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Fuckin CP.....


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Yeah I remember when I used to run shit around here. Now I'm just running the streets in Europe. It's awesome how bad Euro girls want American guys. I thought it was just a rumour(that's right I spell it with a 'u' now, you silly Americans)or something, but nope. Last week I was in this building just visiting a cousin and while waiting for the elevator this 17 or 18 year old skeez rolled up and started waiting as well. She smelled so good and asked me if I had just moved in and then told me that she just moved in a month ago and blah blah. So anyway I think I'm gonna try and get her pregnant. My junk feels 9 inches deep, which is a full 2/5th of an inch larger than normal, in this place. Everytime I walk in a store they can just tell I'm an American. I always finish my shopping the same way. I roll up to the register, flick her a purple-back(£500 for you boorish Americans)wink and tell her in my best bedroom voice 'here's looking at you, kid' and just stroll the fuck out like the killer that I am.

I'm in between an online poker sesh and watching Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman(so money, btw) so I'll tell you churly Americans my typical day.

Wake up at about 9:30 am and go for a walk downtown to the cafes. They're all condensed and lined up and shit. Which makes it awesome for a player like me to navigate easily and pick my landing destination. So I decide on a spot and me and Christo(my cousin, he's like the Farnsworth to my Diddy i.e holds my umbrella when it rains, flips his jacket over puddles for me to walk over, etc)sit down for a spanakopita and frappe. I sit back and evaluate the situation as a gaggle of floozies all stare like Menudo's in the building.

After this gets boring I tell Christo which who wins first place and have him inform her to meet us at Zook that night. I inform the losers there's always tomorrow. After this I head on over to the kafenio. This is basically an old-school social club where a lot of old Greek guys go to play cards. They're all complete dogshit at cards and I of course run shit. I always offer to never play again at a 50% discount of what I usually win which I think is fair. I'd just stop in everyday for my take. This is usually followed by many threats and American slurs and insults. One guy almost always throw chairs and tables. God, you tell someone you'd like to split their granddaughters' buns and they never forget. Anyway, I usually leave around this time.

It's usually around 3-4 pm by this time. So I go pick up either Goody's or Yummy Yummy for a little lunch and head back home. I'll usually play some COD or fallout3 on PS meh yawn. MLB The Show '09 in stores in a month thank kaballah.

And the day ends typically with an online poker sesh where I'm printing money and clowning fools this month. I'm about +19k for Feb. Toot! (that was my own horn) That figure is actually dogshit but here I live like a fucking Saudi Prince on it.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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