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Well here is my overview of the sound factory last night. The club it self is a shit hole. If you were to put the lights on in that place you would fucking cry.It's a germ/aids infected drug house. By the end of the night people were throwing up all over the place. It's so fucking hot in there, if you didn't stand by the fans people were sweating all over you. It was so dark in there you can baily see were your going. It's kool to get fuck up and have a awesome time, but I can't understand why people do so much drugs to the point they are walking zombies. That is pretty funny. To do that once in awhile maybe but every week or everyday you have to be a loser with some seroius problems.Here are my final points to share. I seen about 8 people throw up. After awhile you get so use to the smell you don't even notice it. I seen three people get laid right in front of me in the back by the floor downstairs. One chick who was so dope up white trash ugly piece of shit was banging some jamaican loser write in front of us.I will say j peters music was pretty good and the girls in underwear was awesome to. But I won't be back there for awhile so fucking small maybe exit next since it's huge, clean and sometimes the music is real good. What is the story with this new club World, I heard it might be good.......

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I don't care what everyone says about SF. I always have a good time everytime I go there. I have been to Exit 3 times and never plan on going back. Twilo and Vinyl are awesome too, but SF is still my fav.


...aND oN THaT NoTe, LeTS GeT BaCK To THe PRoGRaM... xtc.jpg

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did anyone else see a short little female walking around totally nude. i thought i was just seeing things, but i saw her a couple of times in the nude then a hour later, she had clothes on. she also had a pierced private part. what a little whore this girl was to do that.

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I didn't go, but my girlfriend was there. She told me about the naked girl. While she thought the idea of being naked in factory was pretty nasty, she also suggested that since it was the "underwear" party, perhaps this girl doesn't like to wear underwear and thus took it to the next level by going completely naked.

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Excuse ME to the person who called the naked girl a whore.. She is 1 of MY closest friends.. How can U call her a whore if U dont even know her.. IT was an underwear party and maybe she doesnt wear underwear..

Where U NOT there last year when some FAT Busted Chick walked around naked??? I was and she was nasty but U dont call someone a whore just because she walked around naked!

She was in the company of her friends and WE wouldnt let nothing happen to her!

SO check yourself first Bro before U call someone a Nasty Name~!


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Originally posted by BRIAN1500:

did anyone else see a short little female walking around totally nude. i thought i was just seeing things, but i saw her a couple of times in the nude then a hour later, she had clothes on. she also had a pierced private part. what a little whore this girl was to do that.

good one Brian ...do you happen to know that "little whore" ?? ...I think I do ...haha



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So my friends decided they wanted to hit factory instead of tunnel sat... what a bitch attack i caught... i ended up standing a bunch of my other friends up, and did not want to go to factory AT ALL. couple of comments-

1- surprisingly i didnt see THAT many really fucked up people. maybe it was just me but i saw alot of people dancing and chilling. we left at like 8... thats probably why. however, i saw ALOT of people who in my opinion were past there clubbing prime. (like groups of 35 year olds tripping there asses off) i have no problem with older people clubbing but at least add to the party by having fun not peaking in corners like crackheads.

2- anyone else notice the place was like 70% male if not more? personally, i'm not complaining smile.gif but personally i couldve been spared a few hundred juiceheads. paris was bitching at the door about the lack of girls. some of my guy friends had a rough time getting inside. heard tunnel was a sausage factory too... weiiirrddd.

3- music was decent... not great but good enough to dance too for a couple of solid hours.

4- whoever mentioned the couple fucking... i saw that too.

well i personally never really liked factory but all in all my night wasnt as bad as i expected it to be. ran into some old friends who i havent seen in months so it was fun. i just wish the crowd was more diverse and there were more places to sit and relax... too many people stand around the dancefloor or stairs cause theres nowhere else to go. guess thats all i've got to say. next sat ill hopefully be somewhere else. maybe LL since its getting all these positive reviews...

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First, John, I think you hit the nail on the head.


How can you assume nudity for sexual disfunction. She was naked, not having sex with other people in public. Only an immature, insecure asshole would go so far as insult her like that. Oh, yes I do know her btw. And maybe i'm wrong about you too, but you shoud catch my drift.



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Toniann and VS -

you could see how that would be mistaken for a little bit strange . . . maybe if he's a virgin, hehehehe . . . prolly went home and jerked off thinking about her. smile.gif


As for EXIT - that place is a wasted venue and i refuse to go there ever again. The crowd makes me sick to my stomach, it's TOO packed, and hte music is generally less than good.





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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if you don't like SF then don't go ... please! we don't need your lame raver-asses there anyway ... plenty of kewl peeps there who are dancing - NOT all drugged out!

you guys continue to bash SF when you only go 1 time a year ... good job - just stop going - ok?

and to the asshole who called that naked girl a whore - FUCK OFF!

first - you don't know her ... and who cares - people are expressing themselves in different ways and it was the UNDERWEAR party - it's supposed to be a wild time!

and since when did walking around naked make someone a whore??? i thought this was a club board - a wild board - with a bunch of wild music loving clubbers??? what a joke!

you're prolly the same person who stated a few weeks ago that the clubs are too mainstream and calm and lame these days ... and now you are shocked and outraged and the naked human body! lol

I'll say it again ... don't go to SF - stay away ... please!


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Originally posted by myworldgoddezz:

Excuse ME to the person who called the naked girl a whore.. She is 1 of MY closest friends.. How can U call her a whore if U dont even know her.. IT was an underwear party and maybe she doesnt wear underwear..

Where U NOT there last year when some FAT Busted Chick walked around naked??? I was and she was nasty but U dont call someone a whore just because she walked around naked!

She was in the company of her friends and WE wouldnt let nothing happen to her!

SO check yourself first Bro before U call someone a Nasty Name~!


ToniAnn ~ Way to go! Good choice of words. I didn't expect you guys to answer so fast when I posted the link.

Was good to see you at SF. smile.gif Hope u had a good time.

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Originally posted by ViciousSpinner:

Hey u lil prick fuck. that girl happen to be with me. And u'll never be able to ever get anyone like her. Why don't u keep ur fucking motuh shut or I'll break ur fucking neck if I ever see u u fucking douch bag...


Figures. How did i know that that little tramp was with u? I saw that girl walking around. Next time tell her to spare us, and keep her clothes on. Believe me, i'm not opposed to nudity (there were a couple of chicks upstairs i wish were naked) but some like this chick took it too far.

If u guys were really her friends, u would have told her to keep her clothes on.

I love JP and SF, but sometimes that place is too much.

my 2 1/2 cents

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Y do U people care if she walked around naked.. I think I noticed all the men in that place walk past her, stop and stare like they were 5.. OMG.. Get a life people..

Its the year 2000 GROW THE FUCK UP ALREADY!

I saw Juiceheads in small underwears that didnt fit them, but U dont see ME bashing them with their SMALL PENISES and FAKE ASS MUSCLES!

Stop it already and get over it!

I dont hear anyone bashing the S&M Party and I heard it was 10x Freaker then the Underwear Party!

U people dont like SF then like Rally said DONT GO!


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Yo mama is such a coward. U were at SF, u kow I was there and u didn't come look for me. ur such a punk. I bet u jerked ur lil dick off when u got home after seeing her naked too. All u people bitch about her being naked but do any of u have the balls to do it? I think not... u lil pussies!!!


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