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Do your Parents know????

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My older sister (first born) is a real straight narrow. Hmmm . . . I guess I shouldn't say that cause she has tried weed before, but she's almost a real straight narrow. I'm the second born. I, TOO, have TWO tattoos that my family STILL til this day do not know about. Oh well. wink.gif



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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BlueAngel, and Kittie19:

I'm w/ you two on the asian thing, being 1/2 Filipino and 1/2 Chinese, my family brought me up in a very strict upbringing. Mother ended up really getting suspicious when the closing of the Tunnel back in 1996 hit the news, bc she knew that I frequented the place every weekend religiously. I blame the mayor for letting out that secret of me. However, I remain to be an angel to most of my family....LOL...

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my mom has always been mad cool.when i was 15-16 smoking mad weed,she would give me visine and cover for me so my old man wouldnt yell.as for e and shit they have to know.come walking in the house eyes all big.if they asked me i would be straight up with them,cause they're always that way with me.plus my aunts and uncles tell me what my parents did in the 70's.they had a couple of mind-altering expeirences themselves


music...makes the people....come together

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I guess my parents know about me doin E, b/c whenever there's a special on 20/20 or something, they ALWAYS call me in and are like,"look, you should listen to this".

A while back my mom asked me if i ever did E and I told her yeah. As for my dad i know he thinks I do it!! But know since I'm older, they don't make a big deal about it cause they know there really isn't anything they can do about it now.So thats really good! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif






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Man hell NO !!! Ma mama would beat me like a red headed step child if she ever found out what I do/have done in my life.

Shit some nights I scare myself with some of the dumbass shit that I have done. Has that ever happened to u guys ? U do something impulsive and then freak out later because u realize just how stupid/dangerous it was ?


Why ?

cause "Vinyl is the Answer"

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My parents know I smoke trees and drink and shit like that, but they know I stopped smoking recently because of lung problems. They found a note I wrote once to my friend talking about "taking my second pill" and so that's how they found out I have done E. They proceeded to do mad research on it and now know like everything about it. They know that mad heads are rolling at the clubs and everytime I go my parents tell me not to do drugs there, but I'm not sure if they think I roll or if they think I did it just a couple of times. I hope they don't know but they're not stupid. They can't stop me or prove anything unless something bad was to happen, like od-ing or something...they're mad cool in general though. Aww, I love my parents. They're only half-rule about coming home late is that my mom wants me to be home (if possible) before she gets up.


"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake"

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I have this great relationship with my parents, kind of like a don't ask don't tell thing. They know I drink and get stoned, but have never questioned me about anything else. I tell my parents what I did every weekend (drugs excluded) and what time I got home, if they ask. As long as they see me in control of my life they give me complete and total freedom.

If they were to ask about drugs I would tell them. And being the kind of people they are, they would say that what I was doing was bad but ultimately my decision to make. They understand the more you try to hold a kid back the more likely they are to rebell further. They were true hippies in their day and totally amazing people.


*************************I have to thank god for the music.


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My mum doesn't know officially, but it's not rocket science....she knows I go out all nite to night clubs, and sometimes I give her a call ont he way home for a chat, @ 8 or 9am....it's quite funny I might be peaking or tweaking off my tits and she always asks if I'm drunk wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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hehe...i find this topic so interesting!!

OK...well my parents both smoke ( i am dead set against smoking, for myself) and drink, almost every night but ya know my daddy is italian so wine for dinner is a must!! They go out with their friends and come home drunk sometimes and its so funny!! In fact times like that make me wish i could roll with them...in fact its like i would LOVE to roll with them!!

Well, they are the type that in Highschool knew i drank and would let me have parties, where they would take orders as far as what people wanted and they would buy it and pay for it...as long as everyone slept over!!! They are sooo cool like that!!

But...if they ever found out that I do E ( in moderation, i am very responsible with it, like i really am) they woukd throw me out of my house !!! I am an only child, i am my parents pride and joy, and they know i like to party, i actually think it makes my mom proud!! I tell them that I go to clubs, I tell them I come home late, ort shall i say early!! But about the drugs...well my mom reads and watches everything on tv or in books/magazines about any type of drug and she tells me about it!!

