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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

wow 7 Yrs as a clubplanet member

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wow jus looking at cp and i realized its been 7 yrs at club planet. i remember when this site had a few members and now u cant drive down a street in NYC without seeing a banner. also this site helped me really launch my DJ career world wide!!! wow i can remember the nights commin home from tunnel and goin to the comp to check the cp club reviews. what a great archive of good times!!! jus wanted to thank Dave n the cp people !!! have many more yrs of clubplanet,


Anthony Nero

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same here, i was actually a member in 98' under the name shy76 but changed it 2000. this board is beyond dead now though and has been for a few yrs. when it was hot 5-6yrs ago it was great for drama,music insight and annoying promoters.

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Clubplanet did used to be alot. Back in the day of meet ups, and when clubplanet would have a booth at alot of clubs. Back when there was a sex, and drug board. Back when anyone could type anything and it would be ok. Now almost everyone gets ripped on for discussing their thoughts and or opinions. Its all drama now, I think thats the issue. It seems most new members leave after just a few posts, o well. I got 6 years, and will probably still be here after another 6.

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Yeah, everything went down hill after the drug and sex boards disappearred--although London was happening for a while lol. People don't even post jokes in humor anymore. New York and sometimes Music are all that's worth reading now.

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i was a member under a diff name too, but man i had goodtimes. i remember when we were at roxy for the sexy party and always had meet ups n shit was alot of fun to see the people who u would have drama with outside of the website. sandman i think we had a few arguments lol all in good fun though... anyway things in the scene have changed so i guess the boards have too. anyway jus wanted to say thanks and were did the time go from i think my first post abt the tunnel in 96. wow

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damn...cant believe its really been that long. feel like an old man or somethin. i dont know how the scene is now since i moved away but it really has turned into a bash, bash elitest colony here. so sad that it isnt like it was with everyone just goin out and chillin, havin a good time listening to some music and posting reviews, telling about how great a time they had instead of being ripped on for going to the party

oh well, never made me leave before. i just rarely have time to post now

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dude its seven years for me too! i cant beleive it. makes me feel old at the age of 24. i still remember when people knew each other, and we used to have meetups. remember meetups! or pregames where wed get shit faced, and find out who was pillin that night. the best nights were when there was crazy meetups and then wed plan party hoppin. i remember back in high school people thought i was crazy going out everyweekend. then the big thing was exit. lets go to exit! i was like f that im going to sound factory then limelight. this was back when it was cool to use glowsticks. back when tony draper wasnt a name that would make you look like a dork. back when people actually chilled with johnny viscious before a party. back when people went to body and sould in vinyl on greek easter! i remember tellin my friend about cp back then he was like whatever a mesage board thats gay. i was like bro i can go to anyparty in the city and run into people i know. its a community. sure enough we went to one party, i knew a bunch of people and he felt weird. we left and hit up two more parties and at both i ran into people i knew. if i knew cp would blow up like this i would have invested money in it or something. i reemmber dgmodel and atomic apples, and clubkat, and mugwumps, bigpoppanils, sexybabyd, echostar who had some other name, my boy hitokiri, glowgirl clubkat, and ghhhoost. some how i think the old cp people will seem old now...we should get free cp rocking chairs so we can rock on em and say i remember cp when it was orange...thats right orange! and we got free stuff from cotton candy dreams, and had sexy at the roxy cards and it was a badass party and we all had fun...and then we graduated college and got jobs...and so did cp. sigh...happy new year

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Wtf happened to this site? I just noticed the color changed to blue green. It looks disgusting.

i think u can change it back to the old if u like that one better....

that really long post below is good, i like what u said about ur memories of those days tonythelover, wasn't around then but u painted a good picture

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tony what up kid johnny how u living wow whats up cats, u remember the tunnel n roxy meet up with me n vicious... i cant believe u remember all those cats screename names. john were did u move to, i moved around too, to dallas cali and was in hawaii for abit. im back home now and at pacha once amonth we should do a cp meet up like ol times... and yes the green blows i like the ol orange wtf. anyway ya man 7 yrs on cp if u search nero u cann look at the old posts from like 98- now see the reviews and some drama, sandman i think u n i got in it awhile ago lol, almost brings a tear haha

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tony what up kid johnny how u living wow whats up cats, u remember the tunnel n roxy meet up with me n vicious... i cant believe u remember all those cats screename names. john were did u move to, i moved around too, to dallas cali and was in hawaii for abit. im back home now and at pacha once amonth we should do a cp meet up like ol times... and yes the green blows i like the ol orange wtf. anyway ya man 7 yrs on cp if u search nero u cann look at the old posts from like 98- now see the reviews and some drama, sandman i think u n i got in it awhile ago lol, almost brings a tear haha

san diego chillin bro.....fuckin love it out here and cant see myself leavin. compare it to australia....same weather and beaches only hotter women.

imagine a meetup for the old skoolers? we'd be talking about which housing communities we're gonna retire to and shit ahhaha. we're gettin to be old foggies....cant be late teens/early twenties forever

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tony what up kid johnny how u living wow whats up cats, u remember the tunnel n roxy meet up with me n vicious... i cant believe u remember all those cats screename names. john were did u move to, i moved around too, to dallas cali and was in hawaii for abit. im back home now and at pacha once amonth we should do a cp meet up like ol times... and yes the green blows i like the ol orange wtf. anyway ya man 7 yrs on cp if u search nero u cann look at the old posts from like 98- now see the reviews and some drama, sandman i think u n i got in it awhile ago lol, almost brings a tear haha

Hm, I think I met you at the Roxy once when you were playing. That place was fun :)

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im totally down for an oldschool meetup...pacha is nice. it would be cool to see old school peeps there. i ran into bigpoppanils there for carl cox.it was awwkward cuz i forgot his real name lol. but yeah we should get drinks before hand. maybe cp can hookus up with some free stuff since were old skool and they are blowing up haha.cmon let me get a t-shirt or somethign. i remember the roxy stage crew t-shirts. everyone was like ew thats gay, but the same people were screaming and trying to catch them when sexybabyd was throwin them off the stage haha.

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