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Vibe / Victor

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I thought someone would have posted something about this already but I guess not....anyways i thought Vibe was ridic, much better than last time i saw him at pacha in june. I only stayed for Victor for 2 1/2 hours but was still good as always.

studio mezmore, or "studio" looks better imo although it does take some getting used to... way crowded last night too.

all in all a great time

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I thought someone would have posted something about this already but I guess not....anyways i thought Vibe was ridic, much better than last time i saw him at pacha in june. I only stayed for Victor for 2 1/2 hours but was still good as always.

studio mezmore, or "studio" looks better imo although it does take some getting used to... way crowded last night too.

all in all a great time

Vibe was great but that place is still a shit hole. GROSSSS!

People in there were disgusting....

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vibe sure sounded good to me. kept me dancing from midnight til at least 430. I thought that was a much better vibe at crobar/mezmor than ive felt in there for a year or more. yes it was wildly crowded espec after 3 or 4 but the energy was excellent & it wasnt as uncomfortable as pacha gets when its really crowded. i like the renovations i noticed. what time did vic start? i thought vibe played a great mix of songs but after 4 am he got somewhat monotonous with a hard closing part of his set. but the earlier 4 hours were great, some good melodies & some very modern trippy songs. vibe's set was 1 of the better ones ive heard since the autumn along with lawler at crobar, cox at pacha & derrick carter at duvet

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yeah i had alot of fun at this party as well vibe was awesome i thought and vic played an alright set didnt know where he was going with he would play a few good songs and then play a shitty one.the place looks bigger now that they removed some of the walls up by the bathroom. word on the street is they switched up the management and kept some of the bouncers. one of them got fired on the spot tho lastnight. nice seeing everyone that was out peace!

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They change the hip hop room by adding padded bench seats lined up and opend up the place. The main room the soundsystem is better then before. I think they shouldve added three or four big plasma screen hanging from the main floor dance. The lighting was improved but they should add laser light show like pacha. THe placed was packed after 4am and it stayed packed till 12 noon. Lots of hot women by 5am hip hop room was dead. The only thing is the place smell bad and long coat check line and the mens bathroom smelled.Studio grand opening they made there money fri and sat. Leaving studio at 12 noon drove by pacha it was was dead and closed by noon.

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i thought victor played a great set, he dropped Nelly Furtado's Say It Right, twice but at 12:00 the house lights came on and victor got on the mic and said the party had to end. i can't believe the party ended like that with a packed club. the coat check line was a mess on the way out. if you know you're going to be closing the club at a certain time and see that the club is full you think they would of had the common sense to try and organize the coat check before they make everyone leave. it was a bad way to start off a supposed new club.

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for whoever said the place looks much different and is going to take some time to get use to must have been on better drugs than I was...place looks pretty much the same but with more room.

i said that - and i was sober - i just meant that the set up is a little bit different, after a night i guess you are used to it....

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY again to Danihawk...nice to finally put a face to the screen name. You DEF ripped it siiiiiiiiick!!!! :bounce:

thanks, same to you. I had no idea you could rip it so sick on the dancefloor, it looks like Da Bull and the Mask finally have some competition.

The only differences I saw were the new seats and lack of reeds in the reed room, the different seating and flat screens in the balcony and a better sound system. Same people working there, same crowd. I'm not complaining b/c I have always been a big Crobar fan, but don't go expecting anything different.

From what I remember Vibe was great and Calderone was boring...I've never heard him play a set I didn't like before, but he just never really got going. I left around 10m so maybe it got better after that.

Thank you SO much to everyone that wished me a happy b-day...nmn, silverbull, jessynergy, drewminati, arg, bella and any other CPers I am forgetting at the moment :)

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