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A word on glowsticks

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well your right about maybe today, I mean now it turned into a total trend and is all crazy, but like it was apart of the whole underground culture from like way many years back. It may not be the best to do now ( though I don't see why not, it's fun to look at) but we shouldn't shun it away, it's a little part of what made up the whole rave scene from back in the day, I mean don't you agree that it was?


we are the dreamers

we are the music makers

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Guess I'm a retard!! I don't bring them to "show my stuff", Hell, I don't know if I even have any "stuff" to show!! I just like to look at them myself. If anyone doesn't want to see my sticks there are many other things to look at!

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Yo everyone got there own thoughts , if you have nothing nice to say dont say it ok !@!!!!! and for thoes that like glowsticks rave on .. next time i see one of you idiots that dont like glowstickes im going to smack you right in your god dam mouth

!! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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Now you know I have to reply to this one, guys.

Just like what cathyo said, if you don't like em' then don't look at them. I personally think that more than half of the club can't dance and are just taking up space but I'm not going to go up to them and say you suck get off the dance floor. If that's how they move to the groove then so be it. Everyone's style is different . . . to each their own. Who knows, maybe someone else out there think your moves are stupid too CrazyPat.

Let people party the way they want to. It's our god given right!! biggrin.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

[This message has been edited by blueangel (edited 08-04-2000).]

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WHO CARES? i don't care if people bump n grind, glowstick, break, hop around, clap their hands, hit their heads against the wall, as long as they are having a good time. isn't that essentially the point? if you see people havin a good time, why rain on their parade?

if a glowstick hits you in the face, and the person doesn't apologize, alrights, that's another story. biggrin.gif



*turn it around baby*

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if you are looking from above, watching 5000 people dancing, and a lot of them are with glow sticks it's cool

if you are walking through the dance floor and some asshole is swinging them around on a string like nun-chucks and smacks it across your face, and you are so enraged after buying a fake pill, you kick the living shit out of the wanna-be karate master

thats not cool...


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro...

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Originally posted by crazypat13:

THEY ARE FOR RETARDS, KEEP THEM OFF THE DANCE FLOOR. I know you goofballs that practice at home all week are upset that everyone thinks your 'talent' is the most retarted thing since 5.0 mustangs and Iroc Camaros, but lets put them to rest.

i bet you practice what you're gonna post here. prolly took like a week to comeup with that mustang iroc thing. get a fuckin life and stop sweatin people's good times.


deez nuts

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kitty - i agree with you . . .

besides - explain to me how someone can bump-n-grind to someone like PVD??? I see people doing this all the time at twilo and want to fall on the floor laughing . . . please, talk about retards???? rolleyes.gif



KITTY - and by the way, i go to UMass Amherst - we're like next door neighbors. biggrin.gif we're def. hanging out!!!!


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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all u people that use glosticks, keep it up! ever since i got into the club scene about 2 years ago i thought it was cool to look at, especially when rolling... so i had to try it myself and now i rarely go out without them. i can understand people that get annoyed when theres a million people on the dancefloor and some idiot is trying to swing them around on strings and they hit u in the head, so thats another story. but everyone has a right to party however they want, and if they wanna add some color to it, then who r u to say they cant? but just a note to the string swingin people... wait till u have enough open space to start swingin those things around.

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I have a gripe with prop dancers. This includes, well, anything.

Instead of jsut repeating your "routine" over and over, how about feeling the music more? There is more ot the music than jsut hte beat and some of you keep doing the smae routine during a break!

Have some creativity. I bert you'll have more fun. May not looik as fluid at first, but hey, work it out.

I jsut think its funny seeing the sme animations over and over again when the msuci has obviously changed.

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I need mah glowstix and photon lights! If I go out, by some chance, without them I go through "withdrawl symptoms". Glowstix dancing is a WAY of dancing...its amazing when you can feel every muscle in your body moving in sync to the music, and you're able to turn that into a visual experience with glowstix/lights.

Rave on!

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Glowsticks......are just a tool. It doesn't bother me, unless you are slapping me upside my head with them......EXCEPT FOR THAT POGO-STICK JEANS-SHORTS wearing kangaroo at Twilo who has 12,00 glow thingies hanging off him every Saturday. Can we please put him in a cage?

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wow... people really have strong opinions about glowsticks... here i naively thought everyone was just out to have a good time.

there are those that are awesome dancers and there are those that you just want to laugh at (i admit, i'm no angel. i do my fair share of snickering). but at the end of the day, natural born dancers or not, with or without glowsticks, who cares as long as people are out there enjoying the vibes and music.

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Stupid people with glowsticks are annoying. Stupid people without glowsticks are annoying. I like to pick up glowsticks once or twice a night and find that, when done right, they help feel and anticipate the music and DJ'ing. They remind me of when I first started going out. The problem is 90% of the people playing with them have no idea what they're doing. Be happy they have them. Otherwise they'd be bumping into you with some stupid dance step or they'd be one of those idiots standing on the dancefloor taking up space.

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its all fun and glow til someones loses an eye..or tooth!!..if your gonna take whatever small amount of space is left on an overly crowded dance floor to throw around your glow stix, make it all worth our while...PEACE!!

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I don't see anything wrong with glowsticks. People who are good at them have a lot of talent. They enjoy it just as much as dancing. It's the people who attach them to 5 foot strings that piss me off. There is no need for that. There isn't enough room on the dancefloor for the 1000's of people in there let alone some kid waving his glowsticks around on a string. Gimme a break

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Hey I'm not a big fan of the glowsticks, but if that is how you get down thats cool.....but if I get hit again in the face with one of those glowsticks on the long strings......I might have to choke the bastard eek.gif Have a nice day!

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hello my name is alamo and i am one of those "idiots" with the strings, but i wait till afterhours comes while many are gone. for me its just aonther form of dancing which also many get a kick out of. and yes some stringers try to push there way in when the club is packed and knock some poor clubber sensless =( thats down right wrong. leave it for afterhours!! =)

exit afterhours baby!!!!!!!!




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