did all the drug commercials u saw when u were a kid look after u started droppin?? i used to take those things seriously now its such a joke, in that same way I'm able to see things differently, definitely not clouded, but clearer, im sure alot of u will disagree with me but i know that I no longer live in the matrix... wink.gif

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i only do E like once every month, if even (but i go clubbing every week to dance to the music baby). i studied biochemistry in college so i'm very cautious about the effects of the drug on my neurons. i'm also being very careful about perserving my "normal" serotonin level.

i can see where just4themusic's strong opinion against drugs come from. too many people are abusing it. but i strongly disagree with his/her statement, "if your life has really changed that much from taking some freakin chemical than you must have had a pretty empty life to begin with" if E is the ONLY thing that gets you going then your life must be pathetic is somewhat of a better statement.

there are certain experiences in people's lives that are extremely significant just because it opens your perspective to a different way of living. like the time i spent 3 months camped out in the middle of the wild bushlands of Africa. that change my life significantly but i definitely would not say it is because i had an empty life before that. the way i see it, my E exploration (in moderation ofcourse) is the chemical equivalent of my africa experience. well, okay, not as wild and crazy. but you get my point.

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I'm reading everyone's arguments from all sides, and find things to agree with in all of them.

I agree that it saddens me (and sometimes yeah annoys me) to see the same people looking glassy eyed EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND...I agree that thinking e has a seriously spiritual impact on your life is usually a neophyte's attitude...

But then I can't be a hypocrite. I've done it and loved it. I've also done it and been bored, disappointed, etc. I think you just sort of grow out of it. Or, let's say, you grow out of the need to CONSTANTLY do it.

I can't sit here and tell people to party clean, because I don't always party clean myself, though usually I do. And yet, I can't claim that telling people to be "moderate" and "party safe" will necessarily save the life of the one person who one time took one pill too many, or the bad pill, or mixed it with something they shouldn't have, or who didn't drink enough water or god knows what else. You take your life into your hands every time you do it. I'm not saying you're LIKELY to die when you do it....but htere IS that chance.

I think what is much more fascinating, and much more elusive, is the drive that makes intelligent people do it, that weird little self-destructive impulse that you can't deny is there. Short attention spans? Pleasure threshhold is too high and can never be met? Think we're never going to die? Dying of boredom? What is it? Just don't give a f&*%k? I've never really known why I started. I can't sit here and say I don'e enjoy it, though it isn't the dazzling experience it once was, and I probably only do it like 2-3 times a year now, with special friends on "special" occasions. I can't say I'll never do it again. i don't even think it's necessary for me to say that.

But I do agree with some people that the overwhelming presence of drugs has harmed, rather than enhanced, the scene.

You see? I've talked myself in a total circle and still don't have any firm conviction on the subject. The scene wouldn't have come into existence without drugs (sorry but it wouldn't) yet the scene may be torn apart or irrevocably changed for the worse by drugs as well.

i guess some might say I'm weak-minded. Well go ahead, whatever floats your boat.

I get too caught up in the pro- and con- of it all.

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Going through my period of complete intoxication with the notion of how wonderful e/k/whatever has changed me in the respect that I now have the sense not to do drugs anymore. I may smoke pot occasionally, but I realized that regardless of how fun it may seem at the present time, its just such a waste. In about the past year I have gained a totally different perspective about going out and the music. I can go out, dance my ass off, be sober, and still have a good time..something I doubt I could have done when I was doing drugs...Also, being a girl, I was usually proffered drugs by male acquaintances..I now realize how much I was disrespecting myself by doing this...But this is all just my opinion! I think that everyone kinda needs to go through a drug phase to learn...

Bottom Heavy


"I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed

And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.

(I think I made you up inside my head.)" --Sylvia Plath

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i think when u first start doing it everythings great and u cant believe that a pill can make u feel so amazing, but after 3 yrs go by as its been for me, i start to realize that the E "hangover" i feel for a couple days after isnt worth those few hrs of "rolling" when i take it. so for now i've decided to take a very long break and see what happens, not to mention all the other mental problems that come along with taking E, like mood swings, being depressed, feeling mentally and pysically drained, just not being ur "true self"

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as far as e hangover goes, if you just eat 100-200 mg of 5-htp after rollin you wont experience it, trust me on this one.

and blue, i'm always funny!

no drug will enlighten you as much as educating yourself will. learn about the substances you do, and you should be alright. unless you're shootin up heron 3 times a day. but if you educated yourself about heron, you'd know never to touch it right...get it?


deez nuts

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Ouch... well I'm sorry just4themusic... and I know I'll get hell for this post too... but that's my personal experience... next time I'll not bother posting and let you all believe that you live in the club world you dream of where people like me don't exist. Ignorance is bliss undoubtedly ... I personally prefer reality... to each his


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Originally posted by libyagirl:

foods that contain higher concentrations of 5-HTP are bananas, pineapple, chicken, turkey and some others that i can't remember. i usually try eating more of these after a roll.

btw, pOOh, i'm glad to see someone out there that has been doing their research like me.

my mind and body are too precious to me not to research the substances i abuse LOL. and i dont fuck with any bad stuff, only pot and e. where ya from libyagirl? libya?


deez nuts

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Originally posted by p00h:

my mind and body are too precious to me not to research the substances i abuse LOL. and i dont fuck with any bad stuff, only pot and e. where ya from libyagirl? libya?

where am i from... that is a good questions. don't really know the answer to that one i must admit. i've lived in all different parts of the world. my stop for now is nyc. love it here.

i did spend alot of my childhood in libya though. my room had a window that rolled out into the mediterranean sea. it was beautiful. biggrin.gif

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foods that contain higher concentrations of 5-HTP are bananas, pineapple, chicken, turkey and some others that i can't remember. i usually try eating more of these after a roll.

btw, pOOh, i'm glad to see someone out there that has been doing their research like me.

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