I come home telling her how much fun i have had and then i go into bed and i do not wake up till that night...she doesn't realize its from anything besides dancing!! But...its kind of funny...when i went to college ( my 1st year)i thought it would be cool to be honest with my mom i thought she would laugh!! So i told her about how on halloween my friends and i took a trip to tunnel (i didn't say i was on e)and some of them left and only me and vicki stayed... and then around 8 am we left and palyed a joke on my friends who left...me and vicki lost our money so we called the other girls to get us from hoboken, but we had this cop tell them that we got arrested and needed to be posted bail...the girls were crying and flipping out to the cop for a halfhour and they came to get us, but when they got there they were so pissed thatit was a joke, anyway... it was awesome to watch, i never laughed so hard!! the cop didn't even know we were rolling, he just thought we were drunk!!! ok so i told my mother this and she did not laugh she was soooo upset!!! she wouldn't talk to me for a week!!

then...everything happened with the tunnel and my parents think its a place where the devil lives and they called me and screamed at me...they were like do you do drugs do you go to the tunnel...do you know that the devil himself lives there?? i was laughing and they were like you are never going there again...just bc the news and papers made it seem so bad. So they think every other club is fine though!! Its so weird, they just thik i dance all night and my daddy even said the other night that he is so proud that i do not do drugs!! I felt sooo bad but i know that if i ever had any that they found they would be so disappointed in me that alone would kill me!!! I wish though that i could bring them out so they would see it was cool and so that i could break the stereotypes in their brains!!

When i have kids i want to do e with them when the are grown...i feel like it would bring my family so close!! sorry i rambled!! i am so bored!!

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Being raised by a very religous christian man who also happen to be an ex-marine and a martial art master was NOT BY ANY MEANS EASY!! And being that he be a Korean man was WORSE! My father is no longer with us but his ways are still VERY much alive in my family. So, the answer would be . . . NO. Nobody in my family (i.e. mom and sisters) are aware of what I do and what type of scene I'm into. It's just better that way. No need to cause any commotion. biggrin.gif


blue, i feel your pain. (same exact situation if not worse..) sometimes i think i was adopted..hehe. peace


Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also you're drunk

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my parents know about how late I stay out, and they know that I drink at parties and they think that I drink at clubs but in city clubs how is that possible without fallin asleep at 3:00. I think that they are starting to catch on becuase they have seen all of the reports on clubs & ecstacy and they have asked me a couple of times if I have done it but I always deny it telling them "I don't know where to get that stuff." when in reality I could make one phone call and get anything I want, but so far so good!

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Not in a hundred years!!

My mom would never even think of the fact of me using "drugs". I've been smoking cigarrettes for 6 years now, and she still doesnt know; sure, she's caught a pack or two, but it never really proved anything... (denial 'till the end). I've also smoked weed for maybe 4 or 5 years as well, and i don't think it would even cross her mind... Not to mention E... In no way should you think my mom is stupid or anything like that, its just a matter of good handling of information. People will only know what you allow them to know... The handling of the "Duality of life" in my case has been flawless.

I think that this concept of "Duality" is a part of everybody's life. I have learned to appreciate this, and even master this concept, because to my opinion, there will always be stuff you do that you dont want others to know. Kids who lie to their parents, husbands who cheat on their wives (and viceversa), can all be used as examples. In our case, we go out to have a good time, and we do some stuff that others do not approve of, but at the end of the night, when everything is just fine, no harm done to anyone, we reach peace of mind and we become aware of the TRUE reality. A reality where stereotypes other generations have about the modern world are just THAT, stereotypes and erroneous concepts of the facts of life in the year 2000.

Sometimes people are sooo much better off not knowing certain pieces of information.

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My mom knows I smoke weed and I think she suspects I've done E but whenever she asks I tell her no.

She's not thrilled with knowing about the weed or my not being totally convincing when I deny the E but it hasn't stopped me from curbing my party habits.



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The Crow (The original graphic novel)

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