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Bling's Review of Tiesto@Space


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The energy of the dj, the relentless crowd jumping in unision to the best trance beats in the world at the most intense club in Miami coupled with hanging with all you great TA's made it an incredible journey.

I arrived around 10 because I knew it would be insanity. This time around though, the ticket booth outside space was not setup. It took a very long time to get inside. Finally around 11 Space openened.

The little hip hop room was moaning with anticipation as we could hear edgar v throwing down some freakin nasty house music :eek:

Great to see Edgar and Arturo outside around 10 walk in. (Edgar u know ur still my boy despite what u think) LOL !!!!

In the newlely renovated hip hop room bump into Happyface(leo) from CP, TA's Renzo as well as CP's Doug, Maribel and DJ RElik.

Edgar V Set

WE finally are allowed inside and Edgar V tore it up. Incredible set Edgar my mouth was on the floor. I have never heard Edgar play house music like this...... DAmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!

Wish I could name some of them but I really cannot recall at this point...... I had a massive headache all nite which kinda made my nite kinda crappy but oh well :( I deserve it for partyin so hard this past week

I do remember he dropped that charlie solana and ralph falcon track that they played at crobar a few months back though :) He played a lot of vocal house and tribally stuff. Great stuff.

A lot of TA's including myself were saying" OMG Edgar is setting up Tiesto perfectly."

Everyone was going crazy to Edgar, gyrating, swaying, fist pumping. Space was on fire

Tiesto's Set

Tiesto came on really late and I was getting anxious as were we all. Around 2 he took the decks. The first hour and a half he was playing a lot of stuff I never heard and I really couldnt get into his set much but then after the first 90 min....... OMFG I DIED!!!!!!! Flashbacks to his incredible epic set for WMC.

Though this set doesnt top his WMC set in my book it is a very close second. Tiesto is the king of Energy. He is so much fun to watch. During one track i thought he would break the horn as he pulled back with all his might and just leaned back and blew it for like 20 seconds. Everyone flipped out.!!!!!

The crowd was a frenzy when he dropped tracks like Nyana (I died) . He didnt play the typical Tiesto stuff (im sure he did on the bay) stuff like Love comes again, Lethal Industry, or Traffic. It was set full of new stuff. It was awesome. He did play a few older tunes that I havent heard in a longggggggg time. I wish i could ID them but Ill leave that up to the track ID whores of TA and CP..

Great to hang with all you TA's. Great to see Neil, Ryan, Amber(trancebrat) and her brother, Rachel, Miriam (knew you couldnt stay away....) arturo( who didnt stay for tiesto's set ... u missed out ) and Brent (beaman). thanks for the water ...... had a blast hanging with you.... and Happykandy(love u girl. i had a blast dancing with u for so long all over that main room. Damn u looked sexy last nite!!!!!

So funny how many times ryan and neil grabbed me saying OMFG this is the shit........... LOL (crazy mofos)

Also great to see Cper's in the house: Jeffy1 and his lovely girl, Carisa, Leo, Maribel and Doug, REnzo, Grooveeric.

Also great to meet JMT from CJ who introduced me to his friends. (cool as hell guy).

Also big shoutouts to everyone else who came up to me that I met for the first time.

Around halfway through the set I bumped into our very own Buster. And I tell him "damn youve been lost where ya been" (btw buster never talked over tiesto's set damon so u dont have to ask LOL ) Buster said to me "have u ever met tiesto?" I said nope. He took me personally into the dj booth and I got to meet TIESTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the booth I was thanking buster so much even before i talked to tiesto. He said "dont thank me just yet." and then it happened....... I got Tiesto's autograph and shoook his hand. and Thanks to POD a picture... I had chills. I swear the hair on my arms were all standing up OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I DIED X100 (that was the epitome of my club career. nothing can ever top this.)

Tiesto is really tall and actually pretty damn well built up close. He was dancing his ass off in the booth flipping the vinyls into their cases as he put them away next to me. I saw from the booth Carisa, Miriam, and rachel dying as they saw me in their. When i left they were as excited as I was cuz i met him they were huggin me and saying "you lucky sonavabitch " OMG LOL !!!!

Later on that nite, tiesto pointed out rachel with her awesome Verwest 642 shirt and she went in to get a pic with tiesto along with ryan and trancebrat. ( I was by the dj booth door as they left and I was like oh shit all the tas meeting tiesto........ I DIED again)

Tiesto's set ended at 5 or so. earlier becuaase of the impending hurricane im sure. The length of his set was the only thing keeping it from being as good as Magik Muzik nite during WMC. IF it was longer I knew it would be as good.!!!

What a nite!! I will never forget it, thanks to Buster and Pod esp for makin one of my dreams come true.....

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i went to the show in bayfront park, had a great time. yeah, there's tons of freaky little raver kids but i don't give a f*ck, i'll slap the pacifiers outta their mouths. you really can't beat bayfront park as a venue, it's freakin beautiful there. i got there, roland started things out, he was great, cedric kept things going, he tore it the f*ck up, threw down a great set. it was the first time i've seen him spin before, i was very impressed. then tiesto.....he played a few of his more popular tracks, but they were spaced out between some stuff that i haven't heard before. finished things off with adagio for strings.

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Guest nickjunkie

Great atmosphere at Bayfront. I'm not a trance fan at all but just the outdoor setting and the view across the stage to the skyscrapers did it for me, whenever I had a chance to leave the will call and check out the arena.

Great production by Space too - hope Bayfront sees more events before WMC 2005...

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Guest rollyp66

I got there around 5, for those who know me you know I don't deal well with trance anymore but it was ok, than Roly tore up the patio with a little help from Cedric G! It was to say the least AWESOME ;D , The weather was overcast & a great breeze added to the party. Be safe out there tonight with what ever you do because of the storm.

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Guest rollyp66

Cedric and Roly...now that sounds like a fierce tag team. I'd love to see that. ;D

Sorry Rocky I forgot you were on the Decks also!!! But it was FIERCE

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I wasnt planning on going to the Bayfront but i had 4 free tickets(thx 2 the space bday promo) and mr reese :) ...there were young kids there, but it wasnt as bad as i thought really...the whole space employees were working their ass off(thought i was @ space sat night's).

I got there when cedric was on the deck's....i have to say there's nothing like hearing cedric's set in the outdoor...the ppl were going just insane, the stage was setup just perfectly...2 thumbs up for bayfront and cedric's set.

"the energy, the vibe, the people, this is it! he has played all over the world, the way the music tickles ur body..." ok ok sorry i just had to do that lol...

When Tiesto finally got on by 10pm, the crowd just rushed into the arena, thought i was gonna get jumped. When he played Traffic, wow the place went completely insane...every person that was sitiing down on got up on their feet's and were just going off.

i left around 10:45 to go to Amika to see Roland...blew up the place completely...overall great night

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I'm no trancehead, but both events were quite good. The Bayfront event was pretty damn well produced. Hell, LP found a company that utilized a grandMA console even 8)

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Guest klubveteran

Ummm what does that have to do with anything?

you tell 'em POD!

saleen ur an idiot. the energy in there lst night from 330-5am is unmatched by any other dj.

and soooooo ...trance still lives on.... 8) ;D

if u dont think so. its called denial :-\

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Ummm what does that have to do with anything?

you tell 'em POD!

saleen ur an idiot. the energy in there lst night from 330-5am is unmatched by any other dj.

and soooooo ...trance still lives on.... 8) ;D

if u dont think so. its called denial :-\

going to see tiesto as an adult is like buying a dime bag or stealing liquor from your parents..

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Guest macboy

I had a massive headache all nite which kinda made my nite kinda crappy but oh well :( I deserve it for partyin so hard this past week

You deserve it for going out on Yom Kippur you focker!!! :P

